Previously on Prison Break
Think of this place like a map of the US.
我们的牢房那边 那是纽约城
Our cell over there, that's New York City.
医务室 我们的出口 是加利福尼亚
The infirmary, our exit, that's California.
exit [ˈeksɪt] n. 出口; 通道;
The pipes beneath our feet that connect the two...
pipe [paɪp] n. 管道;
beneath [bɪˈniːθ] prep. 在(或往)…下面;
-66号公路 - 我们要离开的必经之路
- Route 66. - Our ticket out of here.
route [ruːt] n. 路线;
Route 66 runs directly beneath that building.
directly [dəˈrektli] adv. 直接地; 正好地;
It's the only building sitting on top of those tunnels.
tunnel [ˈtʌnl] n. 地下通道;
我们要做的就是以P. I. 的身份进里面去
All we gotta do is get in there, on PI,
and dig ourselves an on-ramp.
on-ramp [ˈɒn ræmp] n. (高速公路等的)驶进匝道,驶进坡道
- 在哪? - 就这
- Which one? - Right there.
This goes down four feet. Connects to the main line below.
All we've gotta do is widen it
widen [ˈwaɪdn] v. 加宽;
and we've got ourselves an on-ramp to Route 66.
I'm gonna find out, you know,
gonna [ˈɡənə] 即将,将要(going to的口语形式)
你在那里干什么 what it is you're doing up there.
what's up 怎么了? 最近怎样?
You told me that you had been up
是为了P. I. 的工作 但...
in the crawl space for PI,
crawl [krɔːl] v. 爬;
crawl space (屋顶、地板下面)供电线或水管等通过的槽隙
P. I. 从来没有派过这样的任务
and PI was never assigned to go there.
assign [əˈsaɪn] v. 分配; 派遣
We got you...
a little get well gift.
get well 康复; 痊愈
What's your name?
There was an explosion.
explosion [ɪkˈspləʊʒn] n. 爆炸
煤气管道爆炸 里面所有人都死了
Gas line. Everyone inside was killed.
gas [ɡæs] n. 煤气; 天然气
我们对抗的这伙人 不把我们干掉不会罢休的
These people we're dealing with won't stop until we're dead
We can't hide forever.
那个孩子呢 据说杀了父母的那个?
How about that kid? The one they say killed his parents?
- 哦 他被抓了 - 真的?
Oh, they got him. - They did?
get [ɡet] v. 得到; 抓住
He's in custody.
custody [ˈkʌstədi] n. 监护; 保管; 监护权; 保管权; (尤指在候审时的)拘留,拘押,羁押
我知道你的样子 你这狗杂种!
I know what you look like, you son of a bitch.
bitch [bɪtʃ] n. 母狗; 泼妇
son of a bitch 狗娘养的; 王八蛋; 浑蛋
Philly Falzone.
Word is that someone in here that knows where Fibonacci is
word is (that) 据说; 听说
and you're not doing anything about it.
Help me.
You'll have to forgive my boy.
forgive [fəˈɡɪv] v. 原谅; 宽恕; 对不起; 请原谅; 免除(债务)
他有在不该社交的时候表现得有点过于爱交际的倾向 He has the uh, propensity to be a bit gregarious when he shouldn't be.
propensity [prəˈpensəti] n. (行为方面的)倾向; 习性
gregarious [ɡrɪˈɡeəriəs] adj. 交际的; 合群的; 群居的
在监狱浴室交朋友 真是的 Fraternising in the prison shower. Come on.
fraternise [ˈfrætərnaɪz] vi. (与尤指不该亲善者)亲善;
come on 加油; 得了吧;
Maybe you oughta cut the kid a break.
oughta [] v. <口>应当,应该
cut sb a break 让某人轻松一点; 放过某人
你是不是对我的行为有意见啊 你没这么蠢吧
You wouldn't be meddling in my affairs, now, would you, Scofield? You can't be that stupid.
meddle [ˈmedl] v. 管闲事; 干涉;
affair [əˈfeə(r)] n. 公共事务; 事情;
Not while I'm so fully invested in your affairs.
fully [ˈfʊli] adv. 完全地;
invest [ɪnˈvest] v. 投资; 投入(时间、精力等)
这是你们两个之间的事 与我无关
What's between you and him is between you and him.
我就知道你会这样说 That's what I thought you said.
that's what I thought 跟我想的一样; 果然是这样
You've gotta help me.
You gotta help me.
你找错人了 这是警察的事
You're talking to the wrong man. This is a matter for the police.
This is my son we're talking about.
看在上帝的份上 他失踪了 帮帮我! For God's sake. He's missing. Do something!
sake [seɪk , ˈsɑːki] n. 缘故,理由,目的; 利益
for one's sake 天哪; 为了某人的利益; 为了某人好
你必须明白 我只是个监狱的狱长
You have got to understand, I am the warden of a prison.
warden [ˈwɔːdn] n. 监狱长
When it comes to the law,
我完全无能为力 there's absolutely nothing I can do.
absolutely [ˈæbsəluːtli] adv. (强调真实无误)绝对地,完全地; 绝对不; 完全没有; 极其
Whatever happens out there is out of my jurisdiction
jurisdiction [ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃn] n. 司法权; 审判权; 管辖权; 管辖范围
until it comes through those gates.
这就是里面的事! 放我出去!
It just did. Let me out.
- 什么? - 让我去找他
- What? - Let me find him.
我了解他的想法 我知道他会去哪
I know how he thinks. I know where he'd run.
布伦斯 我本以为 Burrows, I would've thought that by now,
以目前的情况 你应该清楚自己是个死囚
under the circumstances, you'd understand your position as a death row inmate.
circumstance [ˈsɜːkəmstəns] n. 条件; 状况;
position [pəˈzɪʃn] n. 位置; 角色;
inmate [ˈɪnmeɪt] n. 犯人;
death row 关押死囚的监狱区
There is no way I can honour that request.
honour [ˈɒnə(r)] n. 尊敬; v. 尊敬; 执行; 给予
request [rɪˈkwest] n. 要求,请求
你说谎. 你有这权力 That ain't true. You got the power.
power [ˈpaʊə(r)] n. 权力; 控制力; 影响力; 操纵力; 统治; 政权; 能力; 机会; 电力 v. 驱动,推动(机器或车辆); 电力供应; (使)迅猛移动,快速前进
如果犯人家属有紧急情况 你可以批准假释
In case of a family emergency, you can grant an inmate supervised leave.
case [keɪs] n. 具体情况;
emergency [iˈmɜːdʒənsi] n. 突发事件; 紧急情况
in case of 在……情况下;
grant [ɡrɑːnt] v. 同意,准予
supervise [ˈsuːpəvaɪz] v. 监督;
Your son is a prime suspect in a double homicide.
prime [praɪm] adj. 主要的; 首要的;
suspect [səˈspekt , ˈsʌspekt] v. 怀疑; n. 嫌疑犯;
homicide [ˈhɒmɪsaɪd] n. (蓄意)杀人罪
prime suspect 头号嫌犯
你以为来干什么的 午休? What do you think this is, siesta?
what do you think 你怎么想的; 不然呢?
siesta [siˈestə] n. 午睡,午休
看到没有?看到我的脸在上面没有? 知道为什那么吗? You see that? You see my face up there? Any idea how it got there?
