What's the key to being a great dad?
the key to sth 某事的关键
Ah, that's a tough one.
Giving them the freedom to be whatever they want to be.
-对 没错 -不管是画家
- Right. Exactly. - Whether that's a painter,
诗人 飞行员 总统[董事长]
a poet, a pilot, a president-
poet [ˈpəʊɪt] n. 诗人
对于我们来说 那就
And for us, we're gonna
gonna [ˈɡənə] 即将,将要(用来表示going to的口语发音)
企业领头人 或是一国之君
of a company or of a country.
patience [ˈpeɪʃns] n. 耐心;
很简单 做他们的好朋友
Well, be their buddy.
buddy [ˈbʌdi] n. 朋友; 同伴; 老兄
-你的答案就是这个吗 -还有认真学习
- That's your answer? - And stay in school.
-不对 -还有别吸毒
- No. - And don't do drugs.
drug [drʌɡ] n. 毒品;
do drugs 吸毒
-快告诉我正确答案嘛 -我的天呐
- Just give me the answer. - 0h, God.
Still thinking.
-嗨 克莱尔 -嘿
- Hi, Claire. - Hey.
-嘿 -好吧
- Hey. - Oh, okay.
嗨 这位是我老公 菲尔
Hi. Um, this is my husband, Phil.
-嗨 -那是我儿子 卢克 就那个
- Hi. - And, uh, that's my son, Luke, right there.
-这位是 -德希蕾
- This is - Desiree.
-德希蕾 对 抱歉 -你好啊
- Desiree, right. Sorry. - Oh, hi.
-德希蕾刚搬过来 -赞啊 哪户
- Desiree just moved in down the block. - Fun. Where?
block [blɒk] n. 大块; 立方体; 大楼; 街区
move in 搬进; 插手; 涉足
-314 -是嘛
- 314. - Oh!
就那栋双卧室别墅 带有室内外两用的家庭房间 The two-bedroom cottage with the indoor-outdoor family room.
cottage [ˈkɒtɪdʒ] n. 小屋; 小别墅
indoor-outdoor 室内外两用的(如下图所示)
真厉害 你怎么
Very good. How did you-
Bet you're lovin' that steam shower.
bet [bet] v. 下赌注(于); 敢说;
steam [stiːm] n. 水蒸气; 蒸汽;
菲尔 别吓到人家
Phil, that's creepy.
creepy [ˈkriːpi] adj. 令人毛骨悚然的; 怪异的
哦 抱歉 我是 我是个房产大亨
0h, sorry. I'm a- I'm a real estate mogul.
estate [ɪˈsteɪt] n. 房地产;财产; 身份;
mogul [ˈməʊɡl] n. 大亨;
real estate n. 房地产; 不动产
什么! 不 我是个房产中介
"What?" No, I'm a- I am a real estate agent.
agent [ˈeɪdʒənt] n. 代理人,经纪人
我们展览过那个房子 露台很好 We caravanned that house. Great, uh, deck.
deck [dek] n. 甲板; (屋后供憩息的)木制平台 v. 装饰;
谢谢 我离婚手续办好就搬走了
Thanks. I'm just there till my divorce is final.
divorce [dɪˈvɔːs] n. 离婚的男子 n. 离婚;
怎么会 谁傻到想要跟你离婚
No, who is coconuts enough to divorce you?
coconuts和nuts用作俚语都表示"疯的; 傻的"(注意: 这两个都是加了s的)
我们该走了 再见了
We gotta go, but we'll see you around.
gotta [ˈɡɒtə] 必须; 不得不; 有一个; (用来表示have got to和have got a的口语发音)
We'll have to have you over sometime.
sometime [ˈsʌmtaɪm] adv. 在某时
-我很愿意 -好啊
- I'd love it. - All right.
-拜拜 -拜拜
- Bye. - Bye.
-她真不错 -滚 我们不可能请她做客
- She's awesome. - No, we are never having her over.
awesome [ˈɔːsəm] adj. 令人惊叹的; 很好的
Heard she already slept with two dads from the school.
-什么 -就是
- What? - Mm-hmm.
That's horrible.
-爸爸 小心 -小心点呀 伙计
- Dad, watch out! - Whoa! Watch it, buddy!
-老太太 -抱歉
- Grandma. - I'm sorry.
That still looks like a girl's bike.
We'll add more black tape.
add [æd] v. 增加;
My son has been riding his sister's old bike.
Until he's responsible enough to take care of his own bike.
responsible [rɪˈspɒnsəbl] adj. 有责任; 负责;
take care of 照顾; 处理; 杀掉
Look, he spilled a soda on my computer,
spill [spɪl] v. (使)洒出
soda [ˈsəʊdə] n. 苏打汽水; 苏打;
he ruined our digital camera
ruin [ˈruːɪn] v. 毁坏; 破坏;
taking pictures of himself underwater.
underwater [ˌʌndəˈwɔːtə(r)] adj. 水下的; adv. 在水下
那是辆女车 我也想给他些教训
It's a girl's bike. I'm all for teaching him a lesson.
