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Previously on Prison Break
What are you doing?
Trying to remember those blueprints
blueprint [ˈbluːprɪnt] n. (建筑、机器等的)蓝图;
what we lost to the burn.
没有那部分 我们将永远无法穿越精神病区下面的管道
Without them, we'll never be able to navigate those pipes beneath psych ward.
navigate [ˈnævɪɡeɪt] v. 导航; 确定(船、飞机、汽车等)的位置和方向;
beneath [bɪˈniːθ] prep. 在(或往)…下面;
psych [saɪk] v. 用精神分析治疗;
ward [wɔːd] n. 病房; 病室; 
be able to 可以; 有能力
但我必须搞清楚 你是在哪里被烧伤的
Then I need to know where you got that burn. Right now.
否则 就等着关禁闭吧
Otherwise, your ass is going to solitary.
otherwise [ˈʌðəwaɪz] adv. 否则; 
ass [æs] n. 蠢人; 屁股; 
solitary [ˈsɒlətri] adj. 独自的;
I put my blood into this. . .
How about you elaborate on that?
elaborate [ɪˈlæbərət , ɪˈlæbəreɪt] v. 详尽阐述;
How about you stop with all the questions?
你的工作是保镖 仅此而已
You are a glorified bodyguard, that's it.
glorified [ˈɡlɔːrɪfaɪd] adj. 吹捧的; 美化的; 光荣的
bodyguard [ˈbɒdiɡɑːd] n. 保镖,警卫(队)
好 我拿到了
Okay, I got it.
把枪放下 你不是个杀人犯
Put it down. You're not a killer.
killer [ˈkɪlə(r)] n. 杀人者; 杀手; 导致死亡的人(或动物、事物); 棘手的事; 令人激动的事物; 精彩的事物
Get out of the way.
get out of the way 让开
要知道 他们给你这些药物是有原因的
You know, maybe they give you those things for a reason.
是啊 以一种无形的方式把我束缚
Yeah. To keep me in their invisible freaking handcuffs.
invisible [ɪnˈvɪzəbl] adj. 看不见的; 隐形的; 
freaking [ˈfriːkɪŋ] adv./adj. (加强语气,用以替代 fucking)该死的,他妈的;
handcuff [ˈhændkʌf] n. 手铐; 思想上的桎梏
你好 室友 你说得没错
Hello, roomie. You were right about my tattoo.
roomie [ˈruːmi] 室友;
tattoo [təˈtuː] n. 文身;
It is a path. . .
And I need you to remember when you saw it, Haywire.
haywire [ˈheɪwaɪə(r)] adj. 失控的; 乱套的
Who are you?
斯科菲尔德 迈克尔·斯科菲尔德
Scofield. Michael Scofield.
Doesn't ring a bell.
ring a bell 听起来耳熟
We met a while ago in Gen pop. Cell 40.
- 什么是区? - 普通监区
- Gen pop? - General population.
Officer Bellick assigned you to my cell.
officer [ˈɒfɪsə(r)] n. 军官; 警察的头衔
assign [əˈsaɪn] v. 分配
我有纹身 你把它画下来了
I have a tattoo, you drew it.
海威尔 你对我一点印象都没了?
Haywire, do I look even vaguely familiar to you?
vaguely [ˈveɪɡli] adv. 含糊地; 稍微;
familiar [fəˈmɪliə(r)] adj. 熟悉的;
Are you the guy who stole my toothpaste?
是的 是的 我偷了你的牙膏
Yes, yes. I stole your toothpaste.
So you do remember.
Candy man.
Mr. Patoshik.
- 斯科菲尔德先生 - 不用了 谢谢
- Mr. Scofield. - No, thank you.
Medication is mandatory.
medication [ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 药; 药物
mandatory [ˈmændətəri] adj. 强制的;
只是一种很温和的镇定剂 唐克雷蒂医生开的 来吧
It's just a mild sedative prescribed by Dr. Tancredi. Come on.
sedative [ˈsedətɪv] n. 镇静剂
prescribe [prɪˈskraɪb] v. 给…开(药); 开(处方);
come on 来吧; 快点
那我就直接跟她谈 我现在感觉好多了
Then I'll talk to her directly. I'm feeling better.
directly [dəˈrektli] adv. 直接地;
哦 真的吗? 很好 好 现在吃药
Oh, really? That's great. Now take the pill.
吃吧 味道还不错的
Take them. They're good.
我不要 谢谢
I'm fine. Thank you.
卡特 你能过来一下吗? !
Carter, could you come here a sec?
sec [sek] n. 片刻; 霎时
Scofield went J-Cat?
j-cat 精神不稳定的人
go j-cat 变成疯子; 发疯
当然 我也看到了
Sure did. I saw it coming, too.
sure did/have 当然; 肯定
我第一眼看见他的时候就知道 他会精神崩溃的
I knew he was gonna crack first time I saw him.
crack [kræk] v.(因压力而)吃不消,崩溃,瓦解; 失控,垮掉; 
So he's not coming back here?
我比较怀疑 他们都已经把他单独禁闭了
Doubt it. They had him in the whack shack.
whack [wæk] v. 猛打; 重击;
shack [ʃæk] n. 简陋的小屋; 棚屋
whack shack 精神病院
- 苏克雷怎么说? - 他也被关单独禁闭 怎么了?
- What about Sucre? - He's in ad seg. Why?
房间居中 楼层居中 属于上等牢房
Middle cell, middle tier, prime piece of real estate.
tier [tɪə(r)] n. 级; 层; 
prime [praɪm] adj. 主要的; 优质的;
estate [ɪˈsteɪt] n. 住宅区; 个人财产; 
real estate n. 房地产; 不动产
You thinking what I'm thinking?
We promise to keep it a single for a couple of months, auction it off.
auction [ˈɔːkʃn] n. 拍卖 v. 拍卖
auction off 拍卖掉
Make it happen.
I don't need medication.
吞下去 否则从你的"后门"塞进去
Swallow it, or it's going in the rear door.
swallow [ˈswɒləʊ] v. 吞下; 咽下
rear [rɪə(r)] n. 后部; 屁股; 臀部 adj. 后面的;
go in 进入;
rear door 后门
All gone?