Work ethic.
ethic [ˈeθɪk] n. 道德准则;
Work ethic 职业道德; 工作精神;
Those two words mean anything in your country?
你是狱工 在这里可不允许偷懒
You're on PI, so quit slow-walking me.
slow-walk 拖延; 敷衍
I'm not gonna warn you again.
warn [wɔːn] v. 提醒注意(可能发生的事); 使警惕; 劝告(使有所防备); 警告; 告诫
What are you looking at?
狱警发现碎块 就会知道我们在挖洞
Bulls find this stuff, they'll know we're digging.
bull [bʊl] n. 公牛; (俚语)警察
stuff [stʌf] n. 东西
That's why we gotta get rid of it.
rid [rɪd] v. 去掉;去除;摆脱; 摆脱;去除;消除 adj. 得到解脱的;摆脱…的
One piece at a time.
freshman [ˈfreʃmən] n. (大学)一年级新生; (中学)九年级学生; 大学一年级新生
装得酷一点 伙计
Best put on a jail face, bg.
jail [dʒeɪl] n. 监狱
put on a brave/good face (对坏情况)显得满不在乎,做出无所谓的样子
put on a jail face大概是"表现得已经对监狱很熟悉的样子"
bg 可能是对对方的一个昵称或简写,也可能指“bro”或“brother”,意为兄弟。
那些家伙看到你愁眉苦脸 会马上来欺负你的 These crabs see you puckering, they gonna bitchify you in a heartbeat.
crab [kræb] n. 蟹; 脾气差的人
these crabs 这是对某些人的蔑称,可能指其他囚犯。
pucker [ˈpʌkə(r)] v. 皱起;
bitch [bɪtʃ] n. 母狗; 泼妇; 怨言; 完全服从的人; vi. 挖苦; (背后)说坏话;
bitch + ify 变动词, 但查不到bitchify是什么意思, 估计是"使...变得服从"
heartbeat [ˈhɑːtbiːt] n. 心跳;
in a heartbeat 马上; 瞬间
Looks like I got to find something else to call you now.
- 为什么? - 因为你现在不是"嫩鸡"了
- Why's that? - Cos you ain't a fish no more.
You are not the newest con in the tank no...
con [kɒn] n. 欺骗; 罪犯
tank [tæŋk] n. 箱; 坦克
I could've done something.
不 帝博格掌握那孩子的生死 你无能为力
No. T-Bag had his hooks in that kid. There was nothing you could have done.
hook [hʊk] n. 钩;
get/have hooks in 掌控, 控制
I could've told the Pope.
pope [pəʊp] n. 教皇
他就会被送到隔离区 这样就不会有事了
He could've transferred the kid to ad seg. He would've been safe.
transfer [trænsˈfɜː(r) , ˈtrænsfɜː(r)] v. (使)转移
ad seg是Administrative Segregation(行政隔离)的简称,指囚犯与主要监狱犯人分开关押。在大多数监狱中,ad seg 是单独监禁的另一个术语。
别苛责自己 迈克尔 你甚至都不认识他 Go easy, Michael. You didn't even know him.
go easy 宽容; 宽于待人
And that makes it OK?
make it 成功; 活下来; 到达; 及时到达; 性交;
I turned my back on him because I didn't wanna make waves.
turn one's back on sb/sth 忽视, 忽略, 拒绝, 抛弃某人/某物
make waves 惹麻烦;
因为 装作没看见 更容易... It was just...easier to look the other way,
look the other way 佯作不知; 装作没看见
- 保证计划的安全 - 你做到了 - keep the plan safe. - And you did.
But at what price?
That's not how she raised us.
别人有难 就要伸出援手
A man's down, you give him your hand.
give sb a hand 帮助某人
如果她知道我成了这样的人 在坟墓里也会辗转反侧
She would roll over in her grave if she knew what I'd become
roll [rəʊl] n. 卷; 小面包条; v. (使)翻滚,滚动;
grave [ɡreɪv , ɡrɑːv] n. 坟墓;
roll over in one's grave 某人会很生气, 难过, 不安等
不 不会的
She wouldn't.
你对我伸了援手 迈克尔
You've given me your hand, Michael.
我儿子在外面危在旦夕 My son's out there with a bullseye on his back.
bullseye [ˈbʊlzaɪ] n. 靶心
with a bullseye on his back直译是: 背后有个靶心, 意思是被牢牢盯着, 成为目标
无论如何我们也要出去 求你
Do whatever you gotta do to get us out of here. Please.
What are you doing?
I was just looking for some coffee.
对 没咖啡了
There isn't any.
那些是我父亲的 如果你想知道的话
They belonged to my father, if you were wondering.
belong [bɪˈlɒŋ] v. 属于; 应在(某处); 适应; 合得来
belong to 属于
在这放了多久了? How long they been in there?
不知道 五年吧
I don't know. Five years?
我跟你说 维罗妮卡 我们一起经历了那么多事
You know, Veronica, we've been through a lot
而且 跟你一样我现在也心烦意乱
and I'm freaking out here as much as you are,
freak [friːk] n. 怪胎; v. (使)强烈反应,震惊,畏惧
freak out (使)大吃一惊; (使)极度不安; (使)大发雷霆; (使)极度困惑;
but you get this look in your eye sometimes like...
like I'm the bad guy.
guy [ɡaɪ] n. 男人; 小伙子; 家伙; 一群男人(或女人); 伙计们; 兄弟(或姐妹)们; 盖伊模拟像(英国每年11月5日庆祝篝火之夜焚烧的身着古装的人体模型) vi. (用牵索等)牵拉; (用拉索等)固定; 开…的玩笑; 取笑[俚语]逃亡; 逃走; 乱演某角色
我根本不了解你 尼克 I don't know who you are, Nick.
你只是像穿着闪亮铠甲的骑士一样 突然出现
You just magically show up like some knight in shining armour,
magically [] adv. 如魔法般地,用魔法地
knight [naɪt] n. 骑士;
armour [ˈɑːmə(r)] n. 盔甲;
show up 出现;
ready to save the day...
save the day 挽回局面; 扭转败局; 转危为安;
我...我觉得你忽视了一些东西 You know, I... I think you seem to be forgetting something here.
