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Previously on Prison Break
Did you see the guy in the viewing room?
view [vjuː] n. 看法; 观看; v. 观看; 
It was Dad.
I know that guy.
What is it?
It was fused into Michael Scofield's skin.
fuse [fjuːz] n. 保险丝; 导火索; v. (使)融合; (使)熔化;
skin [skɪn] n. 皮; 皮肤
Where'd it come from?
依我看 是狱警制服上的
As far as I can tell, a guard's uniform.
as far as sb can tell 据某人所知
guard [ɡɑːd] n. 卫兵; 警卫;
uniform [ˈjuːnɪfɔːm] n. 制服; 校服
What's wrong?
The blueprints,
blueprint [ˈbluːprɪnt] n. (建筑、机器等的)蓝图
the ones we need to get from the psych ward to the infirmary,
psych [saɪk] v. 用精神分析治疗;
ward [wɔːd] n. 病房; 病室;
infirmary [ɪnˈfɜːməri] n. 医院; 医务室
they're gone.
嘿 看起来不错呵
Hey, that's looking good.
You're making some real progress.
make progress (取得)进展; 前进;
The plaster adds a lot of weight.
plaster [ˈplɑːstə(r)] n. 灰泥; 熟石膏
I may have to add reinforcements.
reinforcement [ˌriːɪnˈfɔːsmənt] n. 巩固,加强,强化
怎样都行 只要能赶上我的婚礼纪念日
Whatever it takes, as long as you get done in time for the anniversary.
whatever it takes 不惜一切代价; 不管怎么样
anniversary [ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri] n. 周年纪念日
in time 及时; 准时; 最终
我会完成的. 拿住这个
It'll be done. Hold this.
你知道 伊朗王十分喜爱泰姬陵
You know, the Shah loved his Taj so much
Shah [ʃɑː] n. 沙(旧时伊朗国王的称号)
taj 泰姬陵; 
that he built another temple just like it on the other side of the river.
temple [ˈtempl] n. 庙宇,寺院,神殿
It was an absolute mirror image.
absolute [ˈæbsəluːt] adj. 完全的; 绝对的; 
image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] n. 形象; 画像; 雕像;
mirror image 镜像; 非常相像的人或物
只是黑了一点 可以说是"黑色泰姬陵"
Except it was darker, it was like a black Taj Mahal.
Taj Mahal 泰姬陵
Never heard of it.
Well, that's 'cause it was never completed.
complete [kəmˈpliːt] v. 完成; 结束;
在他完工之前 他的政权被他最爱的儿子推翻了
He was overthrown by his favorite son before he could finish it.
overthrow [ˌəʊvəˈθrəʊ , ˈəʊvəθrəʊ] v. 推翻; 打倒;
- 听起来像个神话故事似的 - 不 这100%是真的
- Sounds like a myth. - No, it's 100% true.
myth [mɪθ] n. 神话; 虚构的东西;
I think.
打扰一下 狱长 医生要见你
Excuse me, Warden. Dr. Tancredi is here to see you.
warden [ˈwɔːdn] n. 管理人; 监狱长; 
Thank you.
亚当 带斯科菲尔德先生 回牢房去吧
Adams, please escort Mr. Scofield back to his cell.
escort [ˈeskɔːt , ɪˈskɔːt] v. 护卫; 护送
医生 有什么需要我效劳的吗?
Doctor, what can I do for you?
其实是和斯科菲尔德有关的 长官
Uh, actually, it’s about Scofield, sir.
Come in.
What about Scofield?
The burn on his back is fairly serious.
fairly [ˈfeəli] adv. 相当地; 公正地;
He seems to be recovering.
recover [rɪˈkʌvə(r)] v. 康复; 痊愈;
At first, I assumed he was being assaulted by another inmate,
assume [əˈsjuːm] v. 假定; 认为;
assault [əˈsɔːlt] n. 攻击;
inmate [ˈɪnmeɪt] n. 同住者; 犯人;
but I found this embedded in the skin on his back.
embed [ɪmˈbed] v. 嵌入
What's this?
It's fabric.
fabric [ˈfæbrɪk] n. 织物; 布料;
Came from a guard's uniform.
What are you doing?
I'm trying to remember those blueprints,
what we lost to the burn.
没有那部分 我们绝不可能通得过 精神病区的地下管道
Without them, we'll never be able to navigate those pipes beneath psych ward.
navigate [ˈnævɪɡeɪt] v. 导航; 确定(船、飞机、汽车等)的位置和方向;
beneath [bɪˈniːθ] prep. 在(或往)…下面; adv. 在下面; 在底下
be able to 可以; 有能力
- 现在如何? - 不行
- Any luck? - No.
any luck 成功了没有? 顺不顺利?
I spent a lot of time studying those blueprints,
tracing them night after night,
trace [treɪs] v. 查出; 追踪; 追究;
considering every possible route to the infirmary.
route [ruːt] n. 路线; 路途;
这感觉就像是对你10年前学的东西 再来一次测验一样
It's like trying to take a test you studied for 10 years ago.
P. I.
How do they get like that, I got no idea.
我知道 扯过的口袋太多了
I do. Tugging on too many pockets.
tug [tʌɡ] v. 拉,拖,拽;
她扯过你的口袋了? ?
She tug on your pocket?
我爱好交际 但我还是个有底线的人
I may be social, but that's the boundary line even I won't cross.
social [ˈsəʊʃl] adj. 社会的; 交际的;
boundary [ˈbaʊndri] n. 边界; 界限;
怎么样了? 什么时候能行动?
So how about it, Fish? When we rolling out?
roll [rəʊl] n. 卷轴; 小圆面包 v. 滚动;
roll out 开展; 启动; 起床
还差一点 我已经在着手了
One hiccup left, but I'm working on it.
hiccup [ˈhɪkʌp] n. 嗝; 小问题; 暂时性耽搁
work on 花时间修理或改进; 努力提高或完成;
是吗 还差什么?
Yeah, and what is that?
Our road map's a little incomplete at the moment.
incomplete [ˌɪnkəmˈpliːt] adj. 不完整的; 不完全的;
我不明白 为什么不再下去看看?