你说得很对 海威尔 我确实偷了你的牙膏
You were right, Haywire. I did steal your toothpaste,
你曾凭借记忆临摹了我的纹身 我要你再画一次
and you drew that tattoo from memory, and I need you to do it again.
居中的房间 冬暖夏凉
Middle cell, cool in the summer, warm in the winter.
- 你出价多少? - 你有多少?
- How much you asking? - How much you got?
200块 成交吗?
$200. We got a deal?
好 你现在可以出去了 我给你办转移手续
Now get your ass out of here and I'll put in the transfer.
transfer [trænsˈfɜː(r) , ˈtrænsfɜː(r)] n. 搬迁; 转移;
put in 提出; 提交; 申请;
嘿 伙计 马桶漏水的
Hey, man, the toilet's leaking.
leak [liːk] v. 漏; 渗漏;
看 有漏水
Look, it's dripping.
drip [drɪp] v. 滴下; 滴水; 
我会叫人来修的 24小时内换新
I'll put in a work order. It'll be replaced in 24 hours.
work order 工单
replace [rɪˈpleɪs] v. 代替; 更换;
说好了 头儿
You got it, boss.
you('ve) got it 没问题;
I heard you was moving some real estate.
Already been moved.
- 斯科菲尔德的牢房? - 不再是他的了
- Ain't that Scofield's cell? - Not anymore.
Close on 40!
Is that your daughter?
她出生的时候 我老婆给了我这照片
My wife gave me this when she was born.
Outliving your wife is bad enough.
outlive [ˌaʊtˈlɪv] vt. 比…活得长;
Outliving your daughter. . .
No man should have to endure that.
endure [ɪnˈdjʊə(r)] v. 忍耐; 忍受;
How long does she have?
医院说是一周 顶不过两周
Hospital says a week, maybe two.
We got us a problem.
"麻鸡"要搬到斯科菲尔德的房里去了 这还没完
Mojo's moving into Scofield's cell, and that ain't all.
他还抱怨马桶漏水 所以加里下了维修通知单
He's bitching about the toilet, so Geary's putting in a work order.
bitch [bɪtʃ] n. 母狗; 泼妇; v. 挖苦; (背后)说坏话; 发牢骚
- 一旦移动马桶... - 就会发现那个洞
- They move that toilet. . . - They find the hole.
- 我们就全完了 - 麻鸡出价多少?
- We are all screwed. - How much Mojo promise?
screw [skruː] n. 螺丝; v. 旋紧; 遇到严重的麻烦
呵 傻子 差点被你吓着了
Oh, Gomer, now you see, you had me scared there for a second.
- 听说你有个新牢房 - 已经没有了
- I hear you got a cell. - Not anymore.
如果你够聪明的话 最好不要说出去
And if you were smart, you'd keep quiet about that.
嘿 听着 我付你双倍的钱
Hey, look, I'll double what you're getting.
I'm getting $250.
$500? 没问题
$500? Ain't a problem.
I ain't talking cigarettes and extra chow line desserts here.
cigarette [ˌsɪɡəˈret] n. 香烟;
extra [ˈekstrə] adj. 额外的; 附加的
chow [tʃaʊ] n. 吃的东西; v. 吃
dessert [dɪˈzɜːt] n. (饭后)甜点,甜食
chow line 排队等候食物的一队人
I'm talking green paper with dead white guys on it.
我说了 不成问题
I said it ain't a problem.

Come on.
- 去哪? - 给你个惊喜
- Where? - It's a surprise.
I don't wear a diaper.
diaper [ˈdaɪpə(r)] n. (婴儿的)尿布,尿片
I never said you did.
Then what are you doing?
You got something in your teeth.
- 什么? - 哦 好 就在那儿
- What? - Oh, yeah. Right there.
It's right there in the back.
Come on.
Why are you doing this?
I am helping you.
Remember what you used to call those little pills?
"Invisible handcuffs. "
Handcuffs on your mind.
你讨厌这个 记得吗?
You hate them, remember?
You got a phone call.
- 是谁? - 你儿子. 有急事
- Who is it? - Your son. It's an emergency.
emergency [iˈmɜːdʒənsi] n. 突发事件; 紧急情况
哦 L.J. 你在想什么 孩子?
Oh, LJ, what were you thinking, kid?
我豁出去了 他妈的不管了
I don't care what happens to me anymore, okay?
他们赢了 他们总是赢
They won. They'll always win.
I just wanted to take one of them down with me.
take down 打败或杀(某人);
Put Veronica back on.
put on 穿上; 让(某人)接电话; back大概是"回原处"的意思
- 林肯? - 什么指控?
- Lincoln? - What are the charges?
charge [tʃɑːdʒ] n. 要价,收费; 指控
Attempted murder.
attempt [əˈtempt] v. 努力; 尝试; 试图
他同时还将被指控 谋杀她的母亲和他的继父
He's also being arraigned for the murder of his mother and his stepfather.
stepfather [ˈstepfɑːðə(r)] n. 继父
I guess bail is out of the question?
bail [beɪl] n. 保释; v. 允许保释(某人);
out of the question 不值得讨论的; 不可能的
Anything you can do?
此刻 唯一的希望是让他作为 未成年犯受审
Right now, his only shot is if we can get him tried as a minor.
shot [ʃɒt] n. 射击; 尝试; 注射;
minor [ˈmaɪnə(r)] adj. 较小的; n. 未成年人;
But he needs to show some remorse.
remorse [rɪˈmɔːs] n. 懊悔; 
我要向法庭表明 他只是个受到过度惊吓的孩子
I need to sell to the court that he was just a scared kid.
court [kɔːt] n. 法院; 法庭;
但他现在头脑发热 根本不听我的话
But where his head's at right now, he won't listen to me.
他会听我的 我得见他
He'll listen to me. I need to see him.
林肯 不可能的
Lincoln, there's no way.
no way 没门, 绝不
如果他被作为成人指控 很可能也会像我一样被判死刑
He gets tried as an adult, he may as well sit in my lap in the chair.
adult [ˈædʌlt] n. 成年人;
lap [læp] n. (坐着时的)大腿部;
- 你必须得做点什么 维罗妮卡 - 好吧 我向纠正部门申请试试
- You got to do something, Veronica. - Okay. Look, I'll petition the DOC,
petition [pəˈtɪʃn]  v. 祈求; (向法庭)请求,申请
但允许你出去见他的可能性 几乎微乎其微
but it's a million-to-one shot they're gonna let you out to see him.