I'm in the cross hairs the same way you are,
cross hairs 十字线(光学瞄准具中使用的一种瞄准线)
in the cross hairs 处于危险境地; 处于其他人急于批评或攻击的位置
都是为了你的前男友 他不像我父亲是个讨厌的罪犯 all for your exboyfriend, who, unlike my father, is a scumbag criminal
scumbag [ˈskʌmbæɡ] n. 讨厌的人; 卑鄙小人
criminal [ˈkrɪmɪnl] adj. 犯罪的; 犯法的; 涉及犯罪的; 刑法的; 刑事的; 道德上错误的; 不道德的 n. 罪犯
只是正好他被人陷害进了监狱 who just happens to be in prison for the one crime he didn't commit.
crime [kraɪm] n. 罪; 罪行;
commit [kəˈmɪt] v. 做; 犯
我告诉你 我受够了这些事情
You know something? I got enough of my own crap to deal with.
you know something 你知道吗(用来强调后面要说的事, 或用来引起别人的注意)
crap [kræp] n. 废话; 不公正的待遇; 屎 v. 拉屎
You wanna go, you go.
不介意我跟着你混吧 大哥? Mind if I lamp with you, cuzzo?
lamp [læmp] n. 灯; v. 照亮; 看到; 打(某人)
cuzzo (俚语) 同cousin
滚蛋 小雪花(白人)
Roll, snowflake.
snowflake [ˈsnəʊfleɪk] n. 雪花; 敏感的人; (贬义)被视为白人的白人或黑人
伙计 我只是...
Hey, man, I'm just...
我是新来的 明白? 我只是在找些伴儿
I'm just new, you know? I'm looking for some homies.
homie [ˈhoʊmi] n. 老乡; 同乡; 玩伴;
我说了 滚!
I said roll.
怎么了 我才刚到啊
Brother, I'm just launching.
launch [lɔːntʃ] v. 开始从事
是吗 那就到一边去 小白
Yeah? Well, launch somewhere else, white boy.
好的 伙计 Alright, y'all
y'all是"you all"的缩写, 表示"你们"
I'm fitting to bounce.
bounce [baʊns] v. (使)弹起,弹跳; 离开
Boy's a bit confused about his pigmentation,
confuse [kənˈfjuːz] v. 使糊涂; 使迷惑;
pigmentation [ˌpɪɡmenˈteɪʃn] n. 色素沉着; 天然颜色
但他还是有勇气的 是吧
but he sure does have spunk, doesn't he?
spunk [spʌŋk] n. 勇气;
- 是? - 在干什么?
- Yeah? - What are you doing?
你说"在干什么?" 是什么意思?
What do you mean, what am I doing?
月初就要到了 约翰
First of the month's coming up, John.
come up 接近; 到预定时间;
- 怎么? - 这个月的我没拿到
- Yeah? So? - I haven't got my monthly.
monthly [ˈmʌnθli] adj. 每月的; 每月一次的; 按月结算的;
- 什么? - 我在网上查了我的帐户
- What? - I checked my balance online
balance [ˈbæləns] n. 平衡; 余额
online [ˌɒnˈlaɪn] adj. 在线的; 联网的;
it's looking seriously deficient.
seriously [ˈsɪəriəsli] adv. 严重地;
deficient [dɪˈfɪʃnt] adj. 缺乏的; 不足的;
肯定是有什么错误 比如结算问题
Got to be some kind of a mistake, like an accounting error or...
accounting [əˈkaʊntɪŋ] n. 会计;
告诉法尔曾我不会接受 清算问题这种解释
Tell Falzone I don't stand for accounting errors.
stand for 代表; 容忍;
I'm going back into my office at the end of the day.
Gonna check my balance again.
If it's not up to where it's supposed to be,
up to 到(...程度)
对你所有的照顾 比如负责P. I.
all these privileges you got, like running PI,
privilege [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ] n. 优惠待遇; (有钱有势者的)特权
they're gone.
搞定它 约翰
Get it done, John.
- 法尔曾公司 - 找菲利
- Falzone Enterprises. - Get Philly.
enterprise [ˈentəpraɪz] n. 公司; 企业单位; 事业单位; (尤指艰巨而重大的)规划,事业; 企业发展; 企业经营; 企业活动
抱歉 法尔曾先生无法接电话
I'm sorry. Mr Falzone's not available.
available [əˈveɪləbl] adj. 可获得的; 可购得的; 可找到的; 有空的
你告诉他约翰·阿布鲁奇打来的 You tell him it's calling.
- 对不起 我不知道是您...- 现在知道了?
- I'm sorry. I...I didn't realise. - Well, now you do.
抱歉 他过会儿打给你
I'm sorry. He's gonna have to call you back.
gonna have to是一种礼貌的说法
什么? 喂...
What? Hey...
对不起 关于刚才的事
I'm sorry. About before.
大家都有压力 我知道
Pressure's getting to us, that's all.
pressure [ˈpreʃə(r)] n. 压力;
get to 困扰;
好消息是没人找的到我们 我父亲帮我们做到这点
Good news is nobody can reach us out here. My old man made sure of that.
make sure 确保; 务必
old man 老爸; 老公
不要碰电话 还有井和发电机
Never even hooked up the telephone. Same with the well and the generator.
hook up 连接
generator [ˈdʒenəreɪtə(r)] n. 发电机; 发生器; 电力公司
You know, I used to think he was some kind of conspiracy theory wacko.
conspiracy [kənˈspɪrəsi] n. 密谋策划; 阴谋
theory [ˈθɪəri] n. 理论; 论;
wacko [ˈwækəʊ] adj. 古怪的; n. 疯子
Turns out maybe he was right.
turn out 原来是; 结果是; 发生; 结束; 发展; 熄灭(电灯、煤气等); 参加; 打扮; 生产; 驱逐; 清空; 清理; 从模具取出食物;
我不能留下 尼克 我要回去
I can't stay, Nick. I got to get back.
He's got less than two weeks.
The old man used to call this his "serious" tie.
只在他认为 Only wore it when he really,
really meant business.
mean business 当真的; 严肃的;
Be dangerous, you know, showing our faces again.
除非他们不再找我们 他们认为我们已经死了 是吧?
Not if they're not looking for us. They think we're dead, right?
我知道 但这样会持续很长吗?
I know. How long's that going to last?
要迅速 灵活应对
Gotta be quick, be smart about it.
依我看 如果想在行刑前找到无罪的证据- Way I see it, we're just going to be running in circles
(the) way I see it 依我看
run in circles 把时间浪费在漫无目的的活动上
证明他没做过 if we think we're going to find exculpatory evidence before the execution—
exculpatory [eks'kʌlpәtәri] adj. 开脱罪责的;申明无罪的
这只是在浪费时间 prove he didn't do it.
I've gone up against pretty much every prosecutor in Cook County.
prosecutor [ˈprɒsɪkjuːtə(r)] n. 公诉人; 检察官; 原告律师; 控方律师
county [ˈkaʊnti] n. (英国、爱尔兰的)郡; (美国的)县 adj. 典型英国上流社会人物的; 世家子弟的
一个男人被杀 他们第一个想联系的... Man gets murdered, the first person they want to talk to
他真正的敌人的妻子 to see who his real enemies were, the wife.