I don't get it. Why not just go down there again?
因为 第一: 我没有狱警服了
'Cause, one, I don't have the guard's uniform anymore,
就是说我没办法穿过院子 或者说通过精神病院护工那关
which means I can't get across the yard or past the orderly. 
orderly [ˈɔːdəli] adj. 有秩序的; 有条理的; n. (医院的)护工,勤杂工; 勤务兵
第二: 即使我去成了 那里也是一团糟
And two, even if I did, it's a mess down there.
mess [mes] n. 肮脏; 杂乱;
I need this.
You think you're gonna remember it?
Not with you hounding me.
hound [haʊnd] n. 猎犬; v. 追踪; 追逐; 纠缠
收工了 外面要开始大扫除
Time to wrap it up. We're going to have you start exterminating.
wrap [ræp] v. 包,裹; 完成拍摄,停机
wrap up 结束; 包裹起来; 
exterminate [ɪkˈstɜːmɪneɪt] v. 灭绝; 消灭;
We're not done in here.
Well, you look done to me.
没呢 地毯什么的都还没动过
No, CO, we still got the carpet to do, man.
carpet [ˈkɑːpɪt] n. 地毯;
不用了 贝利克会叫专业人员来做
No, Bellick is going to bring professionals in to do that.
professional [prəˈfeʃənl] adj. 职业的; 专业的; n. 专门人员; 
bring in 引进; 采用; 请来;
Wants the job done right.
- 他们什么时候来? - 明天
- When's that going to happen? - Tomorrow.
这下我们惹上大麻烦了 不是吗?
We got a real problem on our hands, don't we?
Rug monkeys gonna come in here,
rug [rʌɡ] n. 小地毯;
掀开地毯 那个洞就会喜迎他们的到来
tear up that carpet and that hole's gonna be smiling up at them.
tear up 撕开; 扯起
- 我们得把它填上 - 我们才刚刚挖好
- We'll have to fill it in. - We just dug that bitch.
bitch [bɪtʃ] n. 母狗; 泼妇; 棘手的事;
All we need is a piece of plywood
plywood [ˈplaɪwʊd] n. 胶合板; 压合板;
and a couple inches of that fast-setting concrete on top of it.
concrete [ˈkɒŋkriːt] adj. 混凝土制的; n. 混凝土
The carpet guys will never know there's anything beneath it.
And the night we break out,
break out 爆发; 逃跑;
we'll just smash through with a sledgehammer.
smash [smæʃ] v. 打碎,打破; 击穿
sledgehammer [ˈsledʒhæmə(r)] n. (有长柄的)大锤
smash through 打破; 打穿
好了 干活吧
Well, okay. Let's get on it.
We've only got a couple hours to get this thing done.
嘿 颓纳 见过艾弗卡托吗?
Hey, Tweener. You met Avocado?
tweener [twi:nər] n. 中间人; 墙头草
avocado [ˌævəˈkɑːdəʊ] n. 油梨,鳄梨(热带水果,皮硬呈深绿色,肉软呈浅绿色,核大)
嘿 别来无恙啊?
Yo, what's up?
what's up 怎么了? 最近怎样?
瞧 她还是个孩子
Look it. She's just a baby. 
lookit [ˈlʊkɪt] v. 看看
Hit road.

Have a seat.
have a seat 坐下
So. . .
Scofield. What's the 911?
911 美国紧急报警电话
没什么 我真不太清楚 我不常和他们呆一块儿
It's 411, and I don't know, man. I ain't up in his car.
411 美国信息查询电话
知道吗 艾弗卡托要找个新狱友
You know, Avocado's looking for a new cellie.
look for 寻找
老大 拜托 我想和他们套近乎
Boss, come on, man, I'm trying to break bread with the man,
come on 加油; 来吧; 得了吧; 别逗了; 到来; 发生; 改进; 偶然遇到; 偶然发现; 快点
break bread with sb 和某人一起吃饭
但我接近不了他们 除非我和他们一块儿干活
but I can't get jack unless I can get to the table.
jack [dʒæk] 在这里是jackshit(一丁点; 丝毫)
You know what I'm saying?
斯科菲尔德在P.I里面说悄悄话 他不需要我
Scofield got his own peeps up in PI. He don't need me. 
peep [piːp] v. 窥视 n. 偷偷一瞥; 说话; 啾啾声;
How long this stuff take to dry?
stuff [stʌf] n. 东西,物品,玩意儿
一 二个小时
One, two hours.
Fire on the line.
这地方好啊 我听说这里要装卫星电视
This place is sweet. I heard we're getting satellite.
可以看很多A片了 老大
Yeah, all the porn you can watch, boss.
porn [pɔːn] n. 同 pornography; 淫秽作品; 色情书刊(或音像制品等)
不错 不错
Good, good.
You know, you girls have done such a good job,
I thought you could use an extra pair of hands on the crew.
extra [ˈekstrə] adj. 额外的
crew [kruː] n. 全体工作人员; 
could use 需要; 想要; 可以使用
你们好啊? !
What's up?
嘿 伙计们 看我这把刷子 都粘在一块儿了
Hey, man, look at my brush. It's all sticking together.
Somebody needs to go clean them out.
clean out 彻底清理;
论资格 应该是 你了
According to rank, that would be, uh, be you.
accord [əˈkɔːd] n. 协议; 条约 v. 给予; (与…)一致,符合
rank [ræŋk] n. 地位
according to 根据; 按照
What do I gotta do?
院子里的棚旁边有水管 你用那个吧
There's a hose out by the shed in the yard. You can use that. 
hose [həʊz] n. 橡皮管,塑料管
shed [ʃed] n. 简易房,棚
Clean those, too.
All right.
Sorry I busted up the party, yo.
bust [bʌst] v. 打破; 
bust up 毁坏; 吵翻, 分手
Who is he?
For your purposes, all you need to know
purpose [ˈpɜːpəs] n. 意图; 目的; 有价值的意义
for one's purposes 对某人来说
照片中的这家伙曾经也为这家公司卖力 后来变得吊儿郎当
is that man in the photo used to work for the Company. He went rogue.
rogue [rəʊɡ] n. 无赖; 流氓 adj. 离群的; 
go rogue 行为不稳定或危险,尤其指无视规则
And how's he involved in this situation?
involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 包含; 牵涉; 
situation [ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn] n. 情况; 局面; 
He's Burrows' father.
