
fluensay 摩登家庭评论944字数 23506阅读模式
Do we know anything?
没  医生正在里面诊断
No. They're in there now with the doctor.
We're lucky though.
The paramedics said it could have been a lot worse.
paramedic [ˌpærəˈmedɪk] n. 护理人员;
老天  怎么会发生这种事
My God, how did this even happen?
儿子来了  大日子快到了哦
There he is. Big day's coming up.
come up 出现; 走近; 接近
你生日想要什么样的礼物  小狗娃
What do you want for your birthday, big dog?
没事的  我不想要
It's okay. I'm good.
I'm good 我没事; 我什么都不需要, 我很满足了
来嘛  除了上天什么都行  
Come on. Sky's the limit.
come on 加油; 来吧; 得了吧;
limit [ˈlɪmɪt] n. 限制; 极限;
the sky's the limit 什么都可以
狮子大开口吧  儿子
Dream big, my boy.
-我觉得送我一条皮带挺好的  -皮带
- Well, I guess I could use a belt. - A belt?
belt [belt] n. 腰带; 皮带;
could use 需要; 想要; 可以使用
是啊  你说的对  我根本不需要
Yeah, you're right. I don't need it.
Extension cord works pretty good.
extension [ɪkˈstenʃn] n. 扩大; 延伸;
cord [kɔːd] n. 粗线,细绳
Every year, Luke's birthday falls right around Thanksgiving,
Thanksgiving [ˌθæŋksˈɡɪvɪŋ] n. 感恩节(美国的公共假日,在 11 月的第四个星期四)
and so it gets lost in the holiday shuffle.
shuffle [ˈʃʌfl] n. 洗牌; 
lost in the shuffle 在混乱的事物或混乱的情况下迷失, 忽视或遗忘
Yeah, one year we forgot completely
completely [kəmˈpliːtli] adv. 彻底地; 完全地;
and we had to improvise a cake of stuffing.
improvise [ˈɪmprəvaɪz] v. 临时拼凑; 临时做;
stuffing [ˈstʌfɪŋ] n. (烹饪前塞入鸡等膛内的)填料
说一下  他一点都不介意  
Which, by the way, he was fine with.
by the way 顺便说一下
He's one of those kids,
你送他一份礼物  他却只想着玩盒子
you get him a gift and all he wants to do is play with the box.
是啊  有一年我们直接送他一个盒子  
Yeah, one year we actually just got him a box,
a really nice box.
但我们犯了个错  将之放进了礼品袋
And we made the mistake of putting it in a gift bag.
So he played with the gift bag.
-我们怎么都做不对  -做不对
- We can't get it right. - No.
-我觉得很愧疚  我们得做点什么  -是啊
- I feel terrible. We gotta do something. - Oh, yeah.
gotta [ˈɡɒtə] 必须;  不得不;  有一个; (用来表示have got to和have got a的口语发音)
话说  家人们准备趁感恩节来个
You know, the family is gonna be together for Thanksgiving...
gonna [ˈɡənə] 即将,将要(用来表示going to的口语发音)
大团圆聚会  我不知道会持续多久
for the first time in I don't even know how long.
我太同意你了  我们应该取消聚会
I am so with you. We should blow this out...
and throw Luke the best birthday party of all time.
对  对  我们可以订购许多匹萨
Yes. Yes. And we'll order a whole bunch of pizzas...
bunch [bʌntʃ] n. 串; 束; 大量
pizza [ˈpiːtsə] n. 比萨饼; 意大利饼
a bunch of 一群;一束;一堆 
and set up an arts and crafts table.
craft [krɑːft] n. 手艺; 工艺;
set up 设置; 建立; 安排;
-什么  -手工艺品桌
- A what? - A crafts table.
就是  大家都围在一起
You know, where everybody gathers around
gather [ˈɡæðə(r)] v. 聚集;
制作一些小工艺品  然后  砰
and they make stuff, and then bam!
bam [bæm] int. (表示突然的重击声或枪声)嘭,砰,乓; (表示突然)蓦地
They got their own party favor.
favor [ˈfeɪvə] n. 喜爱
抱歉  我睡着了
Sorry. I fell asleep
while you were describing the most boring party ever.
-几小时后再见了  -好的
- See you in a few hours. - Yeah.
Thanks again for the karaoke machine.
karaoke [ˌkæriˈəʊki] n. 卡拉OK
派对办完后  我会立刻送过来的
I'll get it back to you right after the party.
That'd be great.
千万不要  求你了 
Please don't. I beg you.
-千万别送回来  -好的
- Don't bring it back. - Okay.
嘿  菲尔  你今天的派对有请小丑吗
Hey, Phil. Are, uh, you getting a clown for today?
clown [klaʊn] n. 小丑;
没  卢克不怎么喜欢小丑
Oh, no. Luke uh, Luke's not much of a clown fan.
-真的吗  -是啊  他从来不喜欢小丑
- Really? - Yeah. He never liked 'em.
Has he ever seen a good one?
有谁  见过吗
Has- Has anyone?
真的  总之  谢谢你们了
Really. So anyway, thanks again.
anyway [ˈeniweɪ] adv. 而且; 反正
好的  一会儿见
Okay. See you later.