You wanna go after the queen bee herself?
go after 追捕; 抓住;
queen bee 蜂后(也叫蜂王)
Leslie Steadman.
镇上的每个人都知道这老狐狸每天在勒星顿 Everyone in town knows the old bird lunches at the Lexington every day
old bird 行家;老手;老练的人;老狐狸
lunch [lʌntʃ] n. 午餐; vi. (尤指在餐馆)用午餐;
和上流社会的人一起吃午饭 with the society set.
society [səˈsaɪəti] n. 社会; 社团; 上流社会;
set [set] n. 一套; (因志趣、职业、地位等相同而相互交往的)一群人; 特殊阶级;
喂 慢点
Hey, hey. Hey, hey! Slow down!
Slow down.
your brother's gonna give us away.
give away 赠送; 泄露(秘密)
Bull's coming.
- 所以人都出去 - 什么?
- Everybody out. - What?
我说了 所有人都出去!
I said everybody out.
Move it!
move it 快点; 快点走; 快点让开;
- 去哪啊 - 那边 走到墙角
- Where are we going? - Down there. Around the corner.
around the corner 在拐角处; 即将发生; 在附近
And don't move a damn muscle till I come get you.
move a muscle 动一下. damn用来加强语气
What the hell's going on?
what is going on 发生什么事了; 怎么一回事. "the hell"作为插入语, 加强语气
- 我们太坏了 是吧? - 你说得对 走吧 - We're so bad, aren't we? - You're damn skippy. Let's go.
skippy ['skɪpɪ] n. <美俚>(音乐)快乐的节奏; 被误导的人; 兴奋的状态;
damn skippy 表示赞同
You got to give us more of a warning next time.
I'm sorry.
He just showed up.
Oh, we're gonna get caught
- 被谁 - 狱长
- by who? - by the warden.
宝贝 现在 在这儿
Baby, right now, in this room,
at this moment,
I am the warden.
- 说啊 - 我不会说的 - Then say it. - No, I'm not going to say it.
Come on, baby, say it.
你就是狱长 路易斯!
You're the warden, Louis!
The sneaky son of a bitch.
sneaky [ˈsniːki] adj. 悄悄的; 偷偷摸摸的; 鬼鬼祟祟的
You think he found the hole?
Another inch and he'd have found it.
We need to find something to cover this hole ASAP.
ASAP = As Soon As Possible 尽快
破产 你说破产是指什么
Broke. What do you mean, broke?
C型公司 The C-Corp,
C-Corp是C Corporation(美国的一种公司的形式)的缩写
the investment accounts,
investment [ɪnˈvestmənt] n. 投资; 投资额; 投资物; 值得买的东西; 有用的投资物
还有海外的东西 好比开曼群岛 百慕大 even the offshore stuff, Caymans, Bermuda...
offshore [ˌɒfˈʃɔː(r)] adj. 海上的; 离岸的; 设在海外(尤指税制较宽松的国家)的;
Cayman [ˈkeɪmən]
Caymans在这里指的是Cayman Islands(开曼群岛)
Bermuda [bəˈmjuːdə] n. 百慕大群岛(北大西洋西部群岛)
注: 开曼群岛和百慕大都是"避税天堂", 很多人会把公司设立到这些地方
菲利清算了所有东西 Philly Falzone liquidated everything.
liquidate [ˈlɪkwɪdeɪt] v. 清算,清盘(停业后将资产出售,偿还债务); 变卖; 变现; 偿还,清偿(债务)
我一开始就告诉过你 如果你耍我 下场会是如何 Hey, I told you from the beginning what would happen if you screwed me.
screw [skruː] n. 螺丝; v. 旋紧; 诈骗(钱财等);
and I heeded it.
heed [hiːd] v. 留心,注意,听从(劝告或警告)
这就是为什么我一开始就警告你 不要把财产授权给菲利 That's why I warned you from the get-go not to give Philly power of attorney.
get-go [ɡet ɡəʊ] ,开始; 一开始
attorney [əˈtɜːni] n. 律师; 代理人
power of attorney (商业或金融等事务的)代表权,代理权; 授权书; 委托书;
get-go 一开始
我们谈过的 记得吗
We had that conversation, remember?
你实际剩下的钱就是 你妻子户头上的3万美元
Look, the only real funds you have left are the 30, 000 in your wife's pocket account.
fund [fʌnd] n. 基金; 资金; 现款;
- 我现在可以...- 不要动那些钱 不要碰
- Now, I can...- Don't. Don't touch that.
Nobody touches that but her.
What do I tell her?
- 你知道所有的事情吗 - 什么也别告诉她
- You know, about all this? - Don't tell her anything,
The statements are going to come.
statement [ˈsteɪtmənt] n. 说明; 声明; 清单;
她会知道的 嘿 我告诉过你
She's going to know. Hey, I told you.
Don't tell her.
All right?
You got a problem with that?
没问题 约翰
OK, John.
如果还有其他需要帮助的 你就联系我
You know where to contact me if you need anything else.
contact [ˈkɒntækt] n. (尤指经常的)联系
The same goes for you.
go for 选择; 试图获取; 去攻击; 最终获得(坏结果); 适用于; 有关; 喜欢; 有利于
最近好吗 How are you?
见到你真好 对于你答案永远是是的 菲利
So good to see you. For you, the answer's always yes, Philly.
Sit down.
Sit down.
过来 约翰
Come on, John.
参与的健康维护机构或优选医疗机构 列表上好像没有福克斯河药业的记录 Looks like there's no record of a Fox River medical practice on our list of participating HMOs or PPOs.
medical [ˈmedɪkl] adj. 伤病的; 医疗的;
practice [ˈpræktɪs] n. 实践; 实际行动;
medical practice 医疗实践
participate [pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt] v. 参加; 参与
HMO: Health Maintenance Organization 健康维护机构
PPO: Preferred Provider Organization 优选医疗机构
是的 那是因为我们是州立监狱
Okay, that's because we're a state penitentiary,
penitentiary [ˌpenɪˈtenʃəri] n. 监狱
and we're actually in kind of a unique situation here.
unique [juˈniːk] adj. 唯一的; 独特的;
situation [ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn] n. 情况;
斯科菲尔德先生的上一个老板 给他的保险还没有失效
Mr. Scofield's insurance policy from his previous employer hasn't lapsed yet.
insurance [ɪnˈʃʊərəns] n. 保险;
policy [ˈpɒləsi] n. 政策; 保险单
previous [ˈpriːviəs] adj. 先前的;
employer [ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)] n. 雇主; 老板
lapse [læps] n. 小错; v. 失效; 期满终止;
所以州里命令你们支付他的经费 而不是用纳税人的钱 For that reason, the state's demanding that you pay for his treatment and not the taxpayers.
treatment [ˈtriːtmənt] n. 治疗;
taxpayer [ˈtækspeɪə(r)] n. 纳税人
Okay... well,
另外 听说他已经补上了免税的部分
it says here he already met his deductible...
deductible [dɪˈdʌktəbl] adj. 可扣除的; 可减免的
哦 不 等等 这是精神病类保险 不是常规类...