All right.
嘿 伙计
Yo, Trumpets.
我要你尽快收回所有的欠款 行吗?
You all gotta round up all outstanding debts that are due ASAP, all right?
gotta [ˈɡɒtə] 必须;  不得不;  有一个; (用来表示have got to和have got a的口语发音)
outstanding [aʊtˈstændɪŋ] adj. 优秀的; 未支付的; 
debt [det] n. 借款; 欠款;
due [djuː] adj. 由于; 到期 n. 应缴款(如俱乐部会费)
ASAP = As Soon As Possible 尽快
round up 收集; 使聚集; 抓捕
- 现在? - 跟往常一样 好吗?
- Do it right now? - Like yesterday, all right?
like yesterday 一种强调紧急性的表达方式。可以这样想:如果一天后做,说明这件事不太紧急; 如果一个小时后做,那说明时间紧;如果现在做,说明很紧急; 如果要昨天就做,那说明更紧急
- 我马上搞定 - 好
- I'll put it out there. - Good.
put out 努力; 准备(需要使用的东西); 
Are you insane?
insane [ɪnˈseɪn] adj. 精神失常的; 疯狂的;
没你的事了 做保镖的
You are done, bodyguard.
林肯的儿子 一个16岁的吸毒小孩
Lincoln's son, a 16-year-old pothead,
轻易的查到了你的住址 并打伤了你
managed to track you down and shoot you.
track down 追踪; 追查; 搜寻
You are now a witness in his criminal investigation.
witness [ˈwɪtnəs] n. 目击者; 见证人;
criminal [ˈkrɪmɪnl] adj. 犯罪的; 刑事的; 
investigation [ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃn] n. 调查,侦查; 
criminal investigation 刑事侦查
I can still do my job.
你无论如何都不能 再管布伦斯的案子了
You are not to make a move on Burrows under any circumstance.
circumstance [ˈsɜːkəmstəns] n. 条件; 环境;
We make that call.
知道吗 特里克茜?
You know what, trixie?
There are actually higher agendas here.
agenda [əˈdʒendə] n. 议程表
是的 说的没错 但都没你参加的份儿了
Yes, there are, and they don't belong to you.
belong [bɪˈlɒŋ] v. 属于;
belong to 属于; 
Paul Kellerman no longer works for the Secret Service.
secret service n. (政府的)特工部门,特务机关;
从现在开始 你就是以前那个欧文·克雷维克了
You're just good old Owen Kravecki from now on.
Have I made myself clear?

I need you to focus.
I need you to remember what you drew.
海威尔 集体活动了
Haywire. Time for group.
来吧 伙计 我们走
Come on, buddy. Let's go.
buddy [ˈbʌdi] n. 朋友; 同伴; 老兄,
There we go.
It's a path.
对 就是一条通道
Yes. It is a path.
Let's go.
什么事 伙计?
So, what's up, man?
what's up 怎么了? 最近怎样?
事情是这样 你什么都拿不到了
Here's the thing. You got nothing coming.
here's the thing 事情是这样的
你那些出色的手下 现在都是我的了
All your outstanding markers, they're mine now.
Is that so?
觉得有问题的话 跟你那些新混混哭去吧
You got a problem with it, go cry to your new crew,
crew [kruː] n. 全体工作人员;
T- Bag and the white boys.
哦...好 原来是关于这个
Oh...'kay, so that's what this is all about.
This is about staying true to your own.
true to your own 忠于自己
知道吗 伙计?
Well, you know what, man?
只要我想 我可以一边和3K党的老大们喝喝茶
I can have tea with the grand wizard of the KKK if I want,
wizard [ˈwɪzəd] n. (传说中的)男巫
kkk [ˌkeɪ keɪ ˈkeɪ] abbr,Ku Klux Klan 三K党
grand wizard 大巫师(美国民间排外团体三K党首领)
一边 钱照样拿 你明白吗 臭小子?
and I still get my money. You got that, little boy?
不 我们不明白
No. We don't got that.
看在你以前的份上 我就让你走着离开这儿
Now, out of respect for what you once were, I'm gonna let you walk away.
out of respect 出于尊敬
walk away 离开; 脱身; 一走了之
You were right.
The pills don't let me see the pathway.
pathway [ˈpɑːθweɪ] n. 小路; 路径;
That's a pathway to hell.
不 不是 恰恰相反
No, it's not. It's just the opposite.
opposite [ˈɒpəzɪt] adj. 相反的;
I remember.
Looks like the Bank of Africa wasn't allowing any withdrawals.
withdrawal [wɪðˈdrɔːəl] n. 撤走; 提款,取款
听着 我们得另找法子搞钱
Look, we are gonna have to find another way to get that money, okay?
嗯 我想这对我们这位 在坐的朋友来说
Well, then I reckon it ain't too much of a problem
reckon [ˈrekən] v. 想;
搞到钱不是太难啊 对吗 D.B?
for our friend here to rummage up, ain't that so, D. B. ?
rummage [ˈrʌmɪdʒ] v. 翻寻; 搜寻
rummage up 找到; 搜查出
首先 我不是D.B库珀 其次 今天没有探监
A, I'm not D. B. Cooper, and, B, there's no visitation today.
visitation [ˌvɪzɪˈteɪʃn] n. (离婚父母对子女的)探视权; 视察;
也就是说 没人可以从外面给我们捎钱
Which means that none of us can get any money from the outside world.
I guess that only leaves us with one real option.
option [ˈɒpʃn] n. 可选择的事物; 选择;
The kitchen game.
赌博? 这就你所谓的办法?
Gambling? And that's your solution?
gamble [ˈɡæmbl] v. 赌博
solution [səˈluːʃn] n. 解决办法;
小子 相信我
Uh-huh. Son, trust me.
我玩牌的时候 那不叫赌博
When I play cards, it ain't gambling.