But I worry about the ridicule he might get from some loudmouth bully.
ridicule [ˈrɪdɪkjuːl] n. 嘲笑;
loudmouth [ˈlaʊdmaʊθ] n. 说话大声大气的人; 喋喋不休的人
bully [ˈbʊli] n. 仗势欺人者; 横行霸道者
嘿嘿嘿 车很漂亮啊 小姑娘
Hey, hey, hey. Nice bike, Sally.
Sally [ˈsæli] n. 萨利(女子名), 经常用来代表女孩子
拜托 他骑女式车 像洋娃娃一样
Come on. He looks like Little Bo Peep on that thing.
come on 加油; 得了吧; 别逗了; 快点
peep [piːp]
Little Bo Peep 来自一首流行的英语童谣: Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep(Little Bo Peep丢了她的羊), Little Bo Peep 通常被描绘成一个可爱的小金发女孩,卷发,戴着帽子,穿着围裙的小裙子
不会再这样了 他下午就会有辆新车
Actually, not for long. He's getting a new bike this afternoon.
-真的吗 -没错
- I am? - Mm-hmm.
He is?
Sometimes a man's gotta put his foot down
put one's foot down 坚决; 力排众议
and do what a man's gotta do.
如果老婆不满意 And if the old lady don't like it-
old lady 老妇人; 老妈; 老婆; 女朋友;
That's too damn bad.
damn [dæm] int. 该死,他妈的,讨厌 adj. 可恶的,讨厌的 adv. 该死,讨厌,十足;
没错 激不激动
Yes. Who's excited, huh?
小卡 快点 要迟到了
Cam, come on. Hurry up. We're gonna be late.
hurry up 快点,赶快
只是亲子课而已 又不是要飞到卡波去
It's a toddler play class, not a flight to Cabo.
toddler [ˈtɒdlə(r)] n. 学步的儿童; 刚学会走路的孩子
Cabo 墨西哥的一个旅游城市
作为唯一的同性恋夫夫 我们已经赚够口水了
We're gonna be judged enough as the only gay parents there.
gay [ɡeɪ] adj. 同性恋的;
I don't wanna be the late ones too.
天呐 又是旋花呢又是粉色
Wow! Paisley and pink.
paisley [ˈpeɪzli] n. 佩斯利(羽状)图案
Was there something wrong with the fishnet tank top?
fishnet [ˈfɪʃnet] n. 网眼织物
tank [tæŋk] n. 箱; 坦克
tank top 背心
穿啊 穿在里面了
Obviously not. I'm wearing it underneath.
obviously [ˈɒbviəsli] adv. 显然,明显地;
underneath [ˌʌndəˈniːθ] prep./adv. 在…底下; 隐藏(或掩盖)在下面;
开玩笑的 放松 给你
Kidding. Just chill, please. Here.
chill [tʃɪl] n. 寒冷; v. (使)冷却; 冷静,放松 adj. 寒冷的;
抱歉 我只是想留下良好的第一印象
I'm sorry. I just wanna make a good first impression.
impression [ɪmˈpreʃn] n. 印象;
first impression 第一印象
You wanna fit in and not terrify the villagers?
fit in/into 融入; 适合; 装进; 安排
嘿 别闹了
Hey, come on.
今天莉莉才是主角 好不好
Today is about Lily, all right?
Her future best friend might be in that class,
and I don't wanna rub anyone the wrong way.
rub [rʌb] v. 擦; 摩擦
rub sb (up) the wrong way 惹怒某人
Can you please just change your shirt?
好吧 你猜怎么着
Fine. You know what?
I'll just go put on a pair of khakis,
put on 穿上;
高尔夫衬衫 让每个人都以为
maybe a polo shirt, and everybody will think
polo [ˈpəʊləʊ] n. 马球(运动)
polo shirt 马球衫; 网球衫; 高尔夫球衫
we're a couple straight golfin' buddies...
who just decided to have a kid together.
Hey, I called that place in Napa and
Napa [ˈnæpə] 加州的旅游城市
got us upgraded to a villa with a hot tub.
upgrade [ˌʌpˈɡreɪd , ˈʌpɡreɪd] v. 使升级;
villa [ˈvɪlə] n. 度假别墅;
tub [tʌb] n. 盆; 桶;
hot tub 热水浴池(常置于室外,可供数人坐在里面休息);
So pack whatever you wear in a hot tub.
I usually wear nothing when I'm in a hot tub.
那我大学室友的老婆就得做个屁股整形了 And my college roommate's wife just had to get a new hip.
roommate [ˈruːmmeɪt] n. 室友; 同住一室的人
hip [hɪp] n. 臀部;
sucker [ˈsʌkə(r)] n. 容易上当受骗的人; 没有主见的人;
Manny's father is taking him for a couple of days to Disneyland,
Disneyland ['dɪznɪlænd] n. 迪斯尼乐园
so we're gonna go to the wine country.
去喝点小酒 吃些美食
We're gonna drink some wine, eat some good food.
You know, we would do something like this
但是 因为曼尼 就少了很多
a lot more often if it wasn't for, you know, Manny.
-他很好 他让我们过着朴实的生活 -是啊
- He's good. He keep us grounded. - Yeah.
grounded [ˈɡraʊndɪd] adj. (对生活)持有合理和现实态度的; v. (使)搁浅,触海底; 使停飞(ground的过去式和过去分词)
就像机场起雾 飞机停飞
Like fog at an airport.