-不要小丑  不要小丑吗  -算了吧
- No clown? No- No clown? - Let it go.
Who throws a party without a clown?
throw a party 举行派对
从上世纪30年代开始  大部分人都不请了
Since the late '30s, I'd say most people.
话说  我们还没给卢克准备生日礼物
You know what? We haven't gotten Luke a present yet.
Maybe a clown could be our present.
卡梅隆  卡梅隆
Cameron. Cameron.
If Phil and Claire wanted to get Luke a clown,
他们肯定已经请了  那不是我们的派对
they would've. This is not our party.
-但  -那不是我们家开派对
- But- - this is not our party.
But I just-
What would you suggest we get him then, hmm?
Get him a gift card.
-就礼物卡打发他吗  -是啊
- A gift card? - Yeah.
Who hurt you?
嘿  歌洛莉亚  
Hey, Gloria,
you got any idea how to wrap one of these things?
wrap [ræp] v. 包,裹(礼物等); 
-那是个十字弓吗  -是啊
- Is that a crossbow? - Yeah.
crossbow [ˈkrɒsbəʊ] n. 弩; 十字弓
Am I the greatest grandpa in the world or what?
We can't give Luke a crossbow.
He pokes himself in the eye every time he uses a straw.
poke [pəʊk] v. 捅; 戳;
straw [strɔː] n. 稻草; 吸管
开什么玩笑  我像他那么大的时候就有一把
Are you kidding? I had one when I was his age.
我每射杀一只乌鸦  我爸就会给我25美分
My dad used to give me a quarter for every crow I bagged.
crow [krəʊ] n. 乌鸦;
bag [bæɡ] n. 袋子 vt. 把…装进袋子; 捕获,猎杀(动物)
And I used to have a machete.
machete [məˈʃeti] n. 大刀; 大砍刀
-但时代已经变了  -他会没事的
- But times have changed. - He'll be fine.
I'll teach him how to use it.
嘿  老弟  过得怎么样
Hey, pal, how's it going?
pal [pæl] n. 朋友; 伙伴; 哥们儿;
Am I charming?
-靠  -你当然有魅力了
- Oh, boy. - Of course you're charming.
-谁说你没魅力了  -没人
- Who said you were not charming? - No one.
学校里有个妹子挺好  我想让她喜欢我
But there's a girl in my school, and I want her to like me.
-我需要你的建议  杰  -真的吗
- I need your advice, Jay. - Really?
She's gonna be at Luke's party.
我真是  有点受宠若惊
Well, I'm a little thrown.
我是说  你一般不会向我征询建议
I mean, you don't usually come to me for advice.
在泡美妞这方面  您老可算个中高手啊
Well, this is one area in which you've done pretty well.
He has a point.
I've tried everything to get her attention-
为她开门  在餐厅为她递上一杯牛奶
opening doors, having a milk sent over in the cafeteria.
cafeteria [ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə] n. 自助餐厅; 自助食堂
-全都不奏效  -事实上
- Nothing's worked. - Here's the deal.
here's the deal 事情是这样的
Girls don't go for all that romantic stuff.
romantic [rəʊˈmæntɪk] adj. 浪漫的;
go for 选择; 喜欢;
They go for power and success.
power [ˈpaʊə(r)] n. 权力;
And since you don't have either one of those things,
you're gonna be the funny guy.
guy [ɡaɪ] n. 男人; 小伙子; 家伙
不不不  我想要你养的最危险的爬虫
No, no, no. I want the most dangerous reptile you've got.
reptile [ˈreptaɪl] n. 爬行动物
I have an iguana that eats crickets.
iguana [ɪˈɡwɑːnə] n. 鬣蜥(美洲热带大蜥蜴)
cricket [ˈkrɪkɪt] n. 板球(运动); 蟋蟀;
要是给蟋蟀办生日派对  那才算吓人吧
That'd be scary if it was a birthday party for crickets.
scary [ˈskeəri] adj. 恐怖的; 吓人的
说真的  丛林女郎  
Seriously, Jungle Tanya,
seriously [ˈsɪəriəsli] adv. 严重地; 说正经的
I need you step it up a notch.
notch [nɒtʃ] n. 等级; V形刻痕,圆形切口
step it up a notch 提升程度或质量
Is there anything that scares the cocoa out of you?
scare the hell/crap out of sb 吓死某人了
cocoa [ˈkoʊkoʊ] n. 热可可(饮料); 可可粉
scare the crap out of sb是比较常见的, 意思是"把某人吓出屎了", cocoa在这里就可以代替"屎", 因为"可可粉"的颜色跟屎比较像
还真没有  不过我有条"胡须龙"[一种蜥蜴]
Uh, not really. I do have a bearded dragon.
bearded [ˈbɪədɪd] adj. 有胡须的
-是吗  它会..  -不  它不会喷火
- Ooh. Does it- - No, it does not breathe fire.
那说来说去又说回去了  是吧
Well, then we're back to square one, aren't we?
back to square one 回到起点, 没有任何进展
I couldn't get Luke out of my mind.
I know I made a promise to Mitchell,
but some things are bigger than promises.
Fizbo would be at that party.
你好啊  老朋友
Hello, old friend.
It all happened so fast.
I keep thinking
there was something I could've done.