There's maybe five people in this country that
can do what I do with a deck of cards.
deck [dek] n. 甲板; 一副(卡片)
So why are you just bringing this up now?
bring up 抚养; 提出;
'Cause if Jesus, over there, catches you sleeving aces in the kitchen game,
Jesus [ˈdʒiːzəs] n. 耶稣; 耶稣基督
sleeve [sliːv] n. 袖子; vt. 给…装袖子;
ace [eɪs] n. A纸牌
这么说吧 我会被上帝搞死
let's just say there are lots of knives handy.
handy [ˈhændi] adj. 易使用的;
当然 你至少要有50美金才能坐下玩
Of course, you need 50 bucks just for the sit-in,
buck [bʌk] n. (一)美元; 
sit-in [ˈsɪt ɪn] n. (建筑物内的)静坐罢工,静坐示威; 入场
and since we don't have any money,
我不得不说 这下我们是真陷入困境了
I'd say we're in a catch-double-deuce.
catch-double-deuce deuce=2, 因此catch-double-deuce = catch 22, catch 22来源于一本小说, 意思是"看起来可行, 实际上不可能的状况"
You sit right here.
Take this.
And this.
哦 不...一块没了
Oh, no. It's gone.
That's why I need you to fix it.
That's why I need you to remember what was there before.
哦 太糟糕了 你不能把路给弄断了
Oh, this is bad. You can't break a path.
Then it doesn't lead anywhere.
That's right.
That's why I need you to remember what was there before it was broken.
I remember.
I remember the demons.
demon [ˈdiːmən] n. 恶魔; 魔鬼
等等 也许是个朝圣者的头像
Wait, no, maybe they were pilgrims.
pilgrim [ˈpɪlɡrɪm] n. 朝圣的人;
他们指着路的方向 好像是在说:"往这边走 往这边走"
They were pointing to the way, and they were saying, "This is the way, this is the way. "
I can't see it.
我看的到图 但我搞不明白
I can see it, but I can't see it.
see [siː] v. 看见; 理解; 
I'll be right back.
I need you to give Sucre a message.
告诉他我没事儿 我在尽量填补空白
Tell him I'm okay, and that I'm trying to fill in the blanks.
He'll know what that means.
You're trying to fill in the blanks?
Just do it. Please.
What the hell am I gonna do now?
就我所知 你在13号牢房已经呆到现在了
You've been down in 13 as long as I can remember.
Why the sudden interest in moving?
Second-story units like this don't come on the market too much.
我想 年纪都已经这么大了
I figure since I'm getting on in age,
figure [ˈfɪɡə(r)] n. 数字; 人物; 身材 v.认为; 想;
get on in age 年纪大了
maybe it's time I retired in comfort.
retire [rɪˈtaɪə(r)] v. (使)退休; 
Open on 40!
Make it quick.
make it quick 快点
嘿...鲍勃·维拉 这只是个牢房而已
Hey, Bob Vila, it's a cell.
Bob Vila 美国一个改善房屋节目的主持人
Quit kicking the tires and make a decision.
kick the tires 在购买之前精挑细选;仔细检查,仔细调查
我付你100块 换这个房间
I'll give you 100 bucks for it.
别浪费我的时间了 还是走吧
You wasted my time. Get the hell out of here.
抱歉 老大 我还以为我出价不错
Sorry, boss. I thought it was a good bid.
bid [bɪd] v. 出(价); n. 买方的出价; 
Close on 40!
好啊 本杰明(钞票上的总统头像)
Hello, Benjamin.
我看看 是在19..72年制造
Now, let me see, minted in 19 and 72.
mint [mɪnt] n. 薄荷; 铸币厂 v. 铸(币);
这是你的本钱 剩下的只能靠你了
That's your buy-in. The rest is up to you.
buy-in [ˈbaɪ ɪn] n. 购入股份
up to sb 由某人决定; 某人说了算
Hot damn.
hot damn 表示惊喜
继续走 啄木鸟
Keep walking, peckerwood.
Got the buy-in for the card game.
Go get our money, boy.
不幸的是 这次行动你必须做我的搭档
Unfortunately, you and I are gonna have to be partners in this endeavor.
unfortunately [ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli] adv. 不幸地; 遗憾地; 
endeavor [ɪnˈdɛvə] n./v. 努力,企图
哦 不 不行
Oh, hell, no.
我不会玩牌 我只会玩骰子
I don't play cards, I'm a dice man.
dice [daɪs] n. 骰子; 掷骰游戏; 
听着 你只需这么做
Look, all you need to know is this,
每次我发牌时 你都要赌大的 不许不要
every time I deal, you bet big and never fold.
bet [bet] v. 下赌注(于);
fold [fəʊld] v. 折叠; 弃牌
如果每次我发牌 且还都是我赢的话
See, if I'm winning every time I deal,
我最后会死得很惨 懂我意思吗?
I end up with a Colombian necktie. You know what I'm saying?
Colombian [kəˈlɒmbiən] n. 哥伦比亚人 adj. 哥伦比亚的; 
end up (以…)结束; 
Colombian necktie 一种处决方式,受害者的喉咙被垂直割开,然后他的舌头从裂开的伤口被拉向胸骨,之后受害者通常死于窒息或失血
But if you're the one raking in all the cash,
rake [reɪk] n. 耙子; v. 耙; 
rake in 赚或拿到大量的钱
他们就不会想到 其实我和你是一伙的
well, I seriously doubt anyone would ever think you and I are working together.
seriously [ˈsɪəriəsli] adv. 严重地; 非常;
打扰一下 哪里都找不到这手机的充电器
Excuse me. I've been all over town. I can't find a charger for this.
charger [ˈtʃɑːdʒə(r)] n. 充电器;
- 让我查查看 - 谢谢
- Well, let me check. - Thanks.
别来无恙啊 萨维恩?
How you doing, Savrinn?
Where's your girl?
她在做她的事 行吗?
She's doing her job, all right?
Filing a petition down at the courts. She'll...
file [faɪl] n. 文件; 档案 v. 把(文件等)归档; 提起(诉讼); 提出(申请);
She'll be at my place in about an hour.
看 很容易吧
See, that was easy.
I shouldn't have to chase you down to get that information.
chase [tʃeɪs] v. 追赶; 追逐; 
chase down (搜寻后)找到,找出
Why don't you just take a step back?
step back 退后;
你为什么不想想你在跟谁讲话 我是为谁工作的?
And why don't you remember who you're talking to, who I work for?