等 等 等
Wait, wait, wait.
You picked the son of a Company man to be our patsy?
patsy [ˈpætsi] n. 容易成为替罪羊者
Did the Company know?
公司知道 就这些
The Company did know. That was the whole point.
How about you elaborate on that?
elaborate [ɪˈlæbərət , ɪˈlæbəreɪt] v. 详尽阐述;
How about you stop with all the questions?
你是个挺不错的保镖 就这样
You are a glorified bodyguard, that's it.
glorified [ˈɡlɔːrɪfaɪd] adj. 吹捧的; 美化的; 光荣的
bodyguard [ˈbɒdiɡɑːd] n. 保镖,警卫(队)
你的工作是被人看到 而不是被人听到 明白了吗?
Your job's to be seen, not to be heard. Is that understood?
- 好了吗? - 哦 差不多快好了
- How close are we? - Oh, we're good to go, baby.
be good to go 准备好了;
- 又有人来了 - 这是怎么了 狂欢派队?
- Got another badge. - What is this, happy hour?
badge [bædʒ] n. 徽章; 警徽
happy hour 欢乐时光(酒吧的减价时段)
斯科菲尔德? 狱长要见你
Scofield? Pope wants to see you.
其他人集合 这里到此为止
The rest of you round up, you're done in here.
round up 收集; 使聚集; 抓捕
嘿 帕特森狱警说我们要干到天黑
Hey, CO Patterson said we had till the end of the day to finish up.
finish up 结束
And I say you're done.
太阳下山前 院子里的有些活你们必须完成
There's a couple hours of work I want done in the yard before sundown.
sundown [ˈsʌndaʊn] n. 日落时分
快 行动
Come on, let's go.
- 我们死定了 - 还没有
- We're dead. - We're not.
- 我会搞定的 - 今晚必须弄好
- I'll get it done. - It's gotta be done tonight.
I said I'll get it done.
斯科菲尔德 监狱长在等你
Scofield, Pope's waiting.
嘿 林肯
Hey, Linc.
You going to let me out?
不 林肯 我是来告诉你 他们又定了日期
No, Linc, just came to let you know they set a new date.
DOC refiled all the paperwork.
paperwork [ˈpeɪpəwɜːk] n. 文书工作;
Execution's a week from Friday at midnight.
execution [ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃn] n. 处决; 执行;
You going to let me out in the yard or what?
除非狱长下命令 否则我没这个权力 抱歉
Unless I hear it from the Pope himself, I can't do it. I'm sorry.
hear from 收到…的信,得到…的消息
拜托了 老兄 就10分钟 我只要求10分钟
Come on, man, 10 minutes. That's all I'm asking. Ten minutes.
I'm sorry.
Some guy just walks into the courtroom,
courtroom [ˈkɔːtruːm] n. 法庭; 审判室
扔下一些医学纪录 林肯就获得了缓期执行
drops off some medical records, Lincoln gets a stay of execution,
medical [ˈmedɪkl] adj. 伤病的; 疾病的; 医疗的;
stay of execution 延期执行死刑
then "poof, " he disappears into the cold.
poof [pʊf] int. (描述事物突然消失)嗖的一声,刺溜一下
你觉得可能是谁 某个狂热的死刑反对分子?
Who do you think it could be, some anti-death penalty fanatic?
penalty [ˈpenəlti] n. 惩罚; 刑罚;
fanatic [fəˈnætɪk] n. 入迷者; 极端分子; 狂热信徒
别傻了 这不可能
Oh, come on, in this case, I doubt it.
没有名字 也没有文档 我们根本无从查起
But without a name or a paper trail, we got no way of getting to him.
trail [treɪl] n. (长串的)痕迹,踪迹
paper trail 记录某人活动的档案
So once again we have nothing.
能得到两个礼拜的缓期 不能说是一无所获吧?
I wouldn't exactly call a two-week stay nothing, okay?
It's more than we had yesterday.
Can I ask you a question?
你是否真的认为 我们能查个水落石出?
Do you really think that you're going to get to the bottom of this?
get to the bottom of sth 找出某事的真正原因或原因
That they'll let you get to the bottom of this?
These guys don't exist.
你用法律对付他们 他们会反过来用它来对付你
You go after them with the law, and they'll just use it against you.
go after 惩罚; 抓住;
我们尽最大的努力 好吗?
We're doing the best we can, okay?
法律是将他们绳之以法的唯一手段 LJ
Law's the only way we're going to bring them to justice, LJ.
justice [ˈdʒʌstɪs] n. 公正; 审判
They gunned my mother down, man.
gun [ɡʌn] n. 枪; 炮; 
gun down 枪杀
You think I give a damn about justice? 
give a damn 非常关心
我要他们死 以其人之道还其人之身
I want them. I wanna do to them what they did to me.
行了 LJ
Come on, LJ.
这是由法院决定的 不是我们
It's for the courts to decide, not us.
court [kɔːt] n. 法院; 
听着 他们总会有疏忽的时候
Look, they're going to slip up, okay?
slip [slɪp] v. 滑倒;
slip up 出现疏漏
They're going to leave a piece of evidence that can't be refuted.
evidence [ˈevɪdəns] n. 根据; 证明; 证据;
refute [rɪˈfjuːt] v. 反驳; 否认
And we're going to be waiting to nail them when they do.
nail [neɪl] n. 指甲; 钉子; vt. 钉牢; 抓获并证明有罪; 抓住;
Maybe they already slipped up.
小屋边 井里面
Up at the cabin, at the well.
cabin [ˈkæbɪn] n. 小屋,小棚屋
Somebody covered it up.
cover up 盖上; 多穿衣服; 隐瞒
They must have come and gotten him.
There's only one way to find out.
find out 发现; 查明; 找出
看 他的手机
Look, there's his cell phone.
好 再低一点 再低一点
Okay, a little lower!
好 我拿到了
Okay, I got it.
You okay?