Oh, no, wait. That's his psych deductible, not his medical.
psych [saɪk]
对不起 精神是指精神病类?
Sorry. Psych as in psychiatric?
psychiatric [ˌsaɪkiˈætrɪk] adj. 精神病的; 精神病学的
as in 也就是; 换句话说
I give you permission to call Philly?
permission [pəˈmɪʃn] n. 准许; 许可; 批准; 许可证; 书面许可
伙计 我问你问题呢
Hey, I asked you a question, man.
Listen. There, uh...
there's been a restructuring.
restructure [ˌriːˈstrʌktʃə(r)] v. 调整结构; 改组; 重建
This comes from Philly himself.
你没办法搞到 菲波纳奇 You couldn't deliver Fibonacci,
deliver [dɪˈlɪvə(r)] v. 递送; 交付; 兑现
so I'm the man in here now.
听着 Hey, tell you what...
run to the commissary, get me a bag of chips,
commissary [ˈkɒmɪsəri] n. (军事基地、监狱等处出售食品等的)杂货商店;
chip [tʃɪp] n. 炸薯条
we'll pretend this never happened, right?
pretend [prɪˈtend] v. 假装; 佯装; (在游戏中)装扮,扮作,模拟; 自诩; 自称; 自认为 adj. 假装的; 想象的
好的 我告诉你 约翰
Now, I'm telling you, John.
你越早面对这些事实 我们相处地就会越好 The sooner you face these facts, the better off we will all be.
better off 在更好的境况; 在好的环境;
我可以马上杀了你 I can kill you in a heartbeat.
Somehow, I doubt that.
somehow [ˈsʌmhaʊ] adv. 以某种方式(或方法); 由于某种未知的原因; 不知为什么; 不知怎么地
你越早面对这些事实 我们相处地就会越好
The sooner you face facts, the better off we will all be.
你已经过气了 约翰
You're yesterday's news, John.
yesterday's news 过时的人; 过气的人
这是在干吗? 对付黑人?
What's the word, brother man? You all cooking brownies or what?
what's the word 最近怎么样?
brownie [ˈbraʊni] n. 巧克力方块蛋糕(有时放有坚果);
cooking brownie 制作巧克力布朗尼蛋糕; 这里可能指的是制作或贩卖非法物品或毒品
- 规矩点 - 什么意思?
- Act your race, milk chicken. - What's your deal, yo?
act one's age 成熟一点; 做和自己年龄相符的举止、行为
act your race跟act one's age类似, 意思是"做符合自己种族的事"
milk chicken 认为自己是非裔美国人的白人或非西班牙裔美国人
遇到麻烦事了吗? You got tough buckets or something?
bucket [ˈbʌkɪt] n. (有提梁的)桶;
get buckets (篮球)投篮得分
你在给白人丢脸 知道吗
You're a disgrace to your skin, you know that?
disgrace [dɪsˈɡreɪs] n. 丢脸; 耻辱; 不光彩; 令人感到羞耻的人(或事) v. 使丢脸; 使蒙受耻辱; 使名誉扫地; 使失势; 使失去地位
skin [skɪn] n. 皮; 皮肤; …皮肤的; (兽)皮; 毛皮; 皮张 v. 剥皮; 扒皮; 削皮; 擦破(身体某部位的)皮肤
The boy just slipped.
slip [slɪp] v. 滑倒; 滑跤
The boy just slipped.
Ain't that right?
Ai [ˌeɪ ˈaɪ] ,【地名】【印度尼西亚】艾岛; 【人名】爱
Come on. Stand up.
好了 都回到牢房里
All right, cons, get back to your cells.
What's your name, boy?
- 是谁 - 斯特内
- Who's that? - Stolte.
斯特内 你知道我儿子的事了吧 是不是
Stolte. You've heard about my kid, right?
把盘子拿去 林肯
Take the tray, Linc.
tray [treɪ] n. 盘; 托盘;
I, uh...
I just need to call him.
接着盘子 林肯
Just take the tray,
再不接 我就把它推进去 那你就要在地上吃了
or I'm gonna shove it in there and you can eat it off the ground.
shove [ʃʌv] v. 猛推;
You have a son.
林肯 别做蠢事
Don't...don't do anything stupid, Linc.
不会的 我...
I'm not.
I just wanna ask you a question, then I'm gonna let go.
What if it were Josh?
What if it were your son?
LJ 谢天谢地. 你还好吧? LJ. Thank God. Are you all right?
一点也不好 Nowhere near it.
nowhere near 一点也不
什么意思? 你现在哪儿?
What do you mean? Where are you?
他们讲的关于我的事情 都是假的
What they're saying about me, it's...it's not true.
- 我知道 - 是他们杀了妈妈
- I know it's not true. - They killed her.
他们杀了她 他们...
They killed her.
就在我眼前 我目睹了一切 天哪 They...Right in front of me. Right in front of my eyes.
You gotta...
- 他们为什么这样做? - 听着 孩子 你要学会坚强
- Why are they doing this? - You gotta step up.
要像个大人一样 懂我的意思吗?
You gotta be the man now. You understand me?
- 明白吗 LJ? - 嗯
- You understand me, LJ? - Yeah.
好 现在我要你打电话给维罗妮卡
Ok, I want you to call Veronica.
她的电话打不通 我之前打过了
Her number is disconnected. I already tried.
disconnect [ˌdɪskəˈnekt] v. 切断
打给尼克·萨维恩 "终极司法"的那个
Nick Savrinn. You call Nick Savrinn. Works for Project Justice.
You call him once we're done.
- 记住了吗? - 尼克·萨维恩
- You got it? - Nick Savrinn. OK.
got it 知道了; 明白
- 恩 好的 我会打的 会打的 - 坚持住 伙计
- OK, I'll call. I'll call. - All right, man.
坚持下去 会没事的
Hang in there, Man. It's gonna be all right.
hang in there 坚持下去; 别泄气;
They're here.
Who's here?
LJ? LJ?!
LJ? LJ?!
You hear that?
Did you hear it?
You know what that means?
Why don't you ask your mom what it means?
哦 对不起 从她那里得到回答应该有点困难
Oh, I'm sorry. You might have trouble getting an answer out of her right about now, huh?
right about now 现在; 此刻
- 我看到信息了 - 才刚联系到 别担心
- I saw that. - Just getting connected, that's all.
There she is.
斯蒂德曼 夫人?
Mrs Steadman?