Limo gets here at 4:00.
limo [ˈlɪməʊ] n. 同 limousine; 大型高级轿车; 豪华轿车; (往返机场接送旅客的)中型客车,小型公共汽车
早上嘛 我想去俱乐部打会球
This morning, I thought I'd go to the club, hit a few balls.
不行 曼尼房间的风扇怎么办
No! What about the fan in Manny's room?
那个 叫个人修吧
0h, yeah. Call a guy.
guy [ɡaɪ] n. 男人; 小伙子; 家伙;
不行 你该跟他一起修
No! You're supposed to do it with him.
It's important that we teach him how to do things for himself.
在我的家乡 男人以干体力活为荣
In my culture, men take great pride in doing physical labor.
physical [ˈfɪzɪkl] adj. 身体的; 肉体的;
labor [ˈleɪbə] n. 劳动
take pride in sb/sth 为某人/某事感到自豪
physical labor 体力活
我知道 所以我才雇你们那儿的人给我干活
I know. That's why I hire people from your culture.
hire [ˈhaɪə(r)] v. 租用; 雇用;
You're too funny.
I'm gonna share that one with my next husband
when we're spending all your money.
-爸爸 这是全世界最酷的车 -必须的
- Dad, this is the coolest bike ever. - Awesome.
听着 伙计
So, listen, buddy.
Certain members of this family
don't think you can take care of this bad boy.
-你是说妈妈吗 -你说的 我可没说
- You mean Mom? - Your words, not mine.
Look, uh, your mom and I are a team,
而她 我们 觉得这是个好机会
and she- we feel like this is a chance
feel like 感觉;
for you to show some responsibility.
responsibility [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti] n. 责任; 负责;
Don't make us look like jerks here.
jerk [dʒɜːk] n. 急拉; 蠢人; 傻瓜; 笨蛋;
这句话直译是: 别让我们像傻瓜一样(相信你有责任心)
-不会的 -很好
- I won't. - Okay.
-最后一点要求 -什么
- One more rule. - What?
给我 玩得超级无敌开心
Have, like, three butt-loads of fun.
Thanks, Dad.
-我们开始吧 -先说好3点前要弄完
- So let's do this. - 0kay, but I need to be done by 3:00.
That's when my dad's picking me up.
pick up 接(电话); 接走;
Hey, if we're not done by 3:00,
I'm gonna tie a noose on this thing.
noose [nuːs] n. 绳套; 套索;
In Colombia there's a saying:
Colombia [kəˈlʌmbɪə] n. 哥伦比亚
"If you have two stubborn burros that don't like each other,
stubborn [ˈstʌbən] adj. 固执的; 执拗的;
burro [ˈbʊrəʊ] n. 小驴
you tie them to the same cart."
cart [kɑːt] n. (两轮或四轮)运货马车; 手推车;
The ceiling fan is the cart.
ceiling [ˈsiːlɪŋ] n. 天花板
ceiling fan 吊扇
My dad's taking me on Space Mountain.
那东西超快 不过我爸爸什么都不怕
It's supposed to be really fast, but he's not scared of anything.
He doesn't even wear a seat belt when he drives.
belt [belt] n. 腰带; 皮带;
seat belt 安全带
哇噢 也太厉害了吧
Wow. How 'bout that?
-他还杀过熊 -真的假的
- Killed a bear once. - Really?
Was the bear sittin' in the passenger seat?
Read me the instructions.
"安全须知 警告:为避免遭受电击"
"Safety tips. Warning: To reduce the risk of electrical shock"-
reduce [rɪˈdjuːs] v. 减少,缩小
electrical [ɪˈlektrɪkl] adj. 电的; 用电的; 发电的
electrical shock 电击
We can skip that.
skip [skɪp] v. 跳过; 不做
Uh, "Failure to heed these warnings
failure [ˈfeɪljə(r)] n. 失败; 未做,未履行(应做之事)
heed [hiːd] v. 留心,注意,听从(劝告或警告)
可导致重伤 甚至死亡"
can lead to serious injury or death."
injury [ˈɪndʒəri] n. 伤害,损伤
你总是瞎担心 你自己知道
You know, you worry too much. You know that.
Nobody's gonna get shocked.
One time my dad was struck by lightning.
lightning [ˈlaɪtnɪŋ] n. 闪电
That's why he can drink as much as he wants.
Manny thinks his dad is like Superman.
superman [ˈsuːpəmæn] n. 有非凡才能的人; 超人
可真相呢 他总是说到不做到 The truth? He's a total flake.
flake [fleɪk] n. 小薄片; 健忘的人; 不守诺言的人
事实上 他唯一像超人的方面
In fact, the only way he's like Superman...
is that they both landed in this country illegally.
illegally [ɪˈliːgəli] adv. 非法地
land in 降落在, 着陆于; 来到, 到达, 处于(某种境况)
I can't believe I'm so nervous.
他们会喜欢我们的 我们就表现真我就行了
They're gonna love us. Let's just be ourselves.