是的 我没事
Yeah, I'm fine.
Pull me up.
我想和他单独谈谈 加里?
Would you give us a minute, Gary?
give sb a minute 给某人一点时间
迈克尔 我要你绝对诚实
Michael, I want you to be absolutely honest with me.
absolutely [ˈæbsəluːtli] adv. 绝对地,完全地;
唐克雷蒂医生发现 这东西嵌在你的皮肤里面
Dr. Tancredi found this embedded in your flesh when she was treating you.
flesh [fleʃ] n. 肉; (人体的)皮肤;
显然 这是狱警制服上面的
Apparently, it came from a guard's uniform.
apparently [əˈpærəntli] adv. 据…所知; 看来; 显然
Have you been assaulted by an officer?
officer [ˈɒfɪsə(r)] n. 军官; 警察的头衔
迈克尔 迈克尔 我要你回答
Michael, Michael, I need an answer.
This is not about sticking to the inmates' code anymore.
这是一个警卫的行为检点问题 是我的责任
This is about officer misconduct. That's my responsibility.
misconduct [ˌmɪsˈkɒndʌkt] n. 失职; 行为不端;
responsibility [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti] n. 责任; 负责
你不想看到我丢饭碗 不是吗?
You wouldn't want to see me lose my job now, would you?
不 当然不想
No, of course not. 
You have been very good to me and my brother.
那我得知道你怎么会被烫伤的 现在
Then I need to know where you got that burn. Right now.
否则 你将被单独禁闭 明白吗?
Otherwise, your ass is going to solitary. You understand?
otherwise [ˈʌðəwaɪz] adv. 否则; 不然;
ass [æs] n. 蠢人; 屁股;
solitary [ˈsɒlətri] adj. 独自的; 单个的; 
It's your choice.
- 听我说 - 冷静点!
- Don't. . . Hey, please, listen to me. - Cool down!
cool down (使)冷却; (使)降温; (使)冷静; (使)镇定
听我说 别这么做! 别这么做!
Listen to me, don't do this! Don't do this!
迈克尔? 迈克尔?
Michael? Michael?
What the hell are you doing in here?
林肯 我们惹上大麻烦了
Linc, we're in a lot of trouble now.
What happened?
狱长问了我些问题 我很难回答
The Pope asked some questions that I couldn't answer.
About what?
他有证据证明 我出现在我不应该出现的地方
He's got proof that I was where I wasn't supposed to be.
proof [pruːf] n. 证据; 证明;
He doesn't know it,
but sooner or later he's going to put the whole thing together.
put together 组装; 考虑并得出结论; 
There's no way out of this.
不 有办法的 你一定要有信念
Yeah, there is. You just got to keep the faith.
faith [feɪθ] n. 信任; 信念; 信仰; 相信; 信心; 宗教信仰; (某一)宗教

我倾注了所有心血 结果却功亏一篑
I put my blood into this, and it's coming apart.
apart [əˈpɑːt] adv. 分离; 成碎片
come apart 破碎
Listen to me.
The whole point of solitary is to break you, make you crazy.
你必须学会坚强 听到了吗?
You got to keep strong, you hear me?
Don't let them break you.
I put my blood into this.
宝贝 很抱歉我现在才联系你
Look, baby, I'm so sorry it took me so long to get back to you.
get back to sb 再联系某人
Turns out that our division is not getting mobilized for a couple more days.
division [dɪˈvɪʒn] n. 分开; 部门; 级; 师;
mobilize [ˈməʊbəlaɪz] v. 动员; 调动;
turn out 原来是; 结果是;
收不到你的消息 我真的不知所措
When I didn't hear from you, I didn't know what to think, baby.
我好担心 不停的看新闻 注意伤亡人员的名单
I got so worried. I started watching the news, looking for casualties.
casualty [ˈkæʒuəlti] n. 伤员,亡者
我很对不起 但你要相信
I'm so sorry about all this. You gotta believe that.
I started calling the rear detachment office,
rear [rɪə(r)] n. 后部; adj. 后面的;
detachment [dɪˈtætʃmənt] n. 超脱; 分遣队; 
rear detachment 后方分队
asking if there was some sort of problem with the 117th.
没有 117分队没出任何问题
Uh, no. There’s not a problem with the 117th.
我们快回来了 这里的情况 就是有点乱七八糟 就这些
We're coming back. It's a snafu, that's all, you know.
snafu [snæˈfuː] n. (一切均未按计划发生的)混乱局面
再几天我们就可以回来了 宝贝儿
A couple more days, and we'll be on those hops, baby.
hop [hɒp] v. 单脚跳行; 突然快速去某处 n.  (尤指乘飞机的)短途旅行
That's not what the rear detachment officer said.
He said the 117th wasn't coming home for another six months.
什么? 哦 不 那不可能
What? Uh, no. That-that can't be right.
- 他就是这么说的 - 啊 你知道为什么吗?
- That's what he said. - Ah, you know what it is?
It's because we're transpo.
你知道 严格讲 我们队是从140师分遣出来的
You know, technically we're on a loan-out from the 140th.
technically [ˈteknɪkli] adv. 根据确切意义地; 在技术上; 
I mean, that's why he said that.
I mean 用于强调陈述; 用于更正先前的陈述; 当一个人不确定该说什么或如何说时使用
-140师? - 是的 是
- The 140th? - Yeah, yeah.
只要再几天就行了 我是说...
It's just a few more days. That's all. I mean,
你没必要打那些电话 我会回来的 好吗?
you don't need to go calling anyone. I'll be back, okay?
I will call you as soon as I know the exact date.
- 好吗? 我爱你 - 我爱你
- Okay? I love you. - I love you.
Michael's in the SHU.
哦 天 这坏事是一个接一个
Oh, God, the hits just keep coming!
伙计们 不到最后就不要慌张
Last thing we wanna do now is panic, fellas.
panic [ˈpænɪk] n. 惊恐; 恐慌; v. (使)惊慌,惊慌失措
fella [ˈfelə(r)] n. 伙伴; 伙计; 小伙子;
现在足以让人慌张的了 老头
Oh, it's panic time, old head.
old head 老头
We got an unfinished hole in that room over there
unfinished [ʌnˈfɪnɪʃt] adj. 未做完的; 未完成的
that Scofield was supposed to fill tonight.