我是迪克·斯勒 这是我的助理 法兰西·凯丽
I'm Dick Sisler. This is my associate, Francette Kelly.
associate [əˈsəʊsieɪt , əˈsəʊsiət] v. 联想; 联系; n. 同事; 伙伴
We're the National Victims' Rights Association.
association [əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃn] n. 协会; 社团; 联盟; 联合; 合伙; 关联; 交往; 联想; 联系
We provide assistance for victims of violent crimes.
assistance [əˈsɪstəns] n. 帮助; 援助; 支持
violent [ˈvaɪələnt] adj. 暴力的;
为严厉打击犯罪的政治候选人收集支持 Gather support for tough-on-crime political candidates.
gather [ˈɡæðə(r)] v. 聚集; 收集
support [səˈpɔːt] v. 支持; n. 支持;
political [pəˈlɪtɪkl] adj. 政治的;
candidate [ˈkændɪdət] n. 候选人,申请人
tough-on-crime 严厉打击犯罪
bravo [ˌbrɑːˈvəʊ] int. (喝彩声、叫好声)好哇
Look, if your organisation's looking for a hand-out,
organisation [ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn] n. 团体;机构
hand-out n. 救济品,施舍;小册子;传单
年轻人 请和我的商业部经理去交涉
Young man, you can go through my business manager.
go through 穿过; 获得批准;
夫人 我们不是为此事而来 事实上 可以坐下说吗?
Ma'am, that is not why we're here, actually. May we sit down?
希望您能提供一些帮助给我们其中一件更平民的案子- We were hoping you could help us with one of our more public cases—
public [ˈpʌblɪk] adj. 平民的; 公众的;
林肯·布伦斯一案 The Lincoln Burrows case.
如您所知 他提出无事实依据的主张 说自己是无辜的 As you know, he's making unfounded claims that he's innocent.
unfounded [ʌnˈfaʊndɪd] adj. 莫须有的; 无端的; 不依据事实的
claim [kleɪm] v. 宣称; 声称; n. 声明; 宣称;
make a claim 提出索赔; 提出主张, 观点
innocent [ˈɪnəsnt] adj. 无辜的;
其他人有动机谋杀您的丈夫 that others had motive to murder your husband.
motive [ˈməʊtɪv] n. 动机; 原因; 目的 adj. 发动的; 导致运动的
I really don't have time for a long conversation.
斯蒂德曼夫人 不会耽误您太久的
Mrs. Steadman, it doesn't have to be a long conversation.
If we talked about who had motive to kill Terrence,
we'd be here all day.
- 什么意思? - 看看周围
- I'm sorry? - Look around.
Half the people in this place were shareholders in his company.
shareholder [ˈʃeəhəʊldə(r)] n. 股东
每个人都坐在纪念仪式上 Every one of them sat at my husband's memorial
memorial [məˈmɔːriəl] n. 纪念碑(或像等); 纪念仪式
and every one of them was thinking the same thing:
"Thank God he's gone. "
- 为什么会这样想? - 钱
- Why would they think that? - Money.
指控的流言一传开 As soon as rumours of the indictment started,
rumour [ˈruːmə(r)] n. 谣言; 传闻
indictment [ɪnˈdaɪtmənt] n. 衰败迹象,腐败迹象; 起诉
you should have seen them run for the exits.
run for the (nearest) exit(s) 逃离; 摆脱某种情况、安排、义务
我没听过指控的事 I wasn't aware of any indictment.
aware [əˈweə(r)] adj. 知道; 意识到;
从没被证实过 还没开始他就死了
It never came down. He died before it could.
- 跟公司有关系吗? - 你可以算一下
- Anything to do with Ecofield? - Do the math.
do the math 你自己算算
公司总裁被指控诈骗 投资者就会损失钱
CEO of a corporation gets indicted for fraud, investors start losing money.
CEO abbr,总裁; 首席执行官
corporation [ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃn] n. (大)公司; 法人; 法人团体; 市政委员会
indict [ɪnˈdaɪt] v. 控告; 起诉
fraud [frɔːd] n. 欺诈罪; 欺骗罪; 骗子; 行骗的人; 伪劣品; 冒牌货
investor [ɪnˈvestə(r)] n. 投资者; 投资机构
Lots of money.
Lots [lɒts] ,【人名】洛茨
要是我还不确定是布伦斯开的枪 If I didn't know for sure burrows pulled that trigger,
trigger [ˈtrɪɡə(r)] n. (枪的)扳机; (尤指引发不良反应或发展的)起因,诱因; 触发器; 引爆器 v. 发动; 引起; 触发; 开动; 起动
I'd say it was any one of these people in the restaurant.
这可是5亿美元啊 斯勒先生
We're talking half a billion dollars, Mr. Sisler.
People have killed for a lot less.
People have killed for a lot less 直译: 已经有人为了远比这少的钱杀人了
左右不是人 是吧?
Not a good position you find yourself in, is it?
白人不要你 黑人也不要你
Whites don't want you. Blacks don't want you.
Whites [waɪts] ,名厨怀特; 白人; 白色; 粉蝶科; 白带
你刚好卡在中间了 不是吗?
You're just caught in the middle, aren't you?
caught in the middle 左右为难
标准的"中间人" A regular 'tweener'.
regular [ˈreɡjələ(r)] adj. 规则的; 正规的; 十足的
tweener [twi:nər] n. 中间人; 墙头草
We're different, you and me, lot of ways.
但有趣的是 我们还有很多相似之处
But, you know, the funny thing is we're also a lot alike.
一对没人爱的流着鼻涕的小狗 Couple of dogs with runny noses that nobody loves.
runny [ˈrʌni] adj. 流鼻涕的;
膝盖怎么样了 问一下?
How's that knee, by the way?
by the way 顺便说一下
- 你搞什么? - 不 不 不
- What the hell are you doing? - No no no
别误解我 我只是跟你做朋友
Don't, don't get me wrong. I'm just a friend.
don't get me wrong 别误会我的意思
对 基友 我可不要这个 A fruity friend. I don't need none of that.
fruity [ˈfruːti] adj. 果香味浓的; 古怪的; 有性暗示的; 同性恋的
- 别激动 - 不 不 不
- Easy now. - No, no, no.
你如果想这个 你就错了 你这死同性恋 You think you're getting up in this, you got another thing coming, you homo.
have/get another thing coming 想错了
homo [ˈhɒməʊ] n. 同性恋 adj. 同性恋的(homosexual)
你嘴巴很不检点 你知道吗?
You got a foul mouth, you know that?
foul [faʊl] adj. 肮脏恶臭的; 难闻的; 充满脏话的;
没错 你敢再靠近我 我会杀了你
Yeah. I do. And you come near me again, I'm gonna kill you.
哦 那你尽管来吧 小朋友
Well, then, you're just gonna have to, little man.
你最好睁着眼睡觉 娘娘腔
You sleep with one eye open, girly.
girly [] n. 丫头 adj. 女孩子气的;
- 放马过来 贱货 - 我会的 我会的
- Bring it on. bitch - Oh, I'm gonna
bring it on 放马过来啊
- 我会来的 - 你最好别缠着那孩子
- I'm gonna bring it on in spades. - Maybe you ought to leave the kid alone.
spade [speɪd] n. 锹; 铲; (纸牌中的)黑桃;
in spades 非常地
你没资格管我的事 明白吗 Maybe you are in no position to be telling me my business. Hm?
be in no position to do sth 没资格做某事
hm [hm] abbr,百米
跟我想的一样 That's what I thought.