不  你不要自责
No, don't blame yourself.
blame [bleɪm] v. 责怪;
Who could've possibly seen it coming?
possibly [ˈpɒsəbli] adv. 可能;
亲爱的  那是道攀岩墙  那安全吗
Sweetie, that's a rock wall. Is that even safe?
sweetie [ˈswiːti] n. (用作称呼语)亲爱的
-老天啊  -亲爱的  放心
- Oh, my God. - Honey, relax.
嘿  有人因为这东西受过伤吗
Hey, has anyone ever gotten hurt on one of these things?
-我不知道  今天是我第一天上班  -瞧
- I don't know, man. It's my first day. - See?
They wouldn't let the new guy do it if it-
-那只会让我更加担心  -别担心
- That did not make me feel better. - Don't worry.
I signed, like, a hundred releases.
sign [saɪn] n. 迹象; 标志;v. 签(名);
release [rɪˈliːs] v. 释放; n. 释放; 免责声明
我们什么时候决定弄这些的  太过了吧
When did we decide all this? I think it's too much.
瞧  我就知道你会这么说  
See, I knew you'd say that.
That's why I didn't tell you.
所以你就放轻松  去吃个冰霜卷吧
So just relax. Grab a snow cone.
grab [ɡræb] v. 抓住; (尤指匆忙地)取,拿,吃,喝;
cone [kəʊn] n. 圆锥体; 圆锥形物;
snow cone 刨冰; 冰沙
-你弄来了冰霜卷机器吗  -是啊
- There's a snow cone machine? - Yeah.
妈  记住  迪兰不能吃蛋黄酱
Mom, just so you know, Dylan cannot have mayonnaise.
just so you know 我想让你知道
mayonnaise [ˌmeɪəˈneɪz] n. 蛋黄酱(用作三明治、色拉等的调味品)
没头没脑来这么一句  你干嘛告诉我这个
That's random. Why are you telling me that?
random [ˈrændəm] adj. 随机的; 奇怪的; 反常的; 意想不到的
-因为他要来参加派对  -有那个必要吗
- 'Cause he's coming to the party. - Is that absolutely necessary?
absolutely [ˈæbsəluːtli] adv. 绝对地,完全地; 
当然  因为她忍受不了10分钟
Yes, because she can't go 10
minutes without her boyfriend's tongue in her mouth.
It's like he's feeding a baby bird.
Don't be so jealous.
jealous [ˈdʒeləs] adj. 吃醋的; 妒忌的
I'm sure you'll meet someone super hot at computer camp.
-姑娘们  -嘿  别闹了
- Girls. - Hey. Hey.
So, what you got there?
These are supplies for the crafts table.
I finally figured out what we're gonna be making.
figure [ˈfɪɡə(r)] n. 数字; 人物; 身材 v. 想;
figure out 想出; 理解; 弄清; 解决
-让孩子们无聊吗  -我开玩笑的  玩笑
- Kids bored? - I'm teasing. I'm teasing.
tease [tiːz] v. 取笑; 寻开心;
看上去挺不错  是什么
It looks good. What is it?
Comb sheaths.
comb [kəʊm] n. 梳子;
sheath [ʃiːθ] n. (刀、剑等的)鞘; (工具的)套;
我知道  我知道的
I know. I know.
But we made them when I was 11 years old
at Donna Rigby's birthday party.
At first we thought it was really stupid,
and then we had a blast, so-
blast [blɑːst] n. 爆炸;
have a blast 玩得很开心
How could you not?
You combined the two things that kids love the most-
combine [kəmˈbaɪn , ˈkɒmbaɪn] v. (使)结合
combs and sheaths.
I'm kidding!
我的梳子哪儿去了  噢
Where's my comb? Oh!
Here it is in my incredibly convenient beaded comb sheath...
incredibly [ɪnˈkredəbli] adv. 极端地; 极其; 令人难以置信
convenient [kənˈviːniənt] adj. 方便的;
beaded [ˈbiːdɪd] adj. 饰以珠子的
that I made at Luke's awesome birthday party.
awesome [ˈɔːsəm] adj. 令人惊叹的; 很好的(或极好玩的等)
一举夺魁  邓菲太太
Hole in one, Mrs. Dunphy.
hole in one (高尔夫球)一杆进洞
Hole in one.
I'm home.
我给卢克买了一套游戏盘  但是关于数学的
I got Luke a video game, but it's about math.
所以  我们估计是那种督促人学习的讨厌舅舅
So I guess we're those kind of uncles.
Don't be mad.
噢   小卡
Oh. Cam. Uh-
I've known I wanted to be a clown...
since I found out clowns were just people with makeup.
makeup [ˈmeɪkʌp] n. 化妆;
find out 发现; 查明; 找出
实际上  当我成长为小少年的时候
Um, as a matter of fact, by the time I was a teenager,
只要我不是在上学或钓鱼  就是在扮小丑
if I wasn't in school or fishin', I was clownin'.
There are four types of clowns
乞丐小丑  彩面小丑  
a tramp, an Auguste,
tramp [træmp] n. 流浪汉; 
白脸小丑  和角色小丑
a whiteface and a character.
I am a classically trained Auguste clown
classically [ˈklæsɪkli] adv. 正规地,传统地;
named Fizbo.