明早8:00点 他们一揭开毯子 我们就玩完了
Come tomorrow 8: 00 a. M. , they rip up that carpet, our game is over.
rip [rɪp] v. 撕破; 猛地扯开
rip up 撕碎
Unless someone else fills it.
没错 你是唯一一个能从水槽后通向外面的
He's right, papi. You're the only one with a toilet open to the outside world.
You're saying I go out there by myself tonight?
That's exactly what we're saying.
开什么玩笑? 那不可能
Are you kidding? That's impossible.
Look, I don't wanna hear impossible from you right now!
I got people waiting on me,
一个我可能会失去的人 除非你让我赶快从这儿出去
people that I'm gonna lose, unless you man up and get some cojones, comprende?
cojones [kəˈhəʊneɪz] n. 睾丸; 勇气
你说起来容易 命悬一线的不是你
That's easy for you to say, pendejo. It ain't your ass on the line.
pendejo [penˈdāhō] n. 笨蛋;
one's ass on the line 某人的名誉、生计或幸福受到威胁。
All of our asses are on the line.
And you're the only cat that can do something about it.
cat [kæt] n. 猫; 胆小鬼; <俚>家伙,人; <美俚> 流动工人
是啊 也许我能走出我的牢房
Yeah, maybe I can get out of my cell.
And maybe I can get into the guards' room.
但如果我那么做了 且把洞填平了
But even if I do, and I fill that hole in,
I'll still be in that room.
已经被封住了 你叫我怎么出去
I'll be sealed in. There's no way out.
seal [siːl] v. 封上
Scofield must've had a way.
He did.
The grate at the sally port.
grate [ɡreɪt] n. 炉条; 炉箅
sally [ˈsæli] n. 俏皮话; 出击; 突袭
sally port 暗道
哦 对? 开阔地中央的那个洞
Oh, that's right. The one out there in the middle of the open?
是啊 你最好准备好 伙计
Yeah, so you better lace up, amigo,
lace [leɪs] n. 花边; 蕾丝 v. 把…用带子系牢
lace up 系紧鞋带
amigo [ə'miːˌɡəʊ] n. 朋友; 对美国人友好的西班牙语系人
'cause you're gonna have to make a run for it.
make it 成功; 活下来; 到达; 及时到达; 性交; 
make a run for it 逃跑; 快跑以获得某物
如果我被抓住 那可是一个10年徒刑啊
That's 10 years on my bid if I get caught.
Then you better figure out a way not to get caught.
figure [ˈfɪɡə(r)] n. 数字; 人物; 身材 v. 想;
figure out 想出; 理解; 弄清; 解决
Line it up!
line up 排队; 准备好; 对齐
今晚 伙计 只能是今晚
Tonight, primo. It's gotta be tonight.
primo [ˈpriːməʊ] (西班牙语)相当于cousin
你没事吧? 你在干什么?
You okay? What you doing?
I'm trying to remember what's beneath psych ward.
You're thinking about the wrong thing.
You got to think about how to get out of here.
来 跟我说说话
Man, come on. Talk to me.
Absolutely not.
你们要我干那事 你也总得为我做点事儿
If I'm gonna be the one doing that running, you gotta do some lifting, too.
I mean, you know what you're asking of me?
You gotta do it for the team.
嘿 老妹 你那花短裤露出来了
Hey, sister. That your bloomers are showing. 
bloomers [ˈbluːməz] n. (旧时妇女穿的)宽松长内裤; (旧时妇女骑自行车等穿的)短灯笼裤
哦 宝贝 不是露出来 是骄傲地飞出来
They aren't showing, baby, they're flying. Proudly.
proudly [ˈpraʊdli] adv. 得意地; 自豪地;
I take it you are a party girl.
take it 认为
party girl 舞会女孩; 
L.J.? 快 我们走了
LJ? Come on, we're leaving.

只要能把魁恩的手机换个电源 里面的信息肯定很宝贵
We get Quinn's phone powered up and it could be a gold mine of information.
power [ˈpaʊə(r)] n. 权力; 能力; 电力 v. 驱动; 电力供应;
power up 把…接通电源; 使启动;
gold mine 金矿; 财源; 宝库
不对 对不上
No. Doesn't fit.
We just need to find the right adapter.
adapter [əˈdæptə] n. (电器设备的)转接器,适配器;
魁恩怎么办? 我们就把他丢在这儿?
What about Quinn? Are we just gonna leave him here?
You mean the guy who shot me in the back?
shot [ʃɒt] n. 射击; 注射; v. 射击;
对 我们就把他留在这儿
Yeah, we're just gonna leave him here.
你若敢告诉别人 我就...
You tell anyone about this, and I. . .
Capitol Hill saw its first deadlock of the term on the Senate floor this morning.
deadlock [ˈdedlɒk] n. 僵持; 僵局;
Senate [ˈsenət] n. (美国、澳大利亚等国议会的)参议院; 
Capitol Hill 国会山(美国国会大厦所在的地方)
The hotly contested energy bill ended up in a 50-50 tie.
hotly [ˈhɒtli] adv. 愤怒地; 激动地; 起劲地;
contest [ˈkɒntest , kənˈtest] n. 比赛; 竞争 v. 争取赢得(比赛、选举等); 争辩;
energy [ˈenədʒi] n. 精力; 能源
tie [taɪ] n. 领带; 平局
这意味着副总统 莱娜斯的那一票是最关键的
That means it will now be up to Vice President Reynolds to cast the deciding vote.
cast [kɑːst] v. 铸造; 投票
vote [vəʊt] n. 选票; 票;
up to sb 由某人决定; 某人说了算
我知道自己像个破掉的留声机 但你工作太努力了
I know I sound like a broken record, but you work too hard.
broken record 比喻不断唠叨重复内容的人
你应该多去外面玩儿 拉上一帮朋友什么的
You need to get out, hang out with your friends more.
hang out with sb 和某人待在一起
What about men?