You need to keep an eye on Veronica Donovan.
keep an eye on 注意; 留意
不是偶尔盯着 是一直给我盯着
Not some of the time, all of the time.
'Cause pretty soon, we're gonna call in our favor,
favor [ˈfeɪvə] n. 喜爱; 偏爱; 善行,恩惠
call in 寻求帮忙或咨询; 用电话沟通; 用电话订购; 召回; 用电话报告
unless you want to go back on our deal.
go back on 不遵守(诺言)
- 我懂了 - 很好
- No. - Good.
Be in touch.
be in touch 联系; 保持联系
Haywire, did you take your meds?
med 在这里是medicine的缩写

Well, come on.
You got something in your teeth again.
要别人回忆往事可以 但自己也得小心点儿 迈克尔
You should be careful when you tell people to remember things, Michael.
Because I remember everything now.
I remember how you set me up!
set up 陷害; 
How you smashed your own head
smash [smæʃ] v. 打碎; (使)猛烈撞击
and had me sent back here.
I also
remember this.
The pathway.
Your map.
Your escape.
- 给我 - 别.别
- Give me that. - Don't. Don't.
现在 你是要我把这撕了...
Now, do I tear this up
tear up 撕开;
...还是告诉我 何时 何地开始你的越狱行动?
or do you tell me exactly where and when you're doing this?
- 从地下室开始 - 好
- It starts in the basement. - Okay.
basement [ˈbeɪsmənt] n. 地下室
This line leads from the hatch in the coal room, to this pipe system here,
hatch [hætʃ] v. 孵出; n. 舱口; 舱门
system [ˈsɪstəm] n. 体系; 系统;
and that runs to the infirmary.
infirmary [ɪnˈfɜːməri] n. 医院; 医务室
That's how we'll get out.
I just need to get out of psych ward to set things up.
But three days after I'm gone,
I'll come back up through the basement and get you out.
come up 出现; 走近; 从地下冒出
You're just telling me what I want to hear.
不 我没有
No, I'm not.
I need you to let me get us out of here.
I need you to trust me.
如果你再陷害我 我会杀了你
If you try to screw me over again I'll kill you.
screw over 欺骗; 剥削

嘿 进展怎么样?
Hey. How did it go?
how did it go 怎么样
Filing the petition was easy,
但能否通过 那就是另一回事儿了
getting it approved, that's a whole 'nother story.
approve [əˈpruːv] v. 赞成; 同意; 批准
- 你找到充电器了? - 哦 是的
- You found the charger? - Oh, yeah.
Why didn't you plug it in?
plug [plʌɡ] n. 插头; v. 堵塞; 插入; 接插头
plug in 给…接通(电源)
我只是在 嗯...在想些其它的事情
I was just, uh...just thinking for a minute.
- 想什么? - 没什么
- About what? - Nothing.
- 看来有事做了 - 什么?
- We're in business. - What is it?
be in business 准备就绪
他的整本电话簿都还在 总共322个号码
His entire phone book is still in here, 322 numbers.
没空位了 旁边等等
No open seats. Gotta wait.
西诺 押还是不押?
C- Note, crap or get off the pot.
crap [kræp] n. 废话; 屎; v. 拉屎
pot [pɒt] n. 锅; 底池(每一个牌局里众人已押上的筹码总额,也即该局的奖金数目)
get off 离开;
shit/crap or get off the pot 不要占着茅坑不拉屎(赶紧做决定)
I'm thinking.
嘿 我们这不是在加拿大扑克邀请赛上玩
We ain't betting on CPT here, man.
你要么跟 要么滚开让位置
Either you gonna see his bet or you can go outside
去搞个囚犯大游行什么的 随你怎么搞
and Million Con March or whatever your people do.
con [kɒn] n. 诡计; 罪犯
march [mɑːtʃ] v. 齐步走; 行进; (坚定地向某地)前进,进发; 使同行; 强迫(某人)一起走 n. 示威游行; 抗议游行; 行进; 行军; 稳步发展; 稳步前进
Million Con March在谷歌搜索到"Million Man March"(1995年10月16日百万非裔美国人游行), 应该两者意思一样
不管你选择哪一种 快做决定就是了 伙计
Either way, get on with it, son.
either way 无论两种情况中的哪一种; 无论如何
get on with sth 开始或继续做某事
I'm in.
三张Q娘么 你的呢?
Three bitches, bitches. What you holding?
You tell me.
- 满堂红 - 满堂红?
- Full house. - A full house?
full house 在这里有双重含义。它既是扑克术语,指“一手三张同一点数牌加两张同一点数牌”,也是指“挤满人的房子”。
这东西 墨西哥人应该非常熟悉 嗯 小子?
That's a concept a Mexican should be quite familiar with, eh, Jesus?
concept [ˈkɒnsept] n. 概念; 观念
Mexican [ˈmeksɪkən] adj. 墨西哥的 n. 墨西哥人
She said what?
She said, in unequivocal terms,
unequivocal [ˌʌnɪˈkwɪvəkl] adj. 表达明确的; 毫不含糊的; 斩钉截铁的
that I was not to move on Burrows.
不管他们有何计划 和我们的肯定不一样
Whatever their agenda is with Burrows, it is not the same as ours.
This whole business with his father,
it interferes with the one thing that we set out to do in the first place.
interfere [ˌɪntəˈfɪə(r)] v. 干涉;
in the first place 起初; 一开始; 
set out 出发; (怀着目标)开始工作,展开任务;
使我们对林肯·布伦斯的 一切行程安排落空
Put Lincoln Burrows in the ground.
put in the ground 杀
只要他活着 你就只能等着认输 而不是公司
If he lives, you're the one that stands to lose, not the Company.
stand to lose 极有可能失去或被剥夺(某物); 忍受失去(某物)
They get themselves another candidate,
candidate [ˈkændɪdət] n. 候选人
and you're the one that suffers the brunt of it.
suffer [ˈsʌfə(r)] v. 受苦; 遭受; 
brunt [brʌnt] n. 冲击
Then maybe it's time we broke ranks.
rank [ræŋk] n. 地位,级别; 
break ranks (队伍、组织的成员等)违反指令,抗命
如果我们那么做 他们将不再支持你的竞选 这你是知道的
We do that, they pull support for the campaign. You know that, don't you?
support [səˈpɔːt] v. 支持; n. 支持; 拥护; 资助;
campaign [kæmˈpeɪn] n. 运动; 竞选
前提是...如果被他们知道 保罗
That is, if they know, Paul.