-怎么了  -没什么
- What? N-Nothing.
Between the clownin' and the fishin',
I'm surprised you had time for the schoolin'.
还有第5种类型的  悲伤小丑
Aw, and there's the fifth type- the sad clown.
悲伤小丑也属于乞丐小丑  所以仍然只有4种
Sad clown is a tramp. So there's still only four types.
小卡  我觉得我们已经说过这事儿了
Cam, I thought we discussed this.
是的  但我后来一想
We did. But I- I started thinking.
And this isn't about you or me.
而是一个小男孩  该享受快乐一刻
This is about a little boy who deserves some happiness.
happiness [ˈhæpinəs] n. 幸福; 愉快;
And he's gonna get that from his weird gay clown uncle?
weird [wɪəd] adj. 奇异的;
gay [ɡeɪ] adj. 同性恋的;
菲茨宝才不是同性恋  他是无性的
Fizbo is not gay. He's asexual.
asexual [ˌeɪˈsekʃuəl] adj. 无性的; 
他是个纯情大男孩  唯一的目标
He's an innocent whose only drive...
innocent [ˈɪnəsnt] adj. 无辜的; 无恶意的; 
drive [draɪv] v. 驾驶; n. 强烈欲望,本能需求
就是给人们带去喜庆  欢笑
is to bring people joy and laughter
laughter [ˈlɑːftə(r)] n. 笑; 笑声
and balloon animals.
他  他是地球上最与性无关的东西
He's- He's the least sexual being on earth.
sexual [ˈsekʃuəl] adj. 性行为的; 性的; 
being [ˈbiːɪŋ] n. 存在; 生物
好吧  至少我们都认为你这装扮让人性趣全无  
Oh, okay. Well, at least we agree on something.
agree on 接受(建议或看法); 达成共识
If this tape is found in the future,
-这就是我们人类庆祝生日的方式  -老爸
- this is how we humans celebrated birthdays. - Hey, Dad!
瞧  那是我的乖儿子  高空滑索
Yeah, there's my boy. Zip-line extreme-
我没事  我没事  我很好
I'm okay. I'm good. I'm good.
吃一撞长一智  千万别站在这儿
Lesson learned. Don't stand- Don't stand there.
Let's go ahead and rope this area off.
go ahead 开始; 继续; 发生
很好  谢谢你们
Excellent. Thank you.
嘿  小老弟  玩得开心吗
Hey, buddy, you having fun?
是啊  而且我爱我的新皮带
Yeah. And I love my new belt.
嘿  卢克  瞧啊
Hey, Luke. Look.
Do you wanna make a comb sheath?
A what?
就是一个皮质小套  可以放梳子进去
It's a cool leather holder for your comb.
holder [ˈhəʊldə(r)] n. 持有者; 装物品的东西
And you can decorate it.
我这边有小珠子  小亮片等各种东西
I've got beads and glitter and all kinds of stuff.
bead [biːd] n. (有孔的)珠子;
glitter [ˈɡlɪtə(r)] n. 闪烁; (装饰用的)小发光物; vi. 闪耀;
-你想试试吗  -不  我去玩攀岩墙了
- Do you want to? - Nah. I'm gonna do the rock wall.
nah [næ] adj. 同“no”
好吧宝贝  你的生日你做主
Okay, honey. It's your day.
亲爱的  如果你材料不够了  记得通知我
Honey, let me know if you get low on supplies.
I'll make a quick run back to the 1950s for you.
噢  又撞我
Oh! Again?
说真的  负责滑索的人  用绳子圈一下
Seriously, zip-line guys, use some ropes.
Did you remember to switch the whites to the dryer?
switch [swɪtʃ] v. (使)改变; 交换;
许多美国人将他们的衣服分为“深色”和“白色”,以避免在洗涤过程中弄脏浅色衣服, 所以 Cam 问 Mitchell 是否将白色衣服从洗衣机移到烘干机, 因为他们将衣服分成两批
-没有  我忘了  -到时肯定一股霉味
- Oh, no. I forgot. - They're gonna smell musty.
musty [ˈmʌsti] adj. 有霉味的; 发霉的
-我知道  我很抱歉  -我来加油吧
- I know. I'm sorry. - I'll pump.
pump [pʌmp] n. 泵; v. 用泵(或泵样器官等)输送;
不不不  我来吧  你坐在车里
No, no, no. I'll do it. You stay right here.
-放轻松  -哦  我懂了
- Relax. - Oh. I get it.
-你担心别人看见我  -毫无疑问
- You're worried about people seeing me. - Without question.
You know, people are gonna stare.
stare [steə(r)] v. 盯着看;
They're not used to seeing one clown in a car.
那就是她  比安卡·道格拉斯
That's her- Bianca Douglas.
She's so cute.
She has good handwriting.
她是个完美女神  祝我好运吧
She's a complete package. Wish me luck.
complete [kəmˈpliːt] adj. (用以强调)完全的,彻底的;
package [ˈpækɪdʒ] n. 包; 包装好的东西;
complete package 满足所有标准的已包装产品; 符合各种条件的男性或女性
You don't need luck.
You just remember those jokes I told you, hmm?
We have to stop meeting like this.