0r a slightly toned-down version of ourselves.
slightly [ˈslaɪtli] adv. 略微; 稍微;
toned-down 淡化; 不夸张
version [ˈvɜːʃn] n. 版本
I just don't want this to become an episode of "The Cam Show."
episode [ˈepɪsəʊd] n. (电视连续剧或无线电广播剧的)一集
-天呐 大家都喜欢"小卡秀" -我知道
- 0h, my gosh. People love "The Cam Show." - Yes, I know.
gosh [ɡɒʃ] int. (惊奇或惊讶时说)天哪,啊呀
-你也看"小卡秀" -我确实看
- You watch "The Cam Show." - I do watch it.
-是提前预约才能看到 -好吧
- It's appointment viewing. - Okay.
appointment [əˈpɔɪntmənt] n. 约会; 预约;
view [vjuː] n. 看法; 观看; v. 观看;
appointment viewing 定时观看(数字电视出现之前,我们不能翻看以前的节目,只有正在播出的时候才能看到)
-你好 -你们好 是参加亲子课的吗
- Hi! - Hi! Are you here for Toddler Time?
是的 我是米奇尔 这是卡梅隆
Yes. I-I'm Mitchell. This is Cameron.
-还有我们的女儿莉莉 -你好
- And this here is Lily. - Hello.
真好 欢迎呀
0h, well! Welcome.
We're all over here taking turns blowing bubbles.
bubble [ˈbʌbl] n. 泡;
take turns 轮流
多好玩啊 对小孩子而言
Well, how nice for... the babies.
This is gonna be really difficult.
才跟我保证 过了不到10分钟
Ten minutes after making a promise to me,
he leaves his bike unlocked.
unlocked [ˌʌnˈlɑːkt] adj. 未锁的;
All I can hear is Claire's voice in my head-
"He's not responsible.
You never should have given him a bike."
我知道 我模仿克莱尔超像的
I know. I do a pretty good Claire.
So I decided to teach him a lesson...
and let him think his bike was stolen.
steal [stiːl] v. 偷;
And I know that sounds kind of rough,
but sometimes it's a dad's job to be the tough guy.
tough guy 强壮, 无畏的人; 黑社会成员
不好意思 谢谢
Excuse me! Thank you.
左边 我的左边 你右边
On your left! My left. Your right!
大家好 今天有个新家庭加入我们
Everyone, we have a new family joining us today.
大家好 我是米奇尔 一名律师
Hi. I'm, uh, Mitchell, and I am a lawyer.
我是卡梅隆 暂时待业
I- I'm Cameron, and I'm currently not working,
currently [ˈkʌrəntli] adv. 现时; 目前;
所以我有很多时间烹饪 打篮球 还有
which gives me more time to grill and shoot baskets and-
grill [ɡrɪl] n. v. 烧烤,炙烤;
shoot baskets 投篮
And this is Lily.
好 我们以问候舞作为开场舞
Okay, we're gonna start with the Hello Dance,
然后玩积木 手指画
and then we're gonna move on to blocks, then finger painting,
move on 离开; 开始做新的事;
and then we're gonna do our Family Dance.
好了 谁想先开始
All right. Who wants to start us off?
Dance us in, P. J.!
-她真可爱 -谢谢夸奖
- She's adorable. - Oh, thank you.
adorable [əˈdɔːrəbl] adj. 可爱的; 讨人喜爱的
-7个月大吗 -8个月
- Seven months? - Uh, eight.
噢 会抓东西了吗 会走路了吗
0h! Is she grabbing or scooting yet?
grab [ɡræb] v. 抓住;
scoot [skuːt] v. 疾行; 匆匆离去
是的 都会呢
Yes. Absolutely.
absolutely [ˈæbsəluːtli] adv. 绝对地,完全地
我是说 她不是手在乱抓 就是脚在乱走
I mean, when she's not grabbin', she is- she is scootin'.
I mean 用于强调陈述; 用于更正先前的陈述; 当一个人不确定该说什么或如何说时使用
泰勒 进来跳吧
Dance us in, Tyler!
准备好了吗 好的 来吧
Are you ready? Okay. Here we go.
小卡 莉莉还不会抓不会走呢
Cam, Lily is not grabbing or scooting yet.
现在还不会 以后会的
Well, she's not doing it yet, but she will eventually.
eventually [ɪˈventʃuəli] adv. 最后; 终于
不 你看 那么多小孩
No, but, see, a lot of these other kids,
they're- they're grabbing.
我只是 给 拿着
I-I just- Here. Come-
莉莉 你看积木
Lily. Look at the block, huh?
把积木拿起来 莉莉
Grab the block, Lily.
-抓着H -该你上场了莉莉
- Grab the "H." - Dance us in, Lily!
-好的 我来搞定 -小卡
- Okay. I got this. - Cam, just-
I got it/this 我明白了; 我来处理; 我来解决;
我知道 要压抑我的天赋
Yes, I know. Tamp down my natural gifts
tamp [tæmp] v. 捣实; 压实; 塞紧
tamp down 降低; 抑制; 压制; 打击; 限制
natural gift 天赋
and dance like a straight guy.