嗯! 闻闻这些钱的味道 得来一对J或者更好 来三个就赢了
Smell that kitty. Jacks or better, Trips to win.
kitty [ˈkɪti] n. 共同凑集的一笔钱; 全部赌注; 猫咪;
jack [dʒæk] n. 千斤顶; J牌; 杰克
最后一手了 我今天已经输得不耐烦了
Last hand. I'm tired of losing all my money today.
- 你那有多少? - 不知道 300上下
- How much you up? - I don't know. $300.
- 疼吗? - 什么?
- Does it hurt? - What?
你屁股上的马蹄铁 (意指狗屎运)
The horseshoe up your ass.
horseshoe [ˈhɔːsʃuː] n. 马蹄铁
horseshoe up one's ass 运气格外好
今天运气很好 乒乓小子
Rather be lucky than good, ping-pong.
rather be lucky than good 比起靠实力成功, 我更喜欢靠运气
Misdeal. Bury the card.
伙计 我不在乎你有没看到我的牌
Man, I don't care if you all saw my card.
是啊 你当然不在乎
Yeah, I bet you don't.
弃牌吧 毛小子
Bury the card, young blood.
young blood 毛头小子; 年轻的非裔美国人
嘿 冷静点 老头 白皮发牌这么烂又不是我的错
Hey, chill, wrinkles. Ain't my fault saltine here got a sloppy deal.
chill [tʃɪl] v. 使冰冷; 冷静,放松
wrinkle [ˈrɪŋkl] n. (尤指脸上的)皱纹;
fault [fɔːlt] n. 责任; 过错; 
saltine [sɔːlˈtiːn] n. 苏打饼干; 盐饼干; 对白人的贬称
sloppy [ˈslɒpi] adj. 马虎的; 凌乱的; 草率的;
啊 没必要这样
Aw, that there was just uncalled for.
uncalled [ʌnˈkɔːld] adj. 不必要的;未被召唤的
好吧 听着 要不这么做
Now, all right. You know what? I'll tell you what.
I/I'll tell you what 这样吧; 我有个主意,你听我说
我重新洗牌 你们也不要太孩子脾气了
I'm gonna deal another hand, you gonna be such a baby about it.
发错牌 就得弃牌 把牌发完
On a misdeal, you bury the card, finish out the hand.
House rules.
house rules 仅在特定场所(如特定赌场)或仅在特定玩家群体中使用的游戏规则
有好消息 林肯
I have some good news for you, Linc.
不知怎的 你的律师的申请通过了
Somehow, your lawyer's petition went through.
somehow [ˈsʌmhaʊ] adv. 不知为什么; 不知怎么地
go through 穿过; 获得批准; 取得成功; 
The Department of Corrections is allowing you a one-hour visit with your son.
department [dɪˈpɑːtmənt] n. 部;
correction [kəˈrekʃn] n. 改正; 惩罚; 处罚; 
我还从没见过有这种优待 从没有
I've never seen one of these granted before, ever.
grant [ɡrɑːnt] v. 同意,准予
Good lawyers.
No lawyer's that good.
I'll make the travel arrangements,
arrangement [əˈreɪndʒmənt] n. 安排;
but this is not going to be a ride in the country.
你照样会被铐住 并有人全副武装看守
You're gonna be y-cuffed, and the men are gonna be heavily armed.
y-cuff 手铐或脚铐中间还有连接一条铁链, 形成Y形状铐住
I don't want any problems.
不会的 我只想见见我的儿子
There won't be, I just want to see my son.
I'll bet all I got.
You better have some aces shoved up there with that horseshoe,
shove [ʃʌv] v. 猛推; 乱挤;
否则我赢定了 跟还是不跟?
or that pot's mine. You in or out?
I'm in.
And I raise you $74.
I said I only got $82 left.
Well, then I guess you're out of luck.
You never heard of a gentleman's game?
gentleman [ˈdʒentlmən] n. 彬彬有礼的人; 君子; 先生
是的 我听说过 但这次不算
Yes, I have, but this ain't it.
要不要借点钱? 向你手下问问
You want to borrow some money? Ask your boys.
我今天是来这里赢钱的 老兄
But I'm in here to make money, bro.
bro [brəʊ] n. 兄(或弟); 哥们儿,伙计
你想要福利 最好投票给民主党
You want welfare, you'd better vote Democrat.
welfare [ˈwelfeə(r)] n. 福利
vote [vəʊt] n. 选票; v. 投票
Democrat [ˈdeməkræt] 民主党
If you know what's good for you,
you'll stay away from me in the yard.
You think you're smarter than me?
不! 不! 不 不 不!
No, no, no!
有条通道 不 有条通道! 有条通道!
Okay, there's a pathway. No, there's a pathway! There's a pathway!
他想逃跑! 他想逃跑 这就是他的地图
Look, he's trying to escape! He's trying to escape. This is his map!
He set me up!
Zap him!
zap [zæp] v. (突然而猛烈地)毁坏,杀死,打击;
There he is.
嘿 老大 你掉了点东西
Hey, boss. I think you dropped something, man.
这里有500 什么时候让我搬进去?
That's half a G-note. So when do I move in?
G-note 1000美元
- 不用搬 - 什么?
- You don't. - What?
拜托 头儿 我们说好的
Oh, come on, chief, now, we had a deal.
chief [tʃiːf] adj. 主要的; 最高级别的; n. 首领,头目
新价 涨到700了
Renegotiation, the price is $700 now.
renegotiation [renɪɡəʊʃ'ɪeɪʃn] 重新谈判;
这样太说不过去了 我已经给你500了
That ain't right. I just gave you $500.
What you gave me was a down payment.
payment [ˈpeɪmənt] n. 付款; 款项;
down payment 首付; 定金
如果你支付不了余下部分 那么...
If you can't come up with the rest, well. . .
come up with 想出; 设法拿出
不 不 不 不 不! 等 等 等 稍等一会儿
No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait. Just hold on. One minute, all right?
hold on 抓住; 等;
Oh, man, he's trying to shake us down.
shake [ʃeɪk] v. 摇动; n. 奶昔
shake down 勒索; 定居; 抖掉; 搜身
- 我需要你的表 - 没门儿
- I'm gonna need that watch. - Not an option.