-什么  -我们是同学啊
- What? - We go to school together.
-噢是哦  -你喜欢笑话吗
- Oh, yeah. - Do you like jokes?
-当然  -很好  听着
- Sure. - Great. Ok.
So a grasshopper named Gary walks into a bar.
grasshopper [ˈɡrɑːshɒpə(r)] n. 蝗虫; 蚱蜢; 蚂蚱
Aw. No.
You're not supposed to know his name.
我换一个讲吧  可以吗
Let me try another one, okay?
-敲敲门  -你是谁
- Knock, knock. - Who's there?
-捣蛋牛  -捣蛋牛谁
- Interrupting cow. - Interrupting cow who?
interrupt [ˌɪntəˈrʌpt] v. 插嘴; 打扰;
哞  糟糕说晚了
Moo. Oh, crap.
moo [muː] n. (牛叫声)哞
crap [kræp] n. 废话; 蹩脚货; 屎;
-搞什么  -搞你个大头鬼
- Um, hey. - Hey yourself.
-让开  -你刚开车碰到我了
- Move. - You kind of just bumped me with your car.
bump [bʌmp] v. 碰,撞
I don't think so.
不  你确实碰到了  因为
No. No, you did, because, um-
瞧  我的裤子上沾了油迹
See, yeah, I got grease on my pants
grease [ɡriːs] n. 油脂;
-而且我明显感觉被碰到  -叫救护车吧
- and then also I felt it. - Call an ambulance.
ambulance [ˈæmbjələns] n. 救护车
好吧  我只是觉得你可能有心知道
Okay. I just thought you might wanna know...
或许你还想当个懂礼貌的人  道个歉
in case you wanted to be a decent human being and apologize, but-
decent [ˈdiːsnt] adj. 像样的; 正派的; 得体的;
in case 以防万一; 如果; 除非
不想吗  好吧
No? Okay.
ass [æs] n. 蠢人; 屁股
What did you say?
算了  行吗
Just forget about it, all right?
forget (about) it 算了吧; 忘了吧
-听着  红毛鬼  我没碰到你  -我
- Listen, carrottop. I didn't touch you. - Um, I-
所以你给我放聪明点  闭上你的臭嘴
So do the smart thing. Shut your hole,
滚上车  开远点
get in your car and drive away.
Is there a problem here?
What the hell are you?
I'm the ass-kicking clown...
that'll twist you like a balloon animal.
twist [twɪst] v. 使弯曲,使扭曲(成一定形状);
I will beat your head against this bumper
bumper [ˈbʌmpə(r)] n. (汽车头尾的)保险杠
until the air bags deploy.
air bag 安全气囊
deploy [dɪˈplɔɪ] v. 部署; 调动
立刻  向我男友  道歉
So apologize to my boyfriend right now!
-道歉  男友  -道歉
- Apologize? Boyfriend? - Apologize!
好吧  对不起
Okay. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
快走吧  要迟到了
Let's go. We're gonna be late.
Mind if I come in?
Come here.
-你怎么蹦得那么不开心  -我说尽了笑话
- Why you bounce so sad? - I told all my jokes.
bounce [baʊns] v. (使)弹起; 蹦跳;
It turns out I'm not the funny guy.
turn out 原来是; 结果是;
时候到了  真命天女自然会降临
The right girl will find you when it's time,
even though I'm gonna hate losing you to another woman.
You'll never lose me, Mom.
我会永远爱你的  无论发生任何事
I'll always love you, no matter what.
no matter what 无论怎样
Ay, chiquitn.
瞧  刚刚说的多好  
You see? Right there.
You need no tricks.
trick [trɪk] n. 诡计; 花招;
只要表现出贴心可爱的  真实的你就好了
Just be the sweet, wonderful little boy that you are.
可爱的小男孩  懂了
Sweet little boy. Got it.
got it 知道了; 明白
-她会被我迷得神魂颠倒的  -加油加油
- She won't know what hit her. - Vaya para all!
vaya para all (西班牙语)相当于英语的come over there(去吧)
嘿  曼尼  想做过可爱的梳套吗
Hey, Manny, wanna make a sweet comb sheath?
现在真不是时候  克莱尔
Could not be a worse time, Claire.
哦  这边真是安静又冷清啊
Oh. It's so peaceful and quiet over here.
peaceful [ˈpiːsfl] adj. 安静的; 平静的; 
哈  哈  如果你是来幸灾乐祸的
Ha-ha. If you came over here to gloat,
gloat [ɡləʊt] v. 幸灾乐祸
come over 过来; 拜访;
I already know it's a dud.
dud [dʌd] n. 不中用的东西; 废物;
实际上  我是来给你送这个的
Actually, I came to give you this.
是你最喜欢的口味  蓝色冰恋
It's your favorite flavor- blue.
谢谢  亲爱的
Thanks, honey.
-你的头发看上去真的好美  -谢谢
- And your hair looks really nice. Hmm. - Thanks.
I've been combing it all day.
来  大家都掌声鼓励一下卢克的勇敢
All right, let's all give Luke a big hand for being so brave.
brave [breɪv] adj. 勇敢的
感觉好怪哦  它以什么为食
This feels so weird. What does it eat?
Oh, just little boy brains.