No slapping your own butt.
slap [slæp] v. (用手掌)打,拍
butt [bʌt] n. 烟蒂; 屁股;
But that's how I make my horsey go.
horsey [ˈhɔːsi] 在这里是horse的变体, 也是"马"的意思
make my horsey go直译是: 让我的马跑起来, 实际是说让他自己动起来, 我们知道, 骑马的时候, 想要马快跑, 就要用马鞭拍马屁股, 这里就跟上面的"slapping your own butt"对应起来了
Thank you.
That was very good.
I feel dirty.
-你好 -嘿 你好
- 0h, hey. - Hey! Hi.
-嗨 -嗨
- Hi. - Hi.
Uh, this is really embarrassing,
embarrass [ɪmˈbærəs] v. (尤指在社交场合)使窘迫,使尴尬;
but I locked myself out of my house.
噢 我总做这种傻事 别不好意思
0h! Pssh! I do that all the time. Don't be embarrassed.
我想 你能不能帮帮我
I was- I was hoping you could help me.
有扇窗子开着 可我够不着
There's a window open, but I can't reach it.
Would you mind?
-好的 没问题 -太好了
- Yeah. Yeah. Sure. - Great.
当然 你知道有句俗话说
0f course. You know what they say-
"每当上帝关上一扇门 他就打开一扇窗"
"Every time God closes a door, he opens a window."
不过对你的话 是他每次都把你锁在外面
0r I guess in this case, every time he locks you out.
好的 情况如何
Okay, what do we got here?
我的魅力征服了她吗 是的
I mean, am I attracted to her? Yes.
我会趁机发展一下吗 不 不可能
Would I ever act on it? No. No way.
act on 对…起作用; (立即)行动; 按照…而行动
no way 没门, 绝不
Not while my wife is still alive.
Are you sure I can't get you something to drink?
是 不用了 我很好 真的
Yeah. No, I'm- I'm fine. Really.
If I knew a man was gonna climb into my bedroom window,
I would have cleaned up a bit.
开玩笑吗 房里幽香怡人呀
Are you kidding me? It smelled great in there.
Like lotions and oils...
lotion [ˈləʊʃn] n. 洁肤液; 护肤液; 润肤乳
那个 保湿用的 预防干裂
for... dry skin and, you know, calloused hands.
skin [skɪn] n. 皮; 皮肤
calloused [ˈkæləst] adj. 粗糙的; 粗硬的; 起老茧的
其实 是香烛
Yeah, it's a candle.
-完了 -怎么了
- Uh-oh. - What's wrong?
-自行车没了 -哦不
- The bike's gone. - Oh, no.
-我帮你找找吧 -不用了谢谢
- Can I help you find it? - That's all right. Thank you.
好吧 谢谢你哦
0kay. Thank you!
为了教育他 我藏起了他的车
So, to teach him a lesson, I took his bike,
之后 太离谱了
and then- crazy thing-
我放下了两分钟 就被人卷走了
I put it down for one minute, and someone swiped it from me.
swipe [swaɪp] v. 挥拳打; 偷窃; 刷(磁卡)
Maybe that was your dad teaching you a lesson.
有意思 Zinger.
zinger [ˈzɪŋə(r)] n. 妙语; 有趣的话
那 这一辆能打个折吗
So, any chance I could, uh, get a break on this one?
get a break 得到特价;
-可以加个铃铛 -成交
- I can throw in a bell. - Deal.
-五块一个 -那不要了
- For five dollars. - No, sir.
So, you wanna go for the insurance this time,
insurance [ɪnˈʃʊərəns] n. 保险;
go for 选择; 试图获取;
还是坚持"保险是忽悠人的"? or is it still for suckers?
第一次Phil买自行车的时候, 应该店主也问他要不要买保险, 他应该是这样说的: Insurance is for suckers(容易被骗的人才买保险, 也就是保险都是忽悠人的), 然后他不买. 所以这次店主再问他: Is it still true that insurance is for suckers?(保险还是给容易被骗的人的吗?)
Got me again.
Well played, milord.
well played 真行啊(用于表示承认对方的行为或俏皮话十分聪明)
milord [mɪˈlɔːd] n. (对英国贵族的称呼)老爷,大人
这次买保险 谢谢
I will take some insurance. Thank you.
What's going on in there?
what is going on 发生什么事了; 怎么一回事;
-第四步不是那样 -不管它
- That's not step four. - Don't worry about it.
-上面说你应该... -怎么还管
- It says right here that you should- - That's worrying about it.
I thought you guys might need a drink.
0h, you have no idea.
you have no idea 你无法想象; 你无法理解
曼尼宝贝 我得去买点旅途要带的东西
Manny, miamor, I have to go get some stuff for our trip.
miamor (西班牙语)相当于英语的my love(我的爱人, 我亲爱的)
stuff [stʌf] n. 东西,物品
你跟爸爸好好玩 好不好
Ay! But have some fun with your father, okay?
周一见 亲亲
And I'll see you Monday. Mwah!
看到我的两个宝贝一起合作 好开心哦
It makes me so happy to see my two boys working together.
-杰电到自己两次了 -好了曼尼
- Jay shocked himself twice. - 0kay, Manny.