如果这是你对我社交的看法 我一定会很凄惨
If this is your exposé on my social life, it's about to be a real sad one.
exposé ['ekspəʊ] [ˌekspoʊˈzeɪ] n. (尤指涉及惊人事实的)揭露文章,曝光作品;
social life 社交生活
我 恩... 我一碰到恋爱的事 就走霉运
I, uh... I've had some bad luck when it comes to relationships.
relationship [rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp] n. 关系; 情爱关系; 性爱关系;
You had bad luck or you had bad boys?
I think I've managed to have a little of both.
是的 你说得没错 我就没打算找个好男孩
Yeah, you know, you're right. I don't tend to go for the nice guys.
tend [tend] v. 往往会; 趋向; 倾向; 
go for 选择; 试图获取; 
I like the ones with the deep-seated emotional issues
deep-seated [ˌdiːp ˈsiːtɪd] adj. 根深蒂固的; 强烈的; 坚定的
emotional [ɪˈməʊʃənl] adj. 感情的;
issue [ˈɪʃuː] n. 问题
我可以改造他们 然后变成我自己的
I can internalize and make my own.
internalize [ɪnˈtɜːnəlaɪz] v. 使(感情、态度或信仰)成为思想行为的一部分; 使内在化
make (something) one's own 使某物适应自己, 属于自己
- 比如说斯科菲尔德? - 不 不是斯科菲尔德那种
- Mmm-hmm. Like Scofield? - Nope, not like Scofield.
nope [nəʊp] int. 不; 不行; 没有
别骗人了 每次他来你那儿打针
Don't lie to me. Every time he comes in for his shot,
you spend 20 minutes rolling up his sleeve.
sleeve [sliːv] n. 袖子;
知道吗? 他确实很有意思
You know what? I think he's interesting.
而且很有魅力 但他仍是个囚犯
And I think he's attractive, but he's still an inmate.
attractive [əˈtræktɪv] adj. 吸引人的;
I can promise you one thing.
你绝对不会看到 我和一个囚犯擦出火花
And that's that you will never see anything happen between me and an inmate.
什么? 你说什么?
What? What'd you say?
I put my blood into this.
站住! 站住别动! 跪下!
Stop! Freeze right there! Get down on your knees!
get down 跪下,趴下;
Please don't shoot! Don't shoot!
You know the state of Illinois doesn't look too kindly upon prisoners who try to escape.
Illinois [ˌɪləˈnɔɪ]  n. 伊利诺斯州(美国州名)
kindly [ˈkaɪndli] adv. 慈祥地; 宽容地; 
prisoner [ˈprɪznə(r)] n. 囚犯; 犯人; 
被指控的话 你会被送回县监狱呆上三个月
Charges are filed, you get sent back to county for three months.
charge [tʃɑːdʒ] n. 要价; 指控; 控告
file [faɪl] n. 文件; 档案 v. 提起(诉讼); 提出(申请); 
county [ˈkaʊnti] n. (英国、爱尔兰的)郡; (美国的)县
Come back here with 10 more years added to your bid.
I wasn't trying to escape.
Sure you weren't.
You were just out there howling at the moon.
howl [haʊl] v. 长嚎; 大声叫喊; 
howl at the moon 对着月亮嚎叫; 徒劳哀叹
如果我是你 我就招供了 兄弟
If I were you, I'd better start talking, mano. 
mano [ˈmɑːnəʊ] 西班牙语hermano的缩写, 相当于英语的brother
I stayed out after yard today.
stay out 在外面
I waited under the bleachers until it got dark.
bleacher [ˈbliːtʃə(r)] n. 漂白剂;露天看台,露天座位
Something was gonna come over the walls.
Drugs is almost as bad as escape.
drug [drʌɡ] n. 毒品; 药
上次有个家伙在把海洛因扔过墙 被多加了5年徒刑
Last guy had heroin slingshot over the wall got a nickel added to his bid. 
heroin [ˈherəʊɪn] n. 海洛因
slingshot [ˈslɪŋʃɒt] n. 弹弓
nickel [ˈnɪkl] n. 镍; (美国和加拿大的)5分镍币
It wasn't drugs.
那他妈的到底是什么? !
Then what the hell was it?
Frisk him!
frisk [frɪsk] v. 搜(某人)的身; 活蹦乱跳
What do we have here?
A pair of grunds?
You risked going to the SHU for a pair of grunds?
妈的 你冒着被增加刑期的危险
Hell, you risked adding extra time to your bid,
all for a pair of panties?
panties [ˈpæntiz] n. 女式内裤; 女式短衬裤
我女友只是想让我知道 她在想我 老大
My girl just wanted me to know she was thinking about me, boss
你的手真是不听使唤啊 不是么?
You got a real beefer on your hands, don't you?
beefer 俚语,通常指一个大问题或麻烦
on one's hands 由某人负责,由某人处理; 拥有
我知道 老大 这是我做过的最蠢的事
I know, boss. It's the dumbest thing I've ever done.
dumb [dʌm] adj. 哑的; 愚蠢的;
我害怕我在这里呆得太久 她就不要我了
I'm just scared that being here, I'm gonna lose her.
- 他是为了爱情 - 那么说你理解我了
- He did it for love. - Then you understand.
是啊 当然 苏克雷 我理解你
Yeah, sure, Sucre. I understand.
Don't let me catch you alone next time, okay?
- 迈克尔在哪? - 你的另一边
- Where's Michael? - Other side of you.
迈克尔 迈克尔!
Michael! Michael!
迈克尔 快
Michael, come on.
你去看一下我兄弟 他没反应了
Check out my brother. He's not responding.
check out 来看看
respond [rɪˈspɒnd] v. 回答,回应
斯科菲尔德 去查看一下 他毫无反应 拜托了
Scofield. Check him out. He's not responding. Please.
斯科菲尔德 斯科菲尔德
Scofield. Scofield.
I need a medic in 12 now.
medic [ˈmedɪk] n. 医生; 大夫; 
-12号牢房需要医生 重复 快 - 什么?
- I need a medic in 12 now. I repeat, now. - What?