卢克本来就没大脑  没什么好担心的
Well, at least Luke's got nothing to worry about.
-里面有蛋黄酱吗  -没有  放心吃吧
- Is there mayo in this? - No. You're good.
mayo [ˈmeɪəʊ] n. 同 mayonnaise; 蛋黄酱
我在想  或许我们可以悄悄溜走
So I was thinking that maybe we could go slip away-
slip [slɪp] v. 滑倒; 溜
slip away 偷偷溜走; (时间)消逝
So, does anyone wanna pet the iguana?
-当然了  天啊 -这边  我  我
- Hells, yeah. Oh, man. - Over here! Me! Me!
I love lizards.
lizard [ˈlɪzəd] n. 蜥蜴
-他叫什么名字  -她名叫蜥蜥
- What's his name? - Her name is Lizzy.
哇  我完全懂其含义
Wow. I totally get that.
totally [ˈtəʊtəli] adv. 完全;
You don't deserve this.
-什么  -性感的爬虫女郎
- What? - Hot reptile chick.
You know, probably has her own apartment,
apartment [əˈpɑːtmənt] n. 公寓套房; 房间
obviously okay touching gross stuff.
obviously [ˈɒbviəsli] adv. 显然,明显地
gross [ɡrəʊs] adj. 总的; 令人恶心的;
-他们不过是聊聊天罢了  -你说的对
- They're just talking. - You're right.
迪兰品味那么"高"  肯定不会
Dylan's far too sophisticated to get sucked in...
sophisticated [səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd] adj. 见多识广的; 老练的; 水平高的;
suck [sʌk] v. 吮吸;
suck in 吸入; 卷入; 感兴趣
by a single lady with tons of cool tattoos.
tattoo [təˈtuː] n. 文身;
嘿  我觉得它尿在我手上了
Hey. I think it peed on me.
pee [piː] v. 撒尿
-不  -别啊  大自然的小精灵
- Oh, no. - No way, Mother Nature.
no way 没门, 绝不
Mother Nature 大自然
I can't believe he does that.
嘿  我错过什么了  伙计们
Hey, what am I missing, guys?
老天啊  歌洛莉亚
Aw, geez, Gloria.
geez [gi:'ez] 天啊; 哎呀
杰  看啊  我跳得好高  看啊看啊
Jay, look! I go high! Look! Look!
伙计们  该滚蛋了  快点  
Guys, hit the road. Come on.
hit the road 上路
你们都是有家室的男人  快  散开
You're family men. Come on. Scat.
family man 有家室的男人
scat [skæt] v. 迅速走开;
真棒啊  小老弟
Great job, buddy.
现在有趣的部分到啦  快滑下来吧
Now comes the fun part. Rappel down.
rappel [ræˈpel] v. (沿岩壁)索降
It's really high.
你不用畏惧任何事  只需面对畏惧本身
You have nothing to fear but fear itself...
and the concrete.
concrete [ˈkɒŋkriːt] n. 混凝土
但老爸在这儿呢  小老弟  
But I'm right here, buddy.
好吧  要接住我哦
Okay, just catch me.
我很勇敢  过山车  爱死了
I am brave. Roller coasters? Love 'em.
roller [ˈrəʊlə(r)] n. 滚筒;
coaster [ˈkəʊstə(r)] n. 玻璃杯垫; 航行于沿海港口间的轮船
roller coaster 过山车
恐怖电影?  《捉鬼敢死队》我都看7遍了
Scary movies? I've seen Ghostbusters, like, seven times.
I regularly drive through neighborhoods...
regularly [ˈreɡjələli] adv. 有规律地; 经常;
neighborhood ['neɪbə(r)ˌhʊd] n. 街区; 地段,地区;
that have only recently been gentrified.
gentrify [ˈdʒentrɪfaɪ] v. 使(地区或人等)贵族化; 对(地区、人等)进行改造以适应较高阶层的人
So yeah, I'm pretty much not afraid of anything.
嘿嘿嘿  大家伙儿
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, everybody!
快别闹腾逗乐了  那是我的工作
Quit your clownin' around. That's my job.
Except clowns.
我从未告诉过家人们这一点  所以  嘘
Never shared that with the fam, so... shh.
fam [fam] n. 家人
Do have an image to maintain.
image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] n. 形象; 画像;
maintain [meɪnˈteɪn] v. 维持;
I am not really sure where the fear comes from.
My mother says it's because when I was a kid,
曾在森林中发现过一具小丑尸体  谁知道呢
I found a dead clown in the woods, but who knows?
嘿  你一定就是小寿星了
Hey. Oh. Well, you must be the birthday boy.
是你吗  小卡舅夫
Is that you, Uncle Cam?
不  我是小丑菲茨宝
No. I'm Fizbo the clown.
I don't know who this Uncle Cam is,
但听上去他似乎很帅  不是吗
but he sure sounds handsome, doesn't he?
handsome [ˈhænsəm] adj. 英俊的;
-谁喜欢气球拧的动物  -我  我
- Hey, who likes balloon animals? - I do! I do!
那只是小卡  只是小卡而已
It's just Cam. It's just Cam.
-你还好吧  -什么  当然了
- You all right? - What? Yeah.