你肯定理解 我不能谈论以前的病人
I'm sure you can understand my reluctance to discuss past patients.
reluctance [rɪ'lʌktəns] n. 不情愿;
呃 不过我也知道根据HIPAA法案 My understanding is that under HIPAA
HIPAA 健康保险携带和责任法案
只要可以促进对病人的治疗 我们可以共享资料 we're allowed to share information as long as it furthers the care of the patient.
further [ˈfɜːrðər] adj. 进一步的; 更多的; vt. 促进; 增进;
我不太习惯这样打听 但是 我... I'm not accustomed to making enquiries like this, but, I, uh...
accustom [əˈkʌstəm] v. 使习惯(于); 使适应
enquiry [ɪnˈkwaɪəri] n. 打听; 询问;
我觉得我能与他沟通 I feel like I can get through to him.
get through 使理解;
feel like 感觉;
I can help him.
可以想像 他在那确实需要帮助
I imagine he needs it in there.
What did you treat him for?
Well, Michael suffered from a couple of things.
suffer [ˈsʌfə(r)] v. (因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦,受难,受折磨; 遭受; 蒙受; 变差; 变糟
其中一种叫做"低潜在抑制症" One was a condition called low latent inhibition.
condition [kənˈdɪʃn] n. 状况; 健康状况; (因不可能治愈而长期患有的)疾病
latent [ˈleɪtnt] adj. 潜在的;
inhibition [ˌɪnhɪˈbɪʃn] n. 抑制; 禁止
不好意思 我对这术语不熟悉 Sorry. I'm not familiar with the term.
familiar [fəˈmɪliə(r)] adj. 熟悉的; 常见到的; 常听说的; 通晓; 熟悉; 随便的 n. 常客; 密友; 高级官吏的家属; [天主]教皇[主教]的仆人
这种病人看到日常的东西跟我们是一样的 Well, people who suffer from low latent inhibition see everyday things just like you or I do.
everyday [ˈevrideɪ] adj. 每天的; 日常的;
比如灯 这个例子 Like this lamp, for instance
instance [ˈɪnstəns] n. 例子; 事例; 实例 v. 举…为例
但我们眼中只能理解灯的形象 But where we just process the image of a lamp,
process [ˈprəʊses , prəˈses] n. 过程; v. 加工; 理解
image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] n. 形象; 画像;
他们能理解一切 they process everything.
支架 灯泡 螺钉 甚至里面的垫圈
The stem, the bulb, the bolts, even the washers inside.
stem [stem] n. (花草的)茎; 某物的长而细的支撑或主要部分
bulb [bʌlb] n. 电灯泡;
bolt [bəʊlt] n. (门窗的)闩; 螺栓;
washer [ˈwɒʃə(r)] n. (螺母等的)垫圈,垫片;
他们的脑子对刚接收到的周围环境的刺激更开放 Their brains are more open to incoming stimuli in the surrounding environment.
incoming [ˈɪnkʌmɪŋ] adj. 新任的; 刚收到的
stimulus [ˈstɪmjələs] n. 促进因素; 刺激
surround [səˈraʊnd] v. 围绕; 环绕; (使)包围,围住; 与…紧密相关 n. (物品的)边,饰边; 周围
Other people's brains
像你和我 则把这些信息关在外面
yours and mine - shut out the same information.
shut out 把…关在门外; 把…排除在外
We have to do it in order to keep our sanity.
sanity [ˈsænəti] n. 精神健全; 理智;
If someone with a low IQ has low latent inhibition,
IQ [ˌaɪ ˈkjuː] n. 智商(全写为intelligence quotient)
通常会导致精神疾病 it almost always results in mental illness.
result in 导致; 产生
mental [ˈmentl] adj. 思想的; 精神的;
But if someone has a high IQ,
通常会产生极具创造性的才能 it almost always results in creative genius.
creative [kriˈeɪtɪv] adj. 创造(性)的;
genius [ˈdʒiːniəs] n. 天才; 才能
Do you think Michael's a genius?
Well, I think that word's been derogated in the media these days.
derogate [ˈderəɡeɪt] vt. 贬低; 贬损;
medium [ˈmiːdiəm] adj. 中等的; 中号的 n. (传播信息的)媒介; 手段; 工具; 方法; (文艺创作中使用的)材料,形式
不过从这个词的传统意义来说 没错 是的 But in the classic sense of the word, yes, I do.
classic [ˈklæsɪk] adj. 典型的; 传统的
sense [sens] n. 感觉官能; 理解力;
in the sense 从某种意义上说
You...you said there was something else you treated him for?
他刚来的时候非常没有自我价值感 He came to me with absolutely no sense of self-worth.
self-worth [ˌself ˈwɜːθ] n. 自我价值感
The loss of both parents very often does that to a child.
loss [lɒs] n. 丧失;
But with the low latent inhibition,
something interesting happened to Michael.
He became very attuned to all the suffering around him.
attuned [əˈtjuːnd] adj. 熟悉; 适应; 习惯
be/become attuned to 熟悉; 特别能理解或处理
He couldn't shut it out.
He became a rescuer,
rescuer [ˈrɛskjʊə] n. 救助者; 救星
这种人关心其他人的幸福 远多过关心自己
one of those people who are more concerned with other people's welfare than their own.
concern [kənˈsɜːn] v. 涉及; 让(某人)担忧
welfare [ˈwelfeə(r)] n. 幸福
I didn't know all this about him.
Then maybe you don't know Michael Scofield.
我办公室的语音信箱有新消息 I checked my voicemail at work.
voicemail [ˈvɔɪsmeɪl] n. 语音信箱; 电话留言
Lincoln's son LJ just left me a message.
He's in trouble.
- 谁? - LJ 我是维罗妮卡 你在哪?
- Hello? - LJ, it's Veronica. Where are you?
噢 维罗妮卡 我不知道
Oh, Veronica, I don't know.
You gotta come get me.
我么不行知道吗? 我们不在芝加哥 你要过来找我们
We can't, OK? We're not in Chicago. You have to come to us.
好吧 你们在哪?
Oh. All right. Where's that?
- 他们到底怎么知道我在哪的? - 怎么了?
- Oh. How the hell do they know where I am? - What's going on?
How the hell do they know where I am?
- LJ 你听我说 - 你不知道
- LJ, I want you to listen to me. - No, you haven't get the mean...
- 我去任何地方 他们都能找到 - 我要你听我说 好吗?
- Everywhere I go, they're there. - I want you to listen to me, OK?
我需要你来找我们 我们在莫萨湖
I need you to come to us. We're in Lake Mercer.
- 那是什么地方? - 是一个小镇
- Where's that? - It's a small town.