第八大道有电器商店 弄好他的手机
There's an electronics store on Eighth Avenue. Grab his phone.
electronics [ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪks] n. 电子学; 电子器件
avenue [ˈævənjuː] n. 大街; 林荫道;
grab [ɡræb] v. 抓住; (尤指匆忙地)取,拿,吃,喝; 
我们十分钟就回来 你呆在沙发上
We'll be back in 10 minutes. Stay on the couch.
couch [kaʊtʃ] n. 长沙发; 
stay on 留在; 继续受雇; 继续服用药物
你已经接通了欧文· 克雷唯克 我现在无法接听电话
Hi, you've reached Owen Kravecki. I can't come to the phone right now.
你真地以为你按四个键 比我按一个要快?
You really think you're gonna get to four buttons before I get to one?
请留言 我会回电话的
Leave a message, and I'll return your call.
谢谢 祝你愉快!
Thanks. Have a great day.
Light on 12.
麻烦你在外面等 好吗?
Would you wait outside, please?
好 让我摸摸你的手腕
Okay, you're going to feel my fingers on your wrist.
wrist [rɪst] n. 手腕; 腕关节
来 我得看一下你的眼睛
Come on, I need your eyes.
I'm going to take a look at that hand.
You're going to be okay.
You're going to be okay.
- 苏克雷被... - 我听说了
- Sucre got. . . - I heard.
Papi better had did us right, man.
Hope he had enough time.
Looks like we're about to find out.
Make it fast.
我还以为我们是随机选择 林肯·布伦斯作为替罪羊
I thought we picked Lincoln Burrows off the street
pick sb off the street 随机找的某人
because he was some lowlife who couldn't defend himself.
lowlife ['loʊˌlaɪf] n. 罪犯; 社会渣滓;
defend [dɪˈfend] v. 防御; 保护; 辩解;
现在我才发现 原来他父亲
Now I learn it's all about his father,
some old spook that the Company's trying to settle a score with?
spook [spuːk] n. 鬼; 间谍; 特工
settle [ˈsetl] v. 结束(争论、争端等); 解决(分歧、纠纷等);
settle a score 报复; 算账
Well, fortunately for us,
fortunately [ˈfɔːtʃənətli] adv. 幸运地;
公司的议程和我们的议程 最后是会达成一致的
the Company's agenda and our agenda have the same endgame.
agenda [əˈdʒendə] n. 议程
endgame [ˈendɡeɪm] n. (棋赛的)结束阶段,收官阶段; (政治进程等的)最后阶段
卡罗琳 这行我已经干了15年了
Caroline, I've been doing this for 15 years,
一直以来 事情都是关于你
and it's never been about anything other than you,
你的家庭 最重要的是 关于这个国家
your family, and most importantly, this country.
importantly [ɪm'pɒːtntlɪ]  adv. 重要地
Now, I need to know who I'm working for here.
- 你为我效力 - 向我保证
- You are working for me. - Promise me that.
我向你保证 保罗 我得挂了
I promise you, Paul. I got to go now.
And to what do I owe this honor?
owe [əʊ] v. 欠; 归因于
honor [ˈɒnə] n. 荣誉; 名誉
to what do I owe the honor 用于询问某人来访目的
To the vote on the Senate floor this afternoon.
听着 我明白 否决权在我手里 我投否决票 就这样
Look, I get it. The vote comes down to me, I vote "no. " It'll get done
come down 落下; 达成有利于一方或另一方的决定或建议; 
事实上 这次我们需要你投赞成票
Well, actually, we are going to need you to vote "yes" on this one.
I want to make sure I heard you straight.
make sure 确保; 务必
You want me to vote on the environmentalists' side?
environmentalist [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəlɪst] n. 环境保护论者
This isn't about a vote.
This is about you and how you look to voters.
voter [ˈvəʊtə(r)] n. 投票人
现在 我们的国家变得日益需要多样化的能源
Now, we have a nation that is growing increasingly hungry for alternate energy.
increasingly [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli] adv. 越来越多地; 不断增加地
alternate [ɔːlˈtɜːnət , ˈɔːltəneɪt , ˈɔːltɜːnət] adj. 交替的; n. 代替者;
So if you come across as more centrist,
centrist [ˈsentrɪst] n. (政治上的)中间派,温和派 adj. 温和派的
you'll appeal to the broader swath of the electorate,
appeal [əˈpiːl] n. 上诉; 呼吁 v. 上诉; 呼吁;
broad [brɔːd] adj. 宽阔的; 广泛的 
swath [swɒθ] n. 割下的一行草[麦];
electorate [ɪˈlektərət] n. (一国或一地区的)全体选民
the very people who will get you elected next year.
very [ˈveri] adv. 非常; adj. (特指人或事物)正是的; 恰好的
elect [ɪˈlekt] v. 选举; 推选;
再说 一旦议案到了总统那儿 他一定一票否决
Besides, once that bill hits the President's desk, he'll veto it.
veto [ˈviːtəʊ] v. 行使否决权; 反对; 
那样 我们就得到我们所有想要的了
Then we'll get precisely what we always wanted anyway, won't we?
precisely [prɪˈsaɪsli] adv. 恰好地; 精确地; 正是,确实
anyway [ˈeniweɪ] adv. 而且; 反正;
You probably don't have a hair on your body, do you?
Just back your punk ass up.
punk [pʌŋk] n. 小流氓; 小混混;
back up 备份; 后退;
punk ass 混蛋
嘿 墙头草! 快过来
Hey, Tweener! Get over here.
Looks like Avocado has taken a shine to you.
take a shine to 喜欢上
I could set you up as cellies if you want.
set up  安排; 撮合;
不要这么说 好吗?
Stop it, all right?
I got something for you this time.
斯科菲尔德那帮家伙 他们在策划着什么事
Scofield and his boys, they're up to something.
How about being a little more specific?
specific [spəˈsɪfɪk] adj. 明确的; 具体的; 
不管是什么 好像和他们修的那个房间有关...
Whatever it is, it's got to do with that room they're fixing.
get to do with sth 和某物有关
Something to do with the carpet.
get/have something to do with 与...有关系
让我一下 伙计
Excuse me, fellas.
Out of the way!
out of the way 让开;
迈克尔! 迈克尔!