听着 你是宁可在这里看你女儿的照片呢
Look, would you rather be looking at a picture of your daughter
or holding her in your arms once you get outside?
听着 伙计 老头儿欠我些钱
Hey, look, man, Father Time owed me a few bones.
owe [əʊ] v. 欠
Father Time 时间的化身或死神(通常被描绘成一位披着斗篷的白胡子老人,经常拿着镰刀和沙漏)
He gave me this in trade.
That should be more than enough to cover it.
嗯 还不赖
Eh, not bad.
问题是已经有人出价700要那个房间了 看来你不走运
Your problem is somebody already gave me $700 for the cell, so, you're S. O. L.
S. O. L. shit outta luck(非常倒霉)的缩写, outta = out of
不! 嘿 等等! 等等! 等等!
No! No! Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Look.
So you're just gonna take my money and walk?
是啊 写信去投诉我吧
Yeah, well, write to your congressman.
congressman [ˈkɒŋɡrəsmən] n. (美)国会议员(尤指美众议院议员)
Oh, come on!
恩 他们说你想跟我谈谈
Hi. They said you wanted to talk to me.
是的 是啊
Yeah, yeah.

I made you something.
It's an ashtray.
ashtray [ˈæʃtreɪ] n. 烟灰缸
I don't smoke.
是 我知道 但他们只让我们做这个和珠宝
Yeah, I know. But, uh, they only let us make these and jewelry,
jewelry [ˈdʒuːəlri] n. 珠宝饰物
and I didn't figure you for the macaroni necklace type.
macaroni [ˌmækəˈrəʊni] n. 通心粉; 空心面; 通心面
真好! 嗯...
It's very sweet.
Uh...how about we talk about how you're doing?
我想 你和我都知道 我不应该呆这里
I think we both know I don't belong here.
I don't remember much about that night,
但被关单独禁闭的时候 一定是记忆断裂了
but being locked up in ad seg, something must've snapped.
lock up 囚禁; 关押;
snap [snæp] v. 断裂,绷断;
我想说的是 我已经干了很多的手工艺活
What I'm trying to say is, I think I've had enough of arts and crafts.
craft [krɑːft] n. 手艺; 工艺;
But that's your call.
one's call 某人自己决定
这里的医生确实是说 你表现还不错
And the doctors here do say that you've been acting fine.
问题是 如果你不告诉狱长是谁烫伤了你
The problem is that if you don't tell the Pope who burned you,
pope [pəʊp] n. 教皇
he's gonna lock you back up in ad seg.
几天以后 你可能又会被送回来
And after a couple days of that, you're gonna be right back here.
迈克尔 我很不愿看到在你身上发生的一切 以及你坐在这儿
Michael, I hate what happened to you, and I hate that you're here.
But you have got to let me help you.
If you want to get out of psych ward, and stay out,
stay out 在外面
you've got to tell the Pope the truth about that burn.
换洗衣物了 朋友们
Out with the old, in with the new, cons.
out with the old, in with the new 除旧迎新
你室友让我给你捎个信儿 哥
I got a message from your cellie, bro.
他说他没事儿 并努力填补空白
He says he's okay and he's trying to fill in the blanks.
他说他正在尝试 还是说已经填好了?
Did he say he's trying, or that he already got the blanks filled in?
我不知道 我没写下来
Yo, man, I don't know. I didn't write it down.
好吧 你告诉他 我已经把洞填平了
Okay. Now you gotta tell him that I filled in the hole.
好 好 我已经厌烦了你的秘密和口信儿
Yeah, yeah, I'm done with your little secrets and messages, bro.
I saw Scofield's back.
他背部被烫伤的部分 和警服的那一块是同一个位置
He's got a burn in the same spot as the burn in that guard's shirt.
我不知道你在干什么 但我已经有点头绪了
I don't know what you're doing but I have an idea, huh?
除非你告诉我发生了什么事 否则我不帮你了
And I'm through helping you until you tell me what's going on.
what is going on 发生什么事了; 怎么一回事;
我不能告诉你 兄弟
I can't, bro.
那祝你好运吧 老大
Then good luck in the hole, jefe.
jefe ['heɪfeɪ] 头儿
不 不 不 不 不! 等 等
No, no, no! Wait, wait.
Who's that?
是林肯 兄弟
That's Linc, bro.
- 判死刑的林肯? - 是的
- Linc the Sink? - Yeah.
Come here.
I think we can work something out.
work something out 与某人达成协议;和某人一起想办法做某事
我想说的是 在我离开这儿之前 加里会付出代价的 相信我
All I can say is, before I get out of here, Geary will pay. Believe that.
如果维修部换新了斯科菲尔德的马桶 谁都走不了
No one's getting out of here if maintenance goes to replacing Scofield's toilet.
maintenance [ˈmeɪntənəns] n. 维护;
我有办法帮你们 解决斯科菲尔德的问题
I got a way to help you with your Scofield problem.
你说什么 瘦竹竿?
What'd you say, slim?
slim [slɪm] adj. 苗条的; 纤细的;
I said I got a way to help you with. . .
Who the hell said we had a problem?
冷静点 老兄 放轻松
It's cool, man. Relax.
Lincoln and Sucre told me everything.
What in the hell did they tell you?
Exactly, what did they tell you?
什么都说了 他们说 我可以和你们一起
Everything. They said I can come with you, you know,
提前假释 如果我能帮你们 把迈克尔弄出精神病区的话
on early parole, if I can help get the Fish out of psych.
parole [pəˈrəʊl] n. 假释; 
把我们当什么了 纽约地铁A线吗? 你以为谁都能上我们的火车?
What are we, the A train? Everyone gets to ride with us?
the A train 源自纽约市的地铁A线。这条地铁线路连接了布鲁克林和曼哈顿,是纽约地铁系统的一部分。用"A train"作比喻,通常是指某种东西或某个群体能够快速、便捷地接纳大量人,就像地铁一样
在我给你一拳之前 先给我滚蛋?
Why don't you take a walk, before I give you a smack?
take a walk 散步; 走开
smack [smæk] v. 用巴掌打 n. 打巴掌; (打的)一拳;
You got another solution to our situation?
situation [ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn] n. 情况; 状况;
I didn't think so.