-我警告过他了 -是啊 他真会帮忙
- Well, I warned him. - Yep, he's been a big help.
warn [wɔːn] v. 提醒注意; 警告;
yep [jep] int. (用以表示yes)是的,好了
Look at you two with your private jokes already.
private [ˈpraɪvət] adj. 私有的; 私人的; 秘密的;
private joke 私人笑话(只有特定群体才能理解的笑话)
跟萨拉查和埃尔奥索一模一样 You're a regular Salazar and El Oso.
regular [ˈreɡjələr] adj. 定时的; 正常的; 〈口〉十足的,彻底的;
It's a very big comedy team in Colombia.
comedy [ˈkɒmədi] n. 喜剧; 滑稽;
El Oso is always hitting Salazar in the head
with the ladder and things.
And sometimes they wear dresses. Hmm.
他们不仅逗人笑 也让人深思
They make you laugh, but they also make you think.
你搞砸了 让我很没面子
You blew it. You made me look bad.
不 你让你妈和我都没面子 我们是个整体
No, you made your mother and I look bad. We are a team.
-卢克你在吗 -爸爸
- Luke, you in there? - Hey, Dad.
嘿 小子
Hey. Hey, buddy.
今天很有意思吧 得到一辆新车
That was, uh- That was pretty fun today, huh? Getting a new bike.
-太赞了 -我走以后出什么事了吗
- Yeah, it was awesome. - So, uh, what happened after I took off?
take off 起飞; 离开;
-有事想跟我说吗 -没
- Anything you want to share with me? - Not really.
那 我去车库
So, if I, uh, went out to the garage,
garage [ˈɡærɑːʒ] n. 停车房; 车库;
go out 出门;
拍个照什么的 也不会有意外咯
took a picture for a scrapbook, there'd be no surprises?
scrapbook [ˈskræpbʊk] n. 剪贴簿
对不起 我不是故意的 我犯了个错
I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it. I just made a mistake.
mean [miːn] v. 意思是; 打算; 意欲;
是啊 大错误
Yeah, a big mistake!
You're making me look really bad here.
I told Mom you were ready for this.
It's just a scratch, Dad.
scratch [skrætʃ] v. 挠,搔; 划破 n. 划痕
那不是重点 卢克 什么
That's not the point, Luke! What?
point [pɔɪnt] v. 指向; n. 观点; 重点;
我骑上路的时候刮花了 对不起
I scratched it on my way into the driveway. I'm sorry.
driveway [ˈdraɪvweɪ] n. 私家车道
那 没丢吗
So, it's not stolen?
没啊 怎么
No. Why?
That's good,
因为 有很多坏人喜欢偷车
'cause... there are bad people out there who would steal a bike.
Those are thieves.
You sit there and think about the scratch part.
That's not good either.
I gotta fix that step.
So don't scratch anything while I'm gone,
痒的话可以挠挠 那个不一样
unless it itches. That's different.
itch [ɪtʃ] v. (使)发痒;
好消息是 卢克的车还在
The good news is, Luke has his bike.
More good news-
我偷了个野孩子的车 给他上了一课
I taught some random kid a valuable lesson by stealing his bike.
random [ˈrændəm] adj. 随机的,随意的(非事先决定或不规则)
valuable [ˈvæljuəbl] adj. 很重要的; 宝贵的;
最好的消息是 克莱尔什么都不知情
Best news- Claire knows nothing.
那么 新车就丢在
So, I figure I'll just dump the new bike
figure [ˈfɪɡə(r)] n. 数字; 人物; 身材 v. 想;
dump [dʌmp] v. 倾倒; 丢下;
where I stole the first bike.
那样的话 丢车的孩子拿到车
That way, random kid gets his back,
get back 回去, 回来; 重新拥有; his指的是"他的(自行车)"
and this new bike doesn't raise a lot of embarrassing questions...
like why I had it
或谁推谁进去了卧室窗户 or who boosted who through a bedroom window.
boost [buːst] v. 使增长; 偷窃; 往上推
这里boost是"往上推"的意思, 也就是Phil推那个女的上去, 让她通过卧室窗户进入房间拿钥匙
就那样 皆大欢喜
So, everybody's happy.
Ah, son of a- You gave me the wrong screwdriver.
screwdriver [ˈskruːdraɪvə(r)] n. 螺丝刀;
Maybe you're just using it wrong.
My dad's great with tools.
He can get the wheels off a car in less than a minute.
get off 逃脱(惩罚); 去除; 脱下;
去酒庄散散心 去酒庄散散心
Just get me to wine country. Just get me to wine country.
-我想我胳膊断了 -放松 没断
- I think my arm is broken. - Relax. It's not broken.
你怎么知道 你什么都不知道
How do you know? You don't know anything.
You have no concern for safety.
concern [kənˈsɜːn] v. 影响; 与…有关; 让(某人)担忧 n. 担心,忧虑; 关心;
-砸得又不重 -直接说不就得了
- Because it didn't hit you that hard. - Why don't you just say it?
-你不想我在身边 -你猜怎么 你说对了
- You don't want me around. - You know what? Right now, I don't!
我也不想跟你在一起 我要我爸爸
I don't wanna be with you either. I'm gonna go wait for my dad.