Just have kind of a complicated relationship with clowns.
complicate [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt] v. 使复杂化
relationship [rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp] n. 关系
Well, join the club.
join the club 我也一样
听着  我之前太刻意勉强自己装成搞笑的人
Look, I came on strong with that whole funny guy bit.
This is me just being myself.
好吧  你知道那边那个男生是谁吗
Okay. Hey, do you know who that boy is over there?
那是迪兰  海莉的男朋友
Oh. That's Dylan. He's Haley's boyfriend.
He's so cute and tall.
我还在发育呢  别老挑我的短处
I'm still growing. Give me a break.
give sb a break 饶了某人吧; 给某人一次机会吧; 
不好意思  小姐  这只小狗需要一个新家
Pardon me, miss, but this little doggy needs a new home.
doggy [ˈdɒɡi] n. (儿语)小狗
Oh, thank you.
That's quite an impressive getup you got there.
impressive [ɪmˈpresɪv] adj. 令人赞叹的; 令人敬佩的
getup [ˈgɛtʌp] n. <口>(尤指不寻常的)装束,穿戴
谢谢  杰  噢  对了
Thank you, Jay. Oh, by the way,
you have something on your shoulder.
shoulder [ˈʃəʊldə(r)] n. 肩膀
That's good.
别担心  什么都没有
Never mind. It was nothing.
never mind 没关系; 不用担心
We're done here.
So, do you keep these at a zoo or something?
-不  都放在我家里  -真棒
- No. I just keep 'em at my place. - That's awesome.
I only have a cat.
是吗  我曾经也有过一只猫
Yeah? I used to have a cat.
I was just messing with you before,
mess [mes] n. 杂乱; v. 弄脏; 弄乱
mess with 挑战; 对抗; 开玩笑; 
but seriously, he's still talking to her.
-哇  好凉啊  -姐这就出马
- Wow. Cool. - On it.
-其实  这是...  -我感觉像布兰妮一样
- You know, this is one of- - I feel like Britney Spears.
feel like 想要; 感觉;
You're so funny.
You kind of do look like Britney Spears.
-真的吗  -我开玩笑的
- Really? - I'm just kidding.
反正  这只大概是我的最爱了  
Anyway, this is probably my favorite.
嘿  丛林女郎
Hey, jungle lady?
似乎  你的一只爬虫跑出来了
I think- I think one of your bugs got out.
bug [bʌɡ] n. 虫子;
什么  这只吗
What? This one?
就是这只盒子里的  盒子歪倒了
This box thing here- It's on its side.
-老天啊  跑哪儿去了  -没事吧
- Oh, my God. Where did it go? - Is everything okay?
不  我丢了一只毒蝎子  我得找到它
No. I lost a poisonous scorpion, and I need to find it.
poisonous [ˈpɔɪzənəs] adj. 有毒的;
scorpion [ˈskɔːpiən] n. 蝎子
好了孩子们  都把裤腿扎进袜子里
Okay, kids, let's all tuck our pants into our socks.
tuck [tʌk] v. (把衣服、纸张等的边缘)塞进
Avoid shady, moist places,
avoid [əˈvɔɪd] v. 避免; 避开;
shady [ˈʃeɪdi] adj. 阴凉的;
moist [mɔɪst] adj. 微湿的; 湿润的
我们来玩个游戏  叫做"当心脚下"
and let's make a game of looking where we step.
-他没事吧  -我们现在能探望他吗
- Is he okay? - Can we see him?
He's in with the doctor right now.
这种事就是常发生的  对吧
These things happen, right?
No matter how careful you are.
嘿  瞧瞧外公送了我什么  十字弓
Hey, look what Grandpa gave me- a crossbow.
-宝贝  那东西看着不安全啊  -别担心
- Sweetie, that does not look safe. - Don't worry.
He's gonna show me how to use it.
那正是  我担心的地方
That's what... I'm afraid of.
快过来  准备好了吗
Come on. Ready?
噢  老天  你不会是在做梳套吧
Oh, my God. You are not making comb sheaths.
我就是的  我知道的  又老套又无趣
I am, and I know. It's really lame.
lame [leɪm] adj. 瘸的; 跛的; 站不住脚的;
Everybody hates it.
不  就像是当年唐娜·瑞格比的派对
No. It's just like, uh, Donna Rigby's party.
就是啊  太对了  我这边小珠子什么的都有
Exactly! Yes! And I have the beads and everything.
太棒了  真是太棒了
Amazing. This is awesome.
所以  小卡是个小丑哈
So... Cam's a clown.
-我绝对射到你了  -那是我家那位小丑
- I totally got you. - And there's mine.
You think it's weird
-我们姐弟俩找的对象都  -自由不羁吗
- that we both chose people who were so- uninhibited?
uninhibited [ˌʌnɪnˈhɪbɪtɪd] adj. 纵情的; 无拘无束的;
我本想说令人尴尬的  不过你说的也对
I was gonna say "Embarrassing," But yeah.
embarrass [ɪmˈbærəs] v. 使窘迫
瞧瞧他们  派对因他们而充满活力
Look at them now. They're the life of the party.
我必须承认  尽管他很疯狂
Uh, you know, I gotta say, for all his craziness,
I love my clown.
姐也是  有他们在真的很好
Me too. They're good for us.