在爱荷华州边境 那有个车站
It's on the Iowa border. There's a bus station.
Iowa [ˈaɪəwə] n. 爱荷华州(美国州名)
border [ˈbɔːdə(r)] n. 国界; 边界;
去买张车票 我们会在那儿接你
I want you to buy a ticket, and we'll meet you there.
还好 他们还活着
They're still alive.
Looks like a bird in the hand just became three.
Let's go.
- 但是这孩子就在...- 我们走
- But the kid's right...- Let's go.
他们走了 他们走了
They're leaving. They're leaving.
LJ我要你仔细听我说 好吗?
LJ, I need to know that you hear me, OK?
Lake Mercer.
莫萨湖 知道了
Lake Mercer. OK.
What the hell are you doing?
Delivering yesterday's news.
Your bus leaves from depot six in just a few minutes.
depot [ˈdepəʊ] n. 火车小站; 公共汽车小站
我 呃...
I, uh...
只是想让你知道如果你想在这找人谈谈 我原意
uh, just wanted you to know that if you're looking for someone to talk to in here, you're not alone.
It's part of my job to counsel inmates and help them with their problems.
counsel [ˈkaʊnsl] n. 建议; 法律顾问;v. 提供专业咨询; 建议
I got things pretty well figured out.
figure out 想出; 理解; 弄清; 解决
I sort of backed into some information about you.
I hope you don't mind,
你要明白我成为医生的初衷 就是想帮助别人
But you have to understand that there's a reason I became a doctor.
It's in my nature to want to help.
nature [ˈneɪtʃər] n. 自然; 天性; 本性;
从我理解的角度 这也是你的天性
From what I understand, it's in your nature too.
You did a lot of good things before you were in here,
很多社会工作 很多慈善事业
a lot of community work, a lot of charity work.
community [kəˈmjuːnəti] n. 社区; 社会;
charity [ˈtʃærəti] n. 慈善;
What happened?
你谈论的那个男人 进这地方那一刻就已经死了
The man you're talking about died the moment I stepped inside these walls.
All right.
先生女士们 美国特工
Ladies and gentlemen, United States Secret Service.
gentleman [ˈdʒentlmən] n. 有教养的人; 先生;
Please remain calm.
Remain where you are.
Come here.
It's OK.
They're leaving.
扔掉你的手机 他们在跟踪你 我们在格拉鲁斯
Dump the phone. they're tracking you. We're in New Glarus.
dump [dʌmp] v. 丢弃,扔掉
You're safe now, all right?
You received communication from your attorney.
communication [kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 交流; 通信; 书信;
Please sign this document
sign [saɪn] n. 迹象; 征兆; v. 签(名);
document [ˈdɒkjumənt , ˈdɒkjument] n. 文件;
证明我检查过你这份文件里面不含违禁品以及 certifying that I inspected the communication for contraband,
certify [ˈsɜːtɪfaɪ] v. (尤指书面)证明
contraband [ˈkɒntrəbænd] n. 禁运品,走私货
任何时候都没有违背律师的权利的内容 without at any time breaching attorney client privilege by reading the materials enclosed herein.
breach [briːtʃ] v. 违反; 违背; 在…上打开缺口
material [məˈtɪəriəl] n. 材料
enclose [ɪnˈkləʊz] v. (用墙、篱笆等)把…围起来; 随函(或包裹等)附上
herein [ˌhɪərˈɪn] adv. 在此处; 于此文件(或声明、事实)中
Notes from Mrs. Weatman's 6th Grade Biology Class
LJ 我和维罗妮卡在一起 我很好 我爱你
Lj, I'm with Mrs. Veronica. I'm okay. I love you.
What are you grinning about?
grin [ɡrɪn] v. 露齿而笑; 咧着嘴笑;
噢 只是在想我很快就会从这鬼地方出去了
Oh, just the fact that I'm gonna be out on the real world here in a little bit.
in a little bit 一会儿之后; 很快
其实是我要搞到最后一个小跟班了哈 The fact that I'm gonna get me one final piece of tail certainly don't hurt either.
tail [teɪl] n. 尾巴; 盯梢人;
没什么比这更让人兴奋了 是不 斯科菲尔德
Nothing like tail, eh, Scofield?
(there is) nothing like sth 某东西非常好; 没有什么能比得上某东西
Son of a bitch!
你这件事现在就结束了 This ends right now.
噢 你刚惹了一个职业大嗓门 小伙子
Oh, you just screwed some major league pooch, pretty.
major [ˈmeɪdʒə(r)] adj. 主要的; 大的; 严重;
league [liːɡ] n. 级别; 联盟;
pooch [puːtʃ] n. 狗
major league (某领域的)大联盟; 美国职业棒球大联盟
screw the pooch 犯了大错
我将会像一棵满是鸟的树那样唱歌 I'm gonna sing like a whole tree full of birds now.
- 警卫! - 你想唱? 那唱好了
- Badge! - You wanna sing, then sing.
badge [bædʒ] n. 徽章; 奖章; (制服上的)标记,标识; 证章; 警徽
But you know what I think?
你没这个胆量 You don't have the guts.
gut [ɡʌt] n. 内脏; 勇气;
You want out of here just as much as the rest of us.
We got a problem here?
我 呃...
I, uh...
我...我刚发现其实工具没有少 我的错
I-I thought we was, uh, missing some tools here. My bad.
my bad 我的错;
Get back to work.
You and I may be stuck together in this little dance,
dance [dæns] n. 跳舞; 跳跃,摇晃
but I call the shots.
shot [ʃɒt] n. 射击; 开枪
call the shots 做决定; 发号施令;
第一点 外面的那个孩子 First shot, that kid out there,
you don't touch him ever.
Do we understand each other?
We do.
闪开 朱利欧
Out of the way, Julio.
out of the way 偏僻的; 完成; 处理完; 非凡的; 让开; 不再阻碍
你和我 咱们出去聊聊
You and me, we're gonna have a conversation.
How come he didn't fall through?
fall through 陷下去
I warned you.
I'll get it together.
get it together(get/pull yourself together) 有效运转; 控制情况
You gotta give me more time.
已经给够时间你了 约翰 You've had your time, John.
你跌跟头了 爱丽丝?
You tripping on something, Alice?
trip [trɪp] n. 旅行 v. 绊,绊倒
哈 正如我所料
Yeah. That's what I thought.
你再敢搞事 我让你吃不了兜着走 Lamp it up in here again, I'm fitting to wreck some shop
lamp it up “再次点燃”,暗示再次引发或加剧某种行为或情况。
wreck [rek] n. 沉船; v. 破坏; 损坏;
wreck shop 破坏;
Uh-oh. We got a problem.
发生什么了? 他们在这做什么?
What's happening? What are they doing?
- 整修休息室 - 你在说什么? - Fixing the break room. - What are you talking about?
break room 休息室
那是P. I. 做的事 不是我来安排的吗?
That's PI. I run it.
Not any more, you don't.