Michael! Michael!
完全没有反应 给他注射镇静剂
He's totally non-responsive, so start him on chlorpromazine.
totally [ˈtəʊtəli] adv. 完全;
chlorpromazine [prәumәzin]  n. 氯丙嗪;冬眠灵
And I believe he's in danger of a psychotic break.
psychotic [saɪˈkɒtɪk] n. 精神病患者 adj. 精神病的; 患精神病的
in danger of 有……的危险
-一旦他精神病发作 你就立马通知我 谢谢 -不客气
-I want you to notify me immediately if and when that happens. Thank you. -You’re welcome.
notify [ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ] v. (正式)通报,通知
Clean him up.
You scared me.
把枪放下 你不会杀人
Put it down. You're not a killer.
killer [ˈkɪlə(r)] n. 杀人者; 杀手;
You don't want to make any rash mistakes here, LJ.
rash [ræʃ] n. 皮疹; adj. 轻率的; 鲁莽的
Don't move!
- 冷静 冷静... - 闭嘴!
- Go easy, go easy. . . - Shut up!
go easy	小心; 别急
shut up 关门; 关窗; 闭嘴
LJ 解决问题有其它方法的 好吗?
LJ, there's other ways out of this, you know, okay?
我可以帮助你的 但如果你扣下扳机
I can help you beat this rap, but if you pull that trigger,
rap [ræp] n. 叩击; 说唱歌; 
beat the rap 脱罪
trigger [ˈtrɪɡə(r)] n. (枪的)扳机;
那你就真的成了杀人犯 我就帮不了你了 懂吗?
you really will be a killer, and then I can't help you, okay?
我是政府部门的 LJ 我能帮你办到很多事
I'm government, LJ. There's a lot of things I can do for you.
The only thing you can do for me is die!
Drop your weapon!
weapon [ˈwepən] n. 武器; 
我说了 放下武器!
I said drop your weapon!
看来你只能以后再动手了 哈?
Guess you're going to have to take a rain check on that one, huh?
take a rain check 改天; 改期进行
Drop the gun now!
别 我按你说的做了
No. I did what you said.
你废话一大堆 那边根本什么都没有
You brought me a pile of crap. There was nothing there.
crap [kræp] n. 废话; 质量差的东西; 
pile of crap 一堆谎言; 没有的东西
我们慢慢来 伙计 多给我点时间
Boss, come on, man. I just need some more time.
我已经给你时间了 你在浪费我的薯条
You had your time. You're a waste of my fries. 
Open on 88!
Dude, just give me another try.
dude [duːd] n. 男人
Close on 88!
Have at it. 
have at it 开始吧; 随你了
You're lucky.
Kid's got a warrant for double homicide.
warrant [ˈwɒrənt] n. 执行令; 授权令; 
homicide [ˈhɒmɪsaɪd] n. (蓄意)杀人罪
哦 天 开玩笑吧?
Oh, dear. Are you serious?
Did you have any prior contact with him?
prior [ˈpraɪə(r)] adj. 先前的;
contact [ˈkɒntækt] n. 联系 v. 联系,联络
Any idea why he chose your house?
不清楚 他不停的叫喊"你杀了我妈妈"
I mean, he was screaming something like, "You killed my mom, "
scream [skriːm] v. 尖叫; 高声喊,大声叫
and going on about me being a government agent, and. . .
agent [ˈeɪdʒənt] n. 代理人,经纪人; 
我不知道 大概这孩子吸过毒了吧
I don't know, it just seemed like that kid was on drugs or something.
你以什么为生 克雷唯克先生?
What do you do for a living, Mr. Kravecki?
what do you do for a living 你是做什么工作的?
I'm a, uh, regional sales manager for a dehydrated meat distributor.
regional [ˈriːdʒənl] adj. 地区的; 区域的; 
dehydrate [ˌdiːhaɪˈdreɪt] v. 脱水;
distributor [dɪˈstrɪbjətə(r)] n. 经销商;
什么 你是说牛肉干之类的?
What, you mean like jerky?
jerky [ˈdʒɜːki] n. 干肉条; 熏肉条
- 是的 你爱吃? - 什么种类的?
- Yes. You a fan? - What kind?
buffalo [ˈbʌfələʊ] n. 水牛
拿些去 真的 我这儿全是这东西
Have some. Really. I'm swimming in the stuff.
swim in sth 在某液体里游泳; 被某液体浸没; 拥有大量某东西; 体验很多某事
One hour till lunch.
- 出了什么问题? - 就是你所看到的
- So, what's the problem? - You're looking at it.
- 什么 铁网旁边的那个? - 是的 他是我的新狱友
- What, Haywire? - Yep. He's my new cellmate.
haywire [ˈheɪwaɪə(r)] adj. 失控的; 乱套的
yep [jep] int. (用以表示yes)是的,好了
cellmate [ˈselmeɪt] n. 同牢难友
They think I have schizoaffective disorder with bipolar tendencies.
disorder [dɪsˈɔːdə(r)] n. 杂乱; 紊乱; 
bipolar [ˌbaɪˈpəʊlə(r)] adj. 双相型障碍的; 躁狂抑郁性精神病的
tendency [ˈtendənsi] n. 倾向; 性情; 
- 你的纹身 - 纹身怎么了?
- Your tattoos. - What about them?
tattoo [təˈtuː] n. 文身;
- 他们是什么? - 只是纹身而已
- What are they of? - They're just tattoos.
The man's got a maze on his skin.
maze [meɪz] n. 迷宫; 
他为什么那么做? 他为什么在皮肤上弄个迷宫?
Why would he do that? Why would he put a maze on his skin?
是个通道 通向哪里的?
It's a pathway. Where does it lead?
pathway [ˈpɑːθweɪ] n. 小路; 路径; 行动路线
好啊 朋友 你说得没错
Hello, roomie. You were right about my tattoo.
roomie [ˈruːmi] 室友;
那确实是通道 和你想得一样
It is a path, just like you thought.
我需要你回忆一下 朋友
And I need you to remember when you saw it, Haywire.
I need you to remember what it looked like.
Do you think you can do that for me?
Who are you?

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年12月20日 07:47:00
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