要是我  肯定把派对气氛给毁了
I would've totally tanked this party.
tank [tæŋk] n. 箱; 坦克 v. 彻底失败;
And I would've gotten my butt kicked at a gas station.
butt [bʌt] n. 烟蒂,烟头; 屁股;
-什么  -菲茨宝可是个不好惹的大坏蛋哟
- Sorry? - Turns out Fizbo is a real bad-ass.
蝎子  有蝎子  有蝎子
Scorpion! Scorpion! Scorpion!
不不不  靠得太近  离我太近
No, no. Too close. Too close. Too close.
What the hell?
噢  糟糕
Oh, crap!
-冷静  -发生什么事了
- Calm down. - What happened?
calm down 冷静; 平息
We fired the crossbow.
不  我知道的  天啊  射中蹦床了
No, I know. Oh, my God. It's right there.
比安卡  我来了
Bianca, I'm coming.
-还有谁在里面  -快出来
- Who else is in there? - Get out!
事实证明我不是甜心帅哥  也不是幽默达人
It turns out I'm not the sweet guy or the funny guy.
不  曼尼  别进去  千万不要
No, Manny, don't go in! Por favor!
go in 进入;
I must!
I'm coming!
Manny Delgado is a man of action.
等等  我的狗狗还在里面
Wait. My dog is still in there.
I'll be right back.
噢  我的胳膊
Ow! My arm!
小宝贝  卢克
Sweetie? Luke?
-怎么了  小老弟  -出什么事了
- What happened, buddy? - What happened?
出什么事了  宝贝
What happened, honey?
嘿  嘿  怎么回事
Hey, hey. What happened?
-我踩在这些小珠子上滑倒了  -糟糕
- I slipped on these stupid beads. - Oops.
oops [ʊps] int. (差点出事故、摔破物品等时说)哎哟; 
来  先起来
Come on. Here we go.
How is he?
-他会没事的  -老天啊
- Oh, he's gonna be fine. - Ay, Dios mio.
Ay, Dios mio (西班牙语)相当于英语的Oh My God!
小宝贝  你怎么样啊  孩子
Hi, honey. How are you, kid?
-他出来了  -小可怜
- Oh, there he is. - Pobrecito.
You poor thing.
哇  大家都来了啊
Wow. Everybody's here.
我们当然得来了  你的小翅膀怎么样了
Of course we are. How's that busted flipper?
bust [bʌst] v. 打破; 摔碎; 逮捕 n. (石或金属的)半身像;
flipper [ˈflɪpər] n. (海豹、海龟等的)鳍肢,鳍足; (潜水、游泳用的)脚蹼
-没事  -今天的事真遗憾  小老弟
- Okay. - Sorry about today, buddy.
We'll try again next year, huh?
你在说笑吗  这是有史以来最棒的生日了
Are you kidding? This was the best birthday ever.
-什么  -我打了个石膏
- What? - I got a cast.
cast [kɑːst] n. 全体演员; 模子;
-你喜欢打石膏吗  -我一直想要一个的
- You like a cast? - I've always wanted one.
-几周后  里面就会发臭  -恶
- After a few weeks, they start to smell. -Ew!
你真是个怪胎  你知道吗
You are so weird, you know that?
-我可以在上面签名吗  -当然
- Can I sign it? - Sure.
-嘿  我先来  -这边
- Hey. Me first. - Here.
If you'd asked me before the party...
if I wanted there to be a chain reaction of disasters...
chain [tʃeɪn] n. 链子; 一系列
reaction [riˈækʃn] n. 反应;
disaster [dɪˈzɑːstə(r)] n. 灾难;
导致卢克摔伤了胳膊  我很可能会说不
that led to Luke breaking his arm, I probably would've said no.
-可能吗  -可...绝对  绝对不希望
- Probably? - Prob- Definite- Definitely not.
definitely [ˈdefɪnətli] adv. 肯定;
Would not want that.
但是  不管怎么样
But, one way or another,
one way or another 以某种方式; 无论如何
Luke was the center of attention on his birthday,
and the whole family was together...
just the way it should be.
菲茨宝快递  我带蛋糕来啦
Fizbo delivery! I brought the cake!
delivery [dɪˈlɪvəri] n. 传送; 递送;
bravo [ˌbrɑːˈvəʊ] int. (喝彩声、叫好声)好哇
I can't do this.
天啊  我得出去
Oh, God. I'm out.
快吹蜡烛  快吹蜡烛
Blow the candles. Blow the candles.
Bianca Douglas called me three times tonight.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
I'm starting to feel smothered.
smother [ˈsmʌðə(r)] v. 使窒息而死;
我真的很喜欢我的石膏  但里面开始痒了
I really like my cast, but it's starting to itch.
itch [ɪtʃ] v. (使)发痒;
Good thing my mom made me this personal scratcher.
scratcher ['skrætʃə] n. 抓扒者;
Oh, that's good stuff.
If another woman is messing with your man,
you have to get proactive.
proactive [ˌprəʊˈæktɪv] adj. 积极主动的; 先发制人的
I don't care how pretty she is
or how many stupid reptiles she has.
She tries to take what's mine,
girlfriend's gonna get stung.
sting [stɪŋ] v. 刺; 激怒;

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