可你走了 我怎么能完成呀
0h, but- but if you leave, how will I ever finish?
你知道吗 我真希望你没娶我妈
You know what? I wish you never married my mom.
-我讨厌住在这里 -你以为我喜欢这样
- I hate living here. - You think I like this arrangement?
arrangement [əˈreɪndʒmənt] n. 安排;
I got a two-seater parked in the driveway!
two-seater [ˌtuː ˈsiːtə(r)] n. 双座车辆(或飞机、家具)
这句话意思是: 他本可以开跑车去玩的, 但被安排修吊扇, 他也不喜欢这样
I mean, I don't understand.
Why are you trying to sneak around and hide things from me?
sneak [sniːk] v. 偷偷地走; 偷偷地做;
sneak around 偷偷摸摸四处走动; 悄悄经过; 绕过(控制)
-我觉得太搞了 -真的吗
- I actually think it's pretty funny. - You do?
真的 是的
I do. Yes.
I mean, you steal a bike from some poor kid,
and then the bike gets stolen from you.
It's hilarious.
hilarious [hɪˈleəriəs] adj. 极其滑稽的
-我的风格 是不是 -是啊
- Classic me, right? - Yeah!
classic [ˈklæsɪk] adj. 有代表性的; 典型的
So, where were you when it got stolen?
Oh, I was getting some gas.
gas [ɡæs] n. 气体; 煤气; 天然气; gasoline(汽油)的缩写
是吗 你加油的时候竟然不在车旁边吗
Uh-huh. You don't stand near the car when you get gas?
在啊 可是 我进去拿了瓶汽水
Yep, but, uh, I went inside to get a soda
because I was thirsty,
如果我有汽水 我就不会口渴了
and if I had a soda, I wouldn't be thirsty anymore.
我买了一罐 就在那边喝完了
So I bought one, then I drank it all right there,
which is why I don't have the can.
亲爱的 请你 慢慢回忆
Well, honey, please, let's try to remember
我是你妻子 不是你妈
that I'm your wife, not your mom.
以后不用有事瞒着我 好吗
So in the future, you don't need to hide things from me. Okay?
-好的 -好的
- 0kay. - Okay.
-好了 -噢 太好了
- 0kay. - Oh! Oh, yeah.
-你回来了 -菲尔你做什么
- You get back here, you! - What are you doing, Phil?
I just love ya so darn much!
ya [jə] pron./det,你,你的(书写时用,表示口语的you或your)
darn [dɑːn] v. 织补; 缝补 adv. 极其,非常(婉辞,与damn同义)
-我知道 我也爱你 你弄疼我了 -进去吧
- I know. I love you too, but that hurts. - Let's get you inside.
-嗨 -我知道 好疼啊
- Hi. - I know. That's hurting a lot.
-性感熊抱 -嗨 你们好啊
- This is a hot one. - Hello! Hi there!
-又见面了 -你好
- Hi again. - Oh, hi.
I, uh, found your bike.
太好了 你
Oh, good! You-
-是在加油站的吗 -不 在我家
- At the gas station? - No, at my house.
我邻居看到车倒在我门口 帮我放到车库了
One of my neighbors saw it and put it in my garage
neighbor ['neɪbə(r)] n. 邻居;
那会儿你正在我卧室里 所以...
when you were in my bedroom, so-
Classic me?
快点宝贝 拿起积木
Come on, honey. Grab the block.
看 就像他那样 加油啊
See, like he did. You gotta do that.
-像他那样拿起来 -最近看电影了吗
- You gotta grab it like him. - So, seen any movies lately?
Uh, yeah.
You know, my husband and I just rented,
《妈妈咪呀》 我很喜欢
uh, Mamma Mia! Which I liked,
Mamma Mia 意大利语(相当于英语的my mother), 这是一部电影的名字
but I don't know that Meryl Streep was the right choice.
What did you think?
Excuse me.
Meryl Streep could play Batman and be the right choice.
She's perfection...
perfection [pəˈfekʃn] n. 完善; 完美;
无论她有没有跟克莱默离婚 穿没穿普拉达
whether she's divorcing Kramer, whether she's wearing Prada.
Prada [ˈprɑːdə] n. 普拉达
Don't even get me started on Sophie's Choice.
《苏菲的选择》电影里, 女主角在二战期间, 被迫选择放弃儿子或女儿其中一个
I get emotional thinking about it.
emotional [ɪˈməʊʃənl] adj. 感情的; 情绪激动的;
She couldn't forgive herself.
forgive [fəˈɡɪv] v. 原谅
I guess she was okay.
真的吗 不是吧
Really? Ooh.
拿起积木 亲爱的
Grab the blocks, sweetheart.
sweetheart [ˈswiːthɑːt] n. (用作称呼语)亲爱的,宝贝儿;
-怎么都没兴趣 -亨利在堆积木吗
- You're not even interested in it. - Is Henry stacking?
stack [stæk] n. 一叠 v. (使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞、一堆);
Good job, Henry!
Good job!
W X Y 还有Z
W-X-Y and Z
Now I know my-
哇噢 莉莉
Whoa, Lily! Oh!