我 我堂哥还有林肯...想了个法子
Me and my cuz and Lincoln came up with something.
cuz ['kəz] n. cousin 堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹
Now, it can work, but it's risky.
risky [ˈrɪski] adj. 有危险(或风险)的
准备好离开这鱼缸了吗 小鱼儿?
You ready to get out of this aquarium, Fish?
aquarium [əˈkweəriəm] n. 养鱼缸; 水族馆
Assure me I'll be protected.
assure [əˈʃʊə(r)] v. 使确信; 向…保证; 弄清; 查明; 确保; 使确定
迈克尔 你已经够了解我了 你知道我会怎么做
Michael, you know me well enough by now. Such assurances are not necessary.
assurance [əˈʃʊərəns] n. 保证;
恕我直言 狱长
With all due respect, Warden,
all due respect 恕我直言
如果当初安全措施够好的话 那样的事就不会发生了
if I had been protected in the first place, none of this would have happened.
A name.
- 加里 - 加里?
- Geary. - Geary?
他想尽办法从我们这捞钱 不择手段
He shakes cons down for money, anything he can get his hands on.
他知道我上过大学 所以他理所当然认为我...
He knew I went to college, so he must've. . .
He must've thought I was rich or something.
总之 当 嗯...
Anyway, when, uh...
anyway [ˈeniweɪ] adv. 反正;
我付不出钱的时候 他用一只手把我摁住
when I couldn't pay up, he held me down with one arm,
pay up (不情愿地)清偿,付清
and burned me with the other.
我不知道他用什么烫的 但...
I don't know what he used, but...
it was hot as hell.
真是让人诧异啊 又接不通
What a surprise. Disconnected.
disconnect [ˌdɪskəˈnekt] v. 切断(煤气、水或电的供应); 切断(电话服务);
250个商用电话 72个家用电话 遍布50个州...
Two-hundred and fifty businesses, 72 residences, covering all 50 states.
residence [ˈrezɪdəns] n. 住所
伦敦 马提尼克岛 雅加达 达喀尔...
London, Martinique, Jakarta, Dakar.
Martinique [ˌmɑːtɪˈniːk] n. 马提尼克岛(西印度群岛中法属一岛)
Jakarta [dʒəˈkɑːtə] n. 雅加达(印尼首都)
Dakar [ˈdækə] n. 达喀尔(塞内加尔首都)
All the numbers out of service.
魁恩一失踪 几天内他们就把数据全部销毁了
As soon as Quinn disappeared, they must've erased the paper trail within days.
erase [ɪˈreɪz] v. 清除; 
trail [treɪl] n. (长串的)痕迹,踪迹,足迹;
paper trail 记录某人活动的档案
Is there anything they can't do?
My P. I. Buddy in DC.
What if I send him all this,
see if he can make a connection between the numbers?
connection [kəˈnekʃn] n. 联系,关联; 
I'll tell him I need it ASAP.
Thank you.
没什么大不了的 我会连夜把所有这些东西寄给他
Oh, it's no big deal. I'll just overnight him all this stuff.
no big deal 没什么大不了
overnight [ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt , ˈəʊvənaɪt] adv. 在夜间; v. 晚上运送(货物), 以便第二天到达
stuff [stʌf] n. 东西
不是 是为了所有你做的事
No. For everything.
和我在一起 共同努力
For hanging in there, keeping me going.
hang in there 坚持下去; 别泄气;
- 谢谢 - 没事
- Thank you. - Sure.
Guy with a six ERA, signs for four mil a year.
ERA是个缩写=(Earned Run Average)是棒球里的术语, ERA 6是水平很差的级别(ERA越低越好, 4算不错, 3是优秀, 2非常好, 高于5是很差)
sign [saɪn] n. 迹象; v. 签(名); 和…签约(或应聘); 
mil [mɪl] 同 million; 一百万
工作干得遭透了 却还能加薪
Sucks at his job, he still gets a raise.
suck [sʌk] v. 吮吸; 非常糟糕; 让人不愉快
你也干得很遭 你也向狱长要求加薪啊
You suck at your job. You should ask the Pope for a raise.
Very funny.
狱长 什么风把你吹来了?
Warden, what brings you to our little clubhouse?
clubhouse [ˈklʌbhaʊs] n. (尤指体育)俱乐部会所
嘿 是什么...?
Hey, what gives?
嘿 这是我爸给我的
Hey, that was a gift from my old man.
old man 老爸; 老公
Since when is your name Charles and your dad's name Ann?
我是被冤枉的 我什么也没干!
This is a railroad. I didn't do nothing!
railroad [ˈreɪlrəʊd] n. 铁路; 铁路公司 v. 迫使…仓促行事; 强迫…做; 强使…草率(或草草)通过; 轻率判处
别像看罪犯那样看着我 你也不是个好东西
Don't look at me like I'm some con. You're as crooked as scoliosis.
crooked [krʊkt , ˈkrʊkɪd] adj. 扭曲的; 不诚实的
scoliosis [ˌskəʊliˈəʊsɪs] n. 脊柱侧弯; 脊柱侧凸
I don't get caught.
When we get there,
我会卸下你的手铐 让你戴上四件套
I'll take you out of the y-cuffs and put you in a four-piece.
Y-cuffs: 指Y型手铐,这是一种用于限制囚犯活动的手铐,通常连接手和腰部。
four-piece: 指的是一种更为严格的约束装置,通常包括手铐、脚镣和连接手脚的链子,总共四个部分,用来限制囚犯的活动。
Got it?
明白了 头儿
Got it, boss.
你乖一点 我也不会拿你怎么着 明白吗?
You play nice, I play nice. Understand?
play nice 表现友好
Got it.
她在这儿 我正看着她
She's here. I've got her.
斯科菲尔德 重新回到普通监区
Scofield for re-admission to Gen pop.
- 欢迎回家 - 谢谢
- Welcome home. - Thanks.
Never thought I'd be so glad to be back in my cell.
嗯 狱长要我把这个交给你
Um... pope...wanted me to give you this.
What the hell are you staring at, anyway?
stare [steə(r)] v. 盯着看; 凝视;

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年12月31日 09:34:17
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