Not so high. Wow!
-人生重要一刻啊 -是啊
- That is a big moment for her. - Yeah.
Would you like a videotape?
videotape [ˈvɪdiəʊteɪp] n. 录像磁带
那个 不用
Uh, you know, I don't-
I don't know if I can actually get her to do it again, so-
Well, we tape all of our classes.
We don't like parents bringing cameras in.
It keeps them out of the moment.
I'll get you a copy after class.
太棒了 好的 谢谢你
That's super. Yeah. Great. Thank you.
小卡 小卡 快走
Cam. Cam, let's go.
I don't know what's happened to me,
but I just stole a baby's intellectual property.
intellectual [ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl] adj. 智力的; 脑力的;
property [ˈprɒpəti] n. 所有物; 财产;
intellectual property 知识产权
-什么 -今晚的新闻会曝光我的
- What? - You'll see it tonight on the news.
-别说了快走吧 -快看谁来了
- Come on. Let's just go. - Oh, look who's here!
-安东和斯科特 -抱歉我们晚了
- Anton and Scott! - Sorry we're late!
不是我的错 旁边这位花瓶
Don't look at me. The eye candy here can't leave the house...
eye candy 花瓶(形容人或事物好看, 但通常没什么内涵)
without spending 20 minutes in front of the mirror.
Are you kidding me?
I am so sorry.
看那对基神 我本可以在这里大放光彩的
Look at those queens. I would have killed with this crowd.
But you had to clip my wings-
clip [klɪp] n. 夹子,回形针; 修剪 v. 夹住; 剪(掉);
clip one's wings 限制某人的自由, 能力, 权力等
which you used to be the wind beneath.
beneath [bɪˈniːθ] prep. 在(或往)…下面; adv. 在下面; 在底下
我知道 对不
I know. I'm sor-
This class has turned me into a complete monster.
complete [kəmˈpliːt] adj. (用以强调)完全的,彻底的;
monster [ˈmɒnstə(r)] n. 怪物,怪兽;
我 我只是 我会补偿你的 走吧好不
I'm- I'm just- I'll make it up to you. Let's just go.
make up 编造; 组成; 弥补
好了 亲子舞时间到
Okay, it's time for Parents Dance.
Everybody dance for your baby!
你想跳 是不是
You wanna do it, don't you?
I do.
I wanna dance for my baby.
-好吧 上吧 去吧 -真的吗
- All right. Go on. Get in there. - You sure?
get in there 进入某个地方或成为某事的积极参与者; 去做吧
开足马力跳起来吧 去吧
Make that horsey move. Go ahead.
ahead [əˈhed] adv. 向前面,在前面;
go ahead 开始; 继续; 发生
加油 加油
Go, go!
0h, I think I hurt myself.
你好啊 哈维尔
Hello. Hey, Javier.
Manny's waiting for you outside.
什么 为什么来不了
What? Why not?
Hold that thought.
他儿子坐在路边 等着去迪斯尼乐园
His son's sitting on a curb, waiting to go to Disneyland,
curb [kɜːb] v. 控制,抑制 n. 路缘,路边
and Superman can't drag himself away from a craps table,
crap [kræp] n. 废话; 屎;
drag away 拉开; 拖走
craps table 用来玩掷骰子的高桌
and I'm the jerk.
Say, listen.
I, uh-
-很抱歉 我有坏消息 -什么
- Sorry, but I got some bad news. - What?
Your dad couldn't make it.
Why not?
The plane was full,
有个老奶奶回不了家 他把票让给了她
and this old lady needed to get home, so he gave up his seat.
give up 放弃;
-你瞎编的 是不是 -不是
- You're making that up, aren't you? - No.
He just didn't want to come.
开什么玩笑 他很难过 他很想见你
Are you kidding me? He was very upset. He was dying to see you.
be dying for/to 非常渴望
In fact, look what he sent.
-豪华轿车吗 -是啊
- A limo? - Yeah.
He wanted me and your mom to take you to Disneyland.
-我跟你说我爸爸超赞的 -是啊 他是个王子
- I told you he was an awesome dad. - Yeah, he's a prince.
prince [prɪns] n. 王子;
那么 成为好父亲的秘诀是什么
Okay. The key to being a good dad?
Sometimes things work out just the way you want.
work out 计划; 如预期发生或进行;
Race you to the end.
那主意可不妙 对你来说
That is not a good idea... for you.
Sometimes they don't.
You gotta hang in there.
hang in there 坚持下去; 别泄气;
Because when all is said and done,
when all is said and done 最终(当所有的事都做了或说了后)
90% of being a dad...
is just showin' up.
喂 那是我的车
Hey! That's my bike!
我 不是
Oh, I don't, uh-
-你 -我是来还你的
- You- - I was giving it back!
She couldn't forgive herself.
she had to choose.
I think because now I have-
我们有了 我们有了
we have- we have-
we have Lily,
it's so hard to imagine being put in that position.
position [pəˈzɪʃn] n. 位置; 地方; 处境
If I had to choose Lily or Mitchell,
我想 我会选择
I mean, I would choose-
我不知道 我不知道
I don't know! I don't know!
I don't know!
I